My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 19 - 19 Escaping Mating And Creating An Ether System101

In the In the morning, Shiki woke up feeling moist around his lower regions, when he looked down he saw that both Yasaka and Matatabi were currently suċkɨnġ his ċȯċk very thoroughly trying to suck the milk out of him.

Yasaka and Matatabi :''Good morning Shiki, Hope you like our Gift''

And he did, Ohhh he really did.

But before he had the chance to act.

The girls suddenly started pleasuring him faster with yasaka focusing on the head and Matatabi giving the balls special treatment.

'Ahh fuċk they're so good at this but I need to use the suppress skill if they are already like this, I just can't think of how Kyoto will be at this moment, but at least I should enjoy this' (He ranted in his mind.)

Back to the girls.

Yasaka kept on boobing her head on his dɨċk deep troathing him. Shiki felt like his dɨċk was inside a sauna.

He enjoyed the waves of pŀėȧsurė Yasaka and Matatabi were giving to him, but at last like all good things it must end.

He started to feel his impending doom, and Yasaka felt his dɨċk bulging so she creating a bigger vacuum suction with her mouth and started bobbing her head even faster and faster until.

''Ahh Yasaka am about to'' Shiki managed to grunt out in pŀėȧsurė.

Yasaka tried to reply but what came out was gurgles ''mmgrhhh''

''Ahhh...Yasaka, Yasaka am, am''

She continued to increase her pace now fucosing more on the tip.

''Fuck Yasaka am CUMMING''

Shiki then held her head and forced his dɨċk further into her mouth before releasing his ċum into her throat, Yasaka's eyes then rolled into her head, He kept on ċummɨnġ until he finally stopped he removed his dɨċk from Yasaka's mouth with an audible pop letting go her, Letting her rest with a bulging stomach.

Matatabi looked at him in ŀust but before she can get to him it was too late, Because shiki then used his suppress skill to suppress not only his ŀust but also all of Gion knocking all the Yokais out.

He then created a barrier over Gion to protect them and then unsaturated the air as it was filled with his pheromones.

After it was done he felt that he needed rest, he wasn't tired mentally or physically because of his gamers skills, but he just need a rest, but before that he used ether to levitate the inhabitants of Gion on the streets to their respective homes with the help of the System, After that he then went to rest.

And that's how the Yokai Faction missed a mating season.

The next day.

But on this streets you can see a man wearing a green kimon with square back patterns on it passing through the streets, this is our MC.

He had woken up before the entirety of Gion as they were still tired and asleep from the occurrence of the shortest mating season in history, as it started from midnight to around 8:30 when shiki suppressed it.

Now our mc is walking down the streets as he had nothing else to do, as he saw the aftermath of the Mating season he wondered what would have happened if he didn't suppress it and allowed it to continue, Gion would looked in a much worse state than this.

But he was curious that why did it start so early it should have at least started later in the afternoon not around midnight, Then he realized that it was because of his own pheromones as it was thicker, stronger and more enticing.

It seemed that from around midnight his body had already started secrete pheromones into the atmosphere jump-starting the mating season.

But he wasn't worried about that he was more worried of him dieing of boringness so he decided to do something fun but first he decided to clean the place fist, He then casted a cleaning spell on a major scale not only cleaning the streets he also cleaned the bodies of Gion.

''Well since that's done its time to have fun, mmmh but at least I should leave a note for Yasaka''

He then created a piece of paper and pen with his denial of Nothingness and wrote a note, Then opened a portal to his bedroom and placed it on a counter beside Yasaka.

''System teleport me to my world''

Shiki then vanished from there.

After he vanished, Yasaka in shiki's bedroom had just woken up not feeling the source of warmth near her but another kind of warmth that seemed to irritate her.

She stood up tiredly covering her eyes from the sun's eyes cursing the sun silently, she then proceeded to look away from the sun to escape it's light, as she looked away from the sun to her left she saw a note, on alert immediately she reached out to take it and read it, as she saw it was from shiki she then relaxed and decided to read the contents of the letter.

