My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 39 - 39 Dao Of Fishing And First Meeting Sort Of

Then God waved His Hand and with a Gust of Wind, Shiki was Blown away towards The Door behind him and went through it, Then Shiki found himself Free Falling from the Sky of Tokyo.

"Tch, That Chunibyo God, I could have just left through the Door, I'm pretty sure He's currently saying something among the Lines of 'I Sense a Change in the Winds'

With God

God: ''*Sneeze*''

Then God Looked around and said

God: ''I Sense a Change in the Winds''

Story-Time Over (AN: For those That didn't Know Refer to Chapter 32, because Chapter 33-38 Were all Flash Backs)

Current Time

Shiki POV

And that's what Brings me to This, quietly sitting on the Side of pond with my Trusty, Fishing Pole made out of the Same materials as Wonder woman's Bracelets, currently fishing in a self-made pond full of fishes on the same level of Creation Gods of ATG. Because Its easier to comprehend the Dao/Concept of water after comprehending the Dao of fishing and I also comprehended one more Dao but I've forgotten its name

The Dao of Knowledge was easy to Complete, I mean with my new body's brain capacity comprehending infinite Knowledge is a Piece of Cake, Anyways After the Entire Dream Energy Parole, Nothingness fulfilled his Promise and gave me a





Yeah, I know it sounds Weird but the Effects are Massive

[Name: Momoshiki @#$!#

Bloodline: Shinju Bloodline

Title: The First of A Bloodline, The True Alpha, The One Who Defied Heaven, God's Blessed, Kill em all, Zombie annihilator, Destroyer, Zombie Killer, The Predator of zombies, God of Ether, Nothingness Named Me

Level:1520 (^)

ECP: -

DEX: 257,000,000

INT: ♾️

WIS: Infinite

Concepts: ALL (Comprehension: 0.001%)

Skill point: ♾️

Ability point: -

Item point: -

Summoning point: -

''Show Effect of 'Nothingness Named Me Title''

[Nothingness Named Me: This title is Given to the first-Person Nothingness has Named, He or She will Automatically get connected to the Infinite Power of Nothingness


Nothingness I Choose You: Grants user the Ability to call Nothingness into Battle like a Pokémon, it advised for Host to find a Poke ball First

Creation Is My Bitch: 1000% Increase in Success of Complex Creations

Hakai: Grants Host the Ability to Erase a Person]

'But this is not Even the Good part'

[Nothingness Named Me Title also granted host Two Ultimate Abilities

All Shall Return to Nothing (1/5): Grants Host the Ability to Return All in a 500 Mile Radius to Nothing. Can be Further Upgraded to A Higher Level

In the Beginning There Was Nothing: Grants User the Ability to Take His Opponents to the Beginning, there Host has All Control over the Domain and can do all that he Wants.

Now this is the Ability, especially 'All Shall Return to Nothing', With this I Can literally erase all in a 500 Mile Radius, that means that I now have an invincible Defense and an Even More Invincible Attack, I Wonder how it'll be if I spam this on Tiamat .

''System Show My Skills''

[ Skills

I'm A Gamer




Limitless Being.

Deus Aetheris.

Knight of Owner (EX)

Omni Dragon Slayer Magic

Vector Manipulation

Total Full Counter

Origin Eye Wheel of Divine Perception

Swordsmanship (100%)

Hand to Hand Combat

All Jutsu

Akashic Library of Omniverse Paths


Ether Skill Set (AN: Changed from Jihan Mana Skill set since it no longer runs on Mana)

Protagonist Bullshit

Skill Creation

Skill Deconstruction

Skill Assimilation

Skill Fusion


Skill Absorption]

''*Relaxing Exhale*, I Am literally Laying in OP'ness''

Before I could Continue Laying in my Abundance of OP'ness, Matatabi came to me.

Mata: ''My Lord'' (She said while Bowing)


Mata: ''My Lord, The Escorts of the Shinto faction has Just sent a message, Lady Amaterasu will soon be Arriving''


Mata: ''In 3 Hours, My Lord''

''3 Hours, Huh…. You can leave I must focus on my Fishing''

Then Matatabi looked at Me with a Wry look: ''My Lord, you have been at this Pond for 3 Days now, My Lord and you haven't caught a single fish''

I Just shook my head at this Lost Lamb: '' Matatabi, The Concept of Fishing has nothing to do with Fishing with catching fishes at all''

Mata: ''My Lord, I Do not understand'' (Matatabi said while Looking confused)

''don't worry, Little Lamb you cannot understand…. For you to Understand you have to look Underneath Underneath, everything is not as it seems. Little Lamb.'' (I Said while Shaking my Head at her)

Mata: ''My Lord, I still don't understand…...And why are you calling me Little Lamb''

''Little Lamb, Since the Dawn of ages it is known to every single culture man out there...…Fishing...…Will always make you...100% More MYSTERIOUS" (I said while ignoring her Last words)

And with that something changed. I Had successfully fully Comprehended the Dao Of Fishing. Then suddenly my posture became free, my eyes more distant and I looked more...Profound.

Mata: ''My Lord!!'' (She said to me with surprised eyes)

'MUHAHAHA, Matatabi, be dazzled by my Mysteriousness' (I said in my mind)

Mata: ''So basically, it's a skill used to woo girls''

''Urgh'' (I had no Reply)

''Little Lamb, you do not understand...No I pray that you never understand…. This skill is more than wooing girls…No.... It's the path to profound knowledge. It has an Effect to make any girl heart beat with a 1,000,000% Success rate''

''that's why'' (I then turned to her) ''it's a skill used by only the most profound of men…. My Brothers but alas, the simp factor has taken away most of my brethren and now I have nothing, Nothing1 more, Nothing less''

Mata: ''My Lord'' (She said with Sympathy in her eyes)

Mata: ''You are Just a Pervert''

''Ugck, Rude. It seems my Dao is not profound enough''

''You can leave now Matatabi, When Amaterasu arrives send her to me''

Mata: ''Yes, My Lord''

Then she left leaving me with nothing to do so I decided to continue improving my Dao.

3 Hours Later

'Why, Why, WHYYYYY. No matter what I do. Its not profound enough. Why can't I seem to comprehend one of the easiest Dao. Why. At this rate ill be as useless as Sakura'




'I am so dumb, how come I didn't realize, the answer was right Infront of me all along'

Before I could start, one of my ANBU appeared beside me

ANBU: "My, Lord Lady Amaterasu has arrived''

''okay, Escort her in''

ANBU: "Yes My Lord'' (Then He Shushined away)

'Huh, So reliable'

'Now to get fixing'

Then I snaped my fingers Thanos style. One day I have to meet him. Anyway, after snapping Countless Sakura Blossom Trees appeared around me and the leaves now littered the road but.

'It's not yet complete, just needs a finishing touch'

Then I made the Leaves of the Sakura Blossoms start dropping. After I was through, I heard someone walking towards me, Then I looked towards the Person and when I saw the person only one word came to my mind.


O I remembered the name of the Dao now, it was the Dao of Cliffhangers


Author Here

Hope you