My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 10 - 10 Yasaka's Thoughts And Bullshiting

When He woke up and suppressed his power the first thing he saw was 10000+ People kneeling on the ground with a blonde woman in the front.

Yasaka: ''Greetings my Lord you have finally awoken after 20 decades.''

Shiki: ''....Oh Fuck.''

Turns out he has been in a coma for 20 decades.

Yasaka Pov

After the burst of ether from Shiki.

Yasaka felt A Strange Burst Of Chakra and was very shocked and scared because she could sense that the burst was very close to Their location.

''What is happening.''

Then a female Two-Tailed Fox rushed into the Palace.

???: ''Leader Yasaka did you feel that?''

''Yes I did, are we under attack Mata?''

This is Matatabi, Yasaka's Assistant. (AN: Imagine her looking like Matatabi from Naruto in female form)

Mata: ''We aren't Leader Yasaka from what it seems.''

''Are you sure, then what do you think it is.''

Mata: ''I am not sure. But our sensors have check around the perimeter there are no enemies, but they have pinpointed the energy coming from the Shrine.'

''The Shrine? Which one.''

Mata: ''That's what is confusing, it's coming from the shrine at the center of the faction''

'At the center of the faction? But the only Shrine that is there is..'

''*Gasp* Wait you don't mean''

Mata: ''Yes it seems he is finally awake'

''Mata make an announcement''

''Our God has finally awoken after fighting for us in the battle against the Old Devil's from the Devil faction.''

''Everyone should report to the Shrine Of Chakra to welcome him back from his slumber.''

Mata: ''Yes Leader Yasaka.''

After that, she leaves hastily

'*Sigh* It has been 200 years since you have been in slumber and reciprocating from your injuries, finally, you are awake to lead us into peace. It seems that Miss Amaterasu dream was right.' (She said Deep in Thought)

''The god that has been slumbering for 20 decades''

''Shall finally awake''

''And he shall rise from his slumber and take the world by storm''

''The earth, The heavens, and Gap shall rejoice in his awakening''

''In the awakening of the Yokai God Of Chakra.''


'I hope this is him, but I can't help but at the same time feel he isn't the same Yokai God Of Chakra anymore.'

'What were those unknown energies that got released from the blast'.

''*Sigh* well no use thinking about it. It's better to go see what's going on.''

After leaving and arriving at the shrine.

She saw all the occupants of Gion gathered at the Shrine she passed through the crowds as they made way for her.

When she reached the front of the crowd at her side stood Matatabi, and in front, she laid what was the most majestic fox she had ever seen.

The fox had 10 tails the highest ever achieved.

The fox fur was colored majestic Brilliant Gold that seemed more majestic with each passing moment.

The fox had green Streaks going through its fur and blending with the Golden.

The aura around the fox was dense and kept getting denser, It demanded respect and loyalty

All these features were observed by Yasaka and I quote they made her 'Gears Turn Faster Than Ever (AN: Her Words not mine).

Then suddenly the foxtails started to move and the fox turned in its sleep. Then the fox stood up opening its eyes.

Those Majestic Green Slit eyes could stare into someone's soul she felt those eyes on her, those majestic eyes that seemed to contain the secrets of the universe.

Then Yasaka and all the inhabitants of Gion bowed to the Supposed Yokai God Of Chakra.

(AN: The Yokai faction is located in Gion at the heart of Kyoto.)

''Greetings my Lord you have finally awoken after 20 decades''

Shiki:'.....Oh Fuck'

And that is how the God Of Ether Met The Future Goddess Of Senjustu

Shiki Pov:

'...Oh Fuck'

''Where am I specifically and why are so many people on their knees. I should probably tell them to rise.''

And it was like instincts

''RISE!!! My people, your god is back from slumber.''

'Fuck, Where did that come from

All: ''Yes My Lord. All Praise The Yokai God Of Chakra''

(After rising. Yasaka came forth)

Yasaka: 'My Lord you have finally awoken'.

In Shiki's mind

'Fuck the only way to get out of this situation is use to the strongest skill in my set.'

'This skill is strong enough to fool even the Outer God's as seen in Many Fanfics and Anime'




''Yes, I have a little fox. Where am I little fox.''

''My Lord you are in the Yokai Faction you created'' (She Replied while Staring at his Eyes)

'Mmmmh little fox... I am in the Yokai Faction you said.'

'Yes my Lord.'Yasaka said com=nfirming what she said Earlier)

(In Shiki mind)


[Yes Shiki]

'You Better tell me what is happening here

[Well, You May or may not have Created the Yokai Faction]


'System just tell me everything'


300 Years Ago the Yokai's were under other factions

The devil's used them on experiments on how to reciprocate their kind after the Faction War

The fallen too.

And the Angels didn't even help.

So one day the Yokai's Just had it and prayed to the one thing they had and that was.]


[Yes Shiki, They prayed to Chakra and Chakra answered and created an Avatar to use. So under the rule of "Chakra" or you.]

[You led the remaining Yokai's against the devil's and made them a faction after 25 years you repelled all the devil's finally but after 65 years.]

[The Old Devil's came after the Yokai's to use them in a war against the Anti-Satan faction at that time.]

[You fought against them and killed all their armies and killed 3 Satan's but Rizeim managed to injure you and escaped.

After that you fell into slumber for 215 years.]

'So basically I am the Creator of the Yokai Faction'

[Yes that is the story God created for you]

'Ohh. What about the Shinto Faction'

[They still have an alliance with you as you are under their protection. Back then you made a lot of friends with God.]

'Wooow, Up top Me'

During this conversation, Yasaka was looking at Shiki.

In Thought.

Shiki Didn't Know that in the Eyes of People there, He was Staring into Space.

It did make him look more majestic though.

'Anyways let me get back to the Yokai's'

[Technically your people]


''So Yasaka''

Yasaka straightened up:''Yes my Lord''

''You will have to help me here''

Yasaka: 'With what my Lord?'

''Well, I feel quite weak at this moment so I would like to ask is there any food.''

Yasaka shocked:''What my Lord.''

''Food little one, I am quite hungry.''

Yasaka:''umm Yes my Lord I will get just on that, Matatabi please get food for our Lord.''

Matatabi:''Yes my Lord''


All were scared

''You said you are Matatabi''

Mata: ''Yes my Lord'' (She Replied still Scared)

''Mmmmh are you a two-tailed fox''

Mata: ''Yes My Lord''

''Mmmmh so you are her child''

'More Bullshiting For the Win, these things are just coming to me'

Mat:''What my Lord''

''Nothing just a man talking nonsense please get my food.''

Mata: 'Ok my Lord'


''Yasaka I think it's best if we talk''

Yasaka bows: ''Yes my Lord''


Author here

Made Matatabi Yasaka's ȧssistant

This is just a small chapter for PLOT MAKING??

Anyways this is a wrap

.... ....

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