I don't own anything except my oc's

Hi, my name is Momoshiki Ethereal but people call me Shiki. I know I was named after an alien don't blame me! Anyways I am about to tell you a very funny, interesting story.

It was a cold raining day the clouds looked as if it was angry with the earth soaking its inhabitant with its rage.

The Earth received its anger so the land was drenched.

A cold raining day indeed, but could all these Signify a Change...Well, I think it did cause on That Day.




Well, That was Anticlimactic, apparently, Truck + Drunk driver + wet road + Me = Death or in other words truck-sama, who would have guessed.

Well, you may be wondering what happens now well,

In a very bright room, you see a person on the floor well this is our MC.

How did he get here, why is he here, well you are about to find out?

Shiki POV

''what the fuċk I feel like I was hit by a bus and who turn on the light''.(He said while Standing Up Groggily)

My headaches I feel so light what happened

Then Suddenly it hit him like Truck-Kun






''Why am I here''

''What happened?''

''Is this heaven ''

''Then where is GOD''

''Well I am right behind you'' (Came to a voice from behind him)

Shiki: ''WTF God is that you''

He sees a white light beginning to take the shape of a man.

God: ''Yeah kid it is me God How are you doing''

''Well besides me dying I am doing well Almighty''

God: 'That is good''

Shiki then walked a few steps forward he kept walking suddenly he stopped smiled and did the one thing nobody expected he suddenly.




''Almighty God I am sorry for all the pȯrn I have watched especially the nun types I can't help my fetish I am sorry for jerking off to the brides of Jesus please forgive I don't want to go to hell please God.''




''HAHAHA HAHAHA!!!'' (God Laughed Heartily)

Shiki was confused

God: ''KID I HAVENT LAUGHED LIKE THAT IN CENTURIES. Well Forget about that Just think about it as compensation for me Killing You"


"I am so confused"

God: "I should explain."

''Look there are several universes out there that I have created but there were some that humans created I know that you are shocked but listen. ''

''I gave humans what is called the free will to think but when humans think telly produce particular energy that is called dream energy I know it sounds cheesy but that is what I named it. ''

''This energy is pure and gentle but it is also deadly because it can create what You guys call A Big Bang"

''This then creates universes and worlds that were originally just a thought or a dream or what you guys call anime and fan fiction to become real. ''

''Do you get that?''

He was confused but decided to take charge

"Ok God I understand but where do I fall in this I wouldn't be here unless you needed me and I find that hard to believe."

God: "Well you are correct kid I do need you, look when the big bang happens and the universes are created the world runs on dream energy that You produce."

"It runs on both the authors and the readers or watchers energy but when an author stops or doesn't finish the story. Dream energy is no longer produced because people will stop caring about the story when that happens the world that is created ends up being Destroyed until the writer continues." (He Continued)

"ok but I still don't understand my users can't you do something about it" (Shiki said Still confused)

God: "I am doing something about it by bringing you here you see I can't interfere in things like this because it is born from your free will so that's why I would send you to some particular worlds that if they explode it would affect the other worlds."

"By you living there you would start supplying dream energy to those worlds hereby continuing chains of events making the world prosper on its own without dream energy like your earth."

"You might be wondering that only you shouldn't be enough but it is with you living there anybody you interact with cut off from the author's dream energy and creates his or her own making him or her real and have a destiny."

"But why me."

"No reason it was random." (God Replied)

"So basically you want me to go to anime worlds where dragons live in voids goddesses live on moons and Men can Make Trees but just waving his hands. Without any form of protection.

"wow what a suicide mission."

God: "Don't worry, I originally wanted to give you 2 wishes but because you made me laugh I am giving 3 wishes."

"Thank you Lord for your generous offer can I think for some time."

God: "sure take your time I made enough to go round."

"Thank You"

"I have to be smart about this It's only one chance ."


"God I have my wishes can I start."

God: "sure kid"

"ok, first I wish that for my first world I want to be reincarnated into high school dxd as a fox with the powers of juubi, therefore, creating a bloodline and being reincarnated 5 years before Canon or whatever you choose just not too far."

God: "sure."

"For my second wish, I want the gamer's ability mixed with the system from shoujo grand summoning but with shop allowing me to buy anything."

God: Ok"

"Then for my third wish, I want the first 30 things I get from the system to be free of charge."

God: "Denied 25"


God: "26"


God: "27"

"27 and half the price for the next 5 items"

God: "deal"

"Thank you well that is all I want to thank you god for this opportunity"

God: No need kid. I am sending you now, don't die kid

"Don't worry I won't."

He then closes his eyes, and when he opens it he finds himself in a bustling city and the first thing he did is to raise his hands and say create an id.

Then the word breaks.

This marked the start of a legendary Being.

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