The letter read

"Yasaka as you have woken up this letter you would seem a little bit confused if why you are in my room"

She then looked around now realizing that she wasn't in her room but in shiki's room she immediately blushed but proceeded with the letter.

"Well you may have forgotten but yesterday was the supposed start of mating season, turns out my pheromones were stronger than we ȧssumed, Let's just say Gion became a fuċk town but I managed to suppress after you and Matatabi tried to suck me dry, Anyways back to the point I'm just writing this letter to give you a run down of what happened and also to tell you that I'll be travelling for some days.

I'll be back presumable next week and maybe we can continue from where we stopped. Sincerely shiki.

As Yasaka was reading the letter blushing, Matatabi had already woken up and was curious of what Yasaka was doing so she also read the letter from behind Yasaka,Also blushing as she continued to read the contents.

"I don't think it's going to fit" They both thought

Back with shiki

After he was teleported by the system he found himself floating in a dark endless space below him was his planet that was approximately 8x the size of earth.

'Wow, it looks so breathtaking, this is a great place for a date just set somethings up and boom dinner in space, But before I start anything I have to check how the land is proportioned' He said while thinking.

He then proceeded to use his chakra to send a pulse around the earth and started to accurately measure the amount of land to water.

He felt something resonate with his chakra but ignored it, then after calculating he was suprised to find out that the proportion was still the same as Earth, 70% water to 30% land.

He then decided to investigate what was resonating with his chakra, He locked onto where he was receiving the pulse from and teleported there.

When he got there he saw 10 eggs laying on the floor, 2 were glowing golden with black and grey linings on it with one glowing more than the other, Another egg was pure white in color even though it looked plain you can sense a lot of energy from it, The next egg was black in color but had purple and red linings it gave out a feeling of eradication, After that was 2 light blue eggs giving out a killer cold feeling, And 2 red eggs giving out a fiery feeling.

When shiki looked at the eggs he realized that one of the Arceus eggs was about to hatch but it didn't have enough energy to break out of the egg as the Mana produced by the Earth's core to the air wasn't enough because the other eggs were also absorbing it.

''mmmh it seems that not only is this world is 8x the size of earth, The core is also the same, but it isn't enough for the beasts, I should have asked for a better Mana core, But since I have the Creation package and Denial of Nothingness, I should just make another core that runs on ether, mmmh it seems that's the best thing to do, I can't be relying on the system all the time'" He speculated.

He then searched his memories for how to make an earth core, but what he saw disappointed him.

''Tch it seems that even in the multiverse, the only completed Energy core won't be able to hold Ether or even create or recycle it, and the gods that made stronger cores don't even know how they just thought about it and the universe answered, I mean I can do that too but where's the fun in that.''

He then decided to enter his mindscape and search for the information he wants by using the Akashic Library Of Omniverse Paths, because not only is the library the mixture of the Akashic and the Heaven paths its also connected to the root of the Omniverse itself, Hence the Akashic Library of the heaven paths, holding all the information in the omniverse, It's one of the reasons that shiki's INT stat is infinite as he can now know everything.

''mmmh let's see how to create a Mana core''

When he said he was shifted to a reading table with the books related to it on the desk infront of him, all reaching 350 books.

''Aaargh I don't have time for this, Show me books on how to create an energy core that can adapt to any energy''

When he said that nothing happened then a book that looks really old came out from the library, it then fused with the 350 books on the table becoming a new book entirely.

''oooh how to create a core super advanced''

He then proceeded to read the book instead of ȧssimilate as it's a good past one, when he finished he found out that he can't make a core suitable or adaptable enough for ether as it was too strong for metals to hold as it's created and recycled.

Instead it's better to create a system, He then left his mind mindscape and went back to his world..

'ok first, I have to stop time for the moment to remove the former core don't want my new world to explode, Then create a starting point for the system'

He first used his Blue Magic the 5th true magic and removed the former core, Then he made a ball of ether faraway from the earth.

