If you expect it to be right, with the birth of Qinglian, there will be an ancient hall rising in the desert. So huijue and Tiejing can come in. But the Wei family failed to find it many times because Qinglian was not born, so they couldn't come in at all. If they could come in, they were just chasing the fox.

After reading the stone tablet, Chen Nan shakes his head. The so-called immortality is just a walking corpse, not a real eternal life.

What he didn't know was that when the Yueshi kingdom was defeated, they were chased and fled to this place. It was just at the moment when the Qinglian hall was born. That sacred force made those seriously injured Yueshi people recover instantly. At that time, a wizard of Yueshi state discovered the Qinglian hidden in the Qinglian hall through his special ability. A month later, the Qinglian hall disappeared by itself.

Such a magical thing was immediately recorded by the Yue clan, where they built houses to survive. A hundred years later, the Qinglian temple was born again, and many of the people's diseases were cured. Once the dead people were sent to the nearby Qinglian temple, they also got immortality. Whether they became zombies or not, they did live.

According to the records of the ancestors, the descendants of the Yueshi Kingdom regarded Qinglian as a sacred object. They built large-scale buildings around the Qinglian hall, dedicated to the protection of Qinglian in the Qinglian hall, and sealed the zombies in the stone wall with witchcraft. Only in this way can chennan see the scene. However, with a long history and loose prohibition, some strangers broke in. The zombies smelled the breath of strangers and rushed out He was imprisoned, and then completely destroyed by chennan, while the descendants of Yueshi kingdom were completely destroyed after the ghost slave's master accidentally broke into here.

Since he was regarded as a sacred object by the Moon Clan, chennan was more curious. He looked up again at this magnificent palace out of thin air. Several gilded characters in Qinglian hall were shining and stood out of thin air, implying the rhyme of Taoism. Chennan looked for a moment, and suddenly realized the problems that were difficult to understand in his daily practice.

Chen Nan is more surprised than happy. He goes to the hall of Qinglian, but Chi wanting doesn't know about it.

Entering the main hall, a huge light ball blocked in front of him. He couldn't see anything clearly inside. Chennan reached out and touched it. Although the light ball was shaped like plastic, it was extremely hard. Chennan took out a pistol and shot with a bang. The light ball didn't react.

Chen Nan came forward to have a look, the bullet didn't even leave a trace on it. At the moment, he took a cold breath. How can such a hard thing get in? Is it artificial or natural.

He suddenly thought of the record on the stone tablet that the Qinglian hall appeared once every 100 years. Since the main hall appeared naturally, the ball of light should be born with heaven and earth, and it can only be opened with magic weapons.

The remnant gun is obtained in the space of Yuan virtual belt. Should it be regarded as a magic weapon? Chen South will remnant gun hold in hand, exhale to open a voice, a gun hits. The light ball didn't make any sound, a wide gap appeared in front of us, and the gap was quickly closing.

Chennan hurriedly flashed in. At the moment he entered, the arc-shaped light ball behind him was completely closed, as if the crack had never existed. The inner part was a gray and bright space, in which several dragon pillars stood, as if they were straight to the sky. They could not see the top at all. An ancient and wasteful breath came, as if it had existed for tens of thousands of years.

Just ahead is a row of simple jade steps, a total of 9981 steps. Above the steps is a high platform, which also exudes the breath of ancient times. The fog around the high platform, and there is a booming sound in the fog. Standing in front of the high platform, chennan seemed to be in the beginning of chaos, surrounded by the open and distant atmosphere of ancient wilderness.

Now his divine sense has been able to extend thousands of meters, but after the divine sense is swept out, it is like a stone sinking into the sea, as if the grand hall is endless. What's more strange is that the hall seems to be changing, sometimes big and sometimes small, making people feel like floating in the void, rootless and helpless.

Chennan walked up the high platform along the simple stone steps and looked at the fog. After a moment, he realized that it was a natural array that closed the whole area. Moreover, chennan couldn't see through the array, so his understanding of the array could not be broken.

Feeling that his cultivation is too low at the same time, Chen Nan goes along with the voice, and soon sees that he is fighting against a ghost slave with black bead. Every time the black bead attacks the big array, it makes a loud noise.

It seems that the ghost slave has arrived at the critical moment. He has never heard of chennan's arrival. He attacks the array with black bead magic weapon more fiercely. Every time he attacks the array, the whole array shakes and ripples around.

Ghost slave once said that his master can't get Qinglian because there is a natural array here, but he just found the weakness of this array. Maybe what he is attacking now is the weakness of this array and is ready to break it.

In fact, the ghost slave's words are just conjectures. Most of the time, the heavenly and earthly treasures can not be obtained by strength, but by chance. Some spiritual treasures need to recognize the owner of the treasure, and you can't have them when you get them.

Chen Nan also wants to see what the four-color green lotus is, so he is not in a hurry to deal with the ghost slave. He attacks the array prohibition there.

After another incense burning time, the hazy mist makes a click sound. It seems that the space is breaking. Chennan understands that the array is about to break. Sure enough, after the ghost slave sacrifices the black bead again, "boom" makes a loud noise, and the fog disappears. Everything in front of him is clear. The strange scene makes chennan dumbfounded.In front of us is a huge pale white light ball, and inside the light ball is a gray chaotic space. Above this chaotic area, the void actually split a hole out of thin air, and a white water slowly flows down.

Under the white water, there is a hole in the void. A black water flows upward strangely. Here, the rules of heaven and earth seem to be inapplicable. The black water below goes up, and the white water above goes down. Two streams merge into a pale golden water in the middle, flowing slowly in the void, and finally converging into a small pool in the void.

In the middle of the pond, there is a green lotus in full bloom. The green lotus has five leaves, four flowers and four colors. It is blooming vigorously and does not form lotus seeds.

Looking from the outside to the inside of the photosphere, it seems that this is an independent chaotic space, in which everything is independent of the influence of the earth, and it is a wonder.

The water flows up, the fountain comes out in the air, and it can also gather in the air to form a pond. The green lotus grows in the pond again. Chennan has opened her eyes to this kind of unusual spectacle.

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