Chi wanting wants to open the window, but the window is so strong that it can't be opened at all. In desperation, she has to give up. Facing the unknown danger, Chi wanting is indifferent. She is dead. Why do she care so much?

So she took out a little food left and began to fill her hunger with the water on the table.

In this way, a strange ghost ship carrying a mysterious girl through the desert, I do not know how long, I do not know where, the ship slowed down and began to sink.

Chi wanting found that the ship had gone into a cave. From a distance, the ship seemed to sink in the desert and disappear out of thin air.


Chen Nan and others enter the cave. There are a row of upward stone ladders in the cave. There are many fluorescent stones on the wall of the cave. They are almost taken away by Tiejing and huijue in front of them. Chen Nan picks a few and gives them to Jingxian to reserve.

The entrance of the cave is not very long. After walking about tens of meters, we came out of the cave. Everyone was shocked by the scene. Is this the palace that disappeared in the desert?

In front of them, there is a huge round Island tens of meters deep, surrounded by green river water. The island is surrounded by clouds and brilliant lights. In the clouds, it is a huge golden palace. On the door of the palace, there are four magnificent gilded ancient words Qinglian hall, which are as if hidden or visible.

In front of their standing position is a row of downward stone steps. The stone steps zigzag downward. On both sides are vividly carved terracotta figures and beauties in palace costumes. Each of these maids holds a stone plate. Inside the plate is a shining night pearl. The bright light reflects the steps like a ladder.

The lower part of the steps is a stone house with octagonal eaves and green tiles. Through the stone house is a small bridge with misty clouds. After passing the bridge, there is a hazy mist. In the middle of the mist is the Qinglian hall surrounded by floating clouds. Several gilded characters of Qinglian hall appear and disappear in the clouds. The whole island is made of glass, like a fairyland. Even the aura seems to be much stronger than the outside world.

"Good, good!"

Tiejinglian said three good words, but he was still worried about the danger. After all, what happened just now made him more alert. He looked at chennan and said: "little brother, you go down first!"

In the first two times, Tiejing and huijue were in the front. This time it was chennan's turn, but he didn't care much. He took the lead to walk down the stone ladder. Although Jingxian doesn't contact chennan for a long time, she has gone through life and death several times. Even Jingxian doesn't realize that she seems to have some attachment to chennan, so she follows chennan down the stone steps.

Tie Jing and his disciples followed closely. It seemed that the death of the disciple had no effect on abbess huijue. His face was excited and he went down the stone steps. He almost forgot that he had a nephew.

The steps are very high and steep, hovering in the air and extending down to the ground. At the turning point in front of them, there is a terracotta figure in palace costume, holding the night pearl in hand, with a devout expression, as if welcoming them.

Seeing that there was no danger, tie Jing immediately patted the disciple beside him. Tie Jing's disciple didn't get the night pearl before, so he couldn't wait. In order not to let Chen Nan or Jing Xian get the night pearl first, he immediately surpassed them and rushed to the figurine beauty first, reaching for the night pearl. It's just that he just rushed to the beauty of the figurine, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed. The scene made everyone's heart beat faster and excited.

I don't know when a resplendent palace appeared in front of me. The gilded boxes were shining with gorgeous gold. They were full of glittering and dazzling Jadeites, gems and pearls. Boxes of gold were shining, which made people's blood flow back and almost suffocated.

On both sides of these treasures are a number of beautiful maids with towering hair bun. They all smile and show their courtesies to everyone. It seems that they are welcoming them. If the gorgeous woman is in front of her, Tiejing's disciple looks silly. For a moment, he walks towards the beauty with a silly smile.

Not only other people, but also Chen Nan, a well-informed person, was stunned by the sight. His heart beat faster unconsciously. No one was not moved by so many treasures. At the same time, some people fell into a state of obsession and frenzy.

After a moment of shock and ecstasy, Tiejing takes the lead to react, and the hand hook in his hand runs to chennan's back without hesitation.

People's greed is endless. In fact, so many treasures are enough for them to share. However, tie Jing only wants to enjoy the treasures and beauties by himself at the moment. So he wants to attack chennan secretly, kill him and then treat abbess Fu huijue. In this way, all the treasures and beauties will be his. At this time, he had already forgotten the agreement of looking for treasure together and dividing the treasure into three parts.

His wishful thinking crackled. He thought he was quick enough, but he didn't know that abbess huijue was not slower than him at all. She had already killed him. Moreover, she was a woman, naturally immune to beautiful women, and her reaction was faster than Tiejing. See him to Chen South start, the long sword in the hand more don't neglect, once rowed the light of a death, stabbed past to the heart of iron Jing.

Chen Nan is different from them. He not only kills countless people, but also goes through countless lives and deaths. His insight is far beyond their ability. Besides, he has also taken tianzhiguo, and his concentration is far beyond ordinary people. Just a little shocked, he reflects that everything in front of him is not a treasure, but an illusion. The divine sense sweeps out and finds the night pearl just now, and the night pearl is in that name Under the disciples, there are colorful lights."Seven colored glazed lamps!"

No wonder the picture is so vivid. It turned out to be a legendary treasure. The function of the colorful glass cup is like a projector, which can put the existing pictures into the space. However, what is better than a projector is that it does not need a screen, and can directly put the pictures into the space to form a realistic three-dimensional effect. It can be said that this thing is very valuable.

Chen Nan reaches out his hand to take a picture of the seven colored glazed lamps and sweeps them into the space of the yuan virtual belt. Almost at the same time, he felt the attack from Tiejing behind.

Iron Jing's skill Chen Nan has seen, if the normal fight with him, Chen Nan thinks that he may not be able to beat him, but this guy himself to death, unexpectedly attack himself.

Chen Nan body in a flash to avoid the attack range of the long sword, the long sword in the hand is fast as lightning to iron Jing.

Tiejing doesn't pay attention to chennan at all, and because it's a sneak attack, he thinks the sword must hit, but he doesn't expect the sword to go empty. When he reacts, chennan's long sword has arrived.

The leakage of the house happened to be in continuous rain. Almost at the same time, tie Jing felt the killing intention behind him. He knew that abbess huijue had sneaked on him. If it was a sneak attack, he could avoid it. The two sneak attacks made him not react for a moment. Just when he was in a trance of surprise, two long swords almost ran through his chest at the same time. Pity the prefecture level high official who wanted to take the treasure for himself He took the lead to go to the yellow spring.

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