'Nice then I'll create a channel for the system, but there must be a breaking point'

He then started creating the first channel drawing the energy forward.

'Good and now the breaking point, I have to seperate the 3 energies in ether by making one of them unstable'

So he made an enhancement magic circle out of Chakra to make the chakra in ether stronger than its counterpart hereby breaking the balance,

He then made another magic circle out of ki to diverge it into 3 beams and also to make ki a Little bit stronger.

'Next I have to redirect to 3 individual beams, Ki to the surface of the earth for the atmosphere,

Prana and chakra to the middle of the earth, but since I'm redirecting the beams I should make it in form of constellations, but it's only 3 beam I should program the circles to shift the angles and distance randomly every night, then maybe create some random stars to fill up the space, Mmmh but what if the circles run out of magic..... Wait library Bring out spells similar to Merlin's Skill from Seven Deadly Sins'

Then he got information on a skill call Forever Cast.

'Nice with this I don't have to worry about the circles losing energy'

He then made several magic circles while calculating the angles and distance where he should place the circles,

He then casted a spell to program the circles to change distance and angles to create different constellations and used the Forever Cast spell on it.

'now that's done, I can't let the Ki beam just hit the earth so I'll turn the beam to a vapor state'

He then created another circle near the earth to turn the ki beam to vapor and used another Forever Cast spell.

'Now with this, the atmosphere will be saturated with Ki, Now I just have to draw the ki and connect it to the prana and chakra core I'll create, With this the channel will be near complete'

He created a chakra and prana core using an alloy of Katchin and Uru as a foundation and put it at the center of the earth then created an internal system to turn the beams to gas. Then he directed the beams to the chakra and prana core,to start the system, Once he saw it was ok he then created another magician circle to draw the ki for the atmosphere and the plants and also draw prana and chakra from their cores.

'Now to finish the channel, it's dangerous to mix it alone so I have to contain the explosions continuously, After that I just have to create channels to lead it to earth, And then use another spell to recycle used ether back to the container and to the starting point '

He then created a container out of ether to hold the explosion and compress it, and made channels to lead the gas to the atmosphere, after that he casted another circle to recycle the ether back to the container and also to the beginning of the channel and used forever cast in the circle.

'pheew that was streesful, let's see if it works'

He then allow time to flow, after that the system started and from the looks of it everything was looking fine until he realized a mistake.

'Aaargh I forgot to turn the channel invisible, but instead of turning the beam invisible literally killing the whole idea of constellations, I'll just make it slightly visible'

After turning part of the system invisible, he watched it run.

'it seems that it worked, Everything is fine and no explosion, I should check on the eggs'

Then he teleported to the eggs.

''it seems they haven't hatched but they are all glowing so they should soon start coming out,.....mmmmh now that I'm done I feel bored again''

'system there's a question on my mind why is my STR, DEX and the other stats infinite, compared to the other world's it doesn't feel infinite'

[It's because your stats are based on the dxd world, in the dxd world your stat is infinite but in some other worlds it's not, like if thanos should come to the dxd world his stats will be infinite but compare to the entities in the marvel world, then he's quite weak]

'mmh so it depends on the world I'm in, I don't want that system from on quantify my strength irrespective of the world am in'

[Ok shiki do you want to see your stats now]

'mmmmmh na'


'*sigh* what can I do now, maybe I should train my divinity, system how do I do that'.

[Well you can either get more followers or create more miracles, the more the miracles the stronger the faith and the more divinity for you]

'so mircales...but I don't know how to, I can check the library but I think I'll rather check on another person's work'.

[And where are you going to check on another person's work]

'Simple I am going to heaven'


Author Here

I realized he has been relying on the system too much so I'll be reducing system's screen time.

[But author why]

Because you're ruining the story..

Anyways He will be going to heaven in the next chapter to see how 'god' does his miracles and maybe check on the SGS(Sacred Gear System).

If there are any holes please report.

That's a wraaaaaaapp ????????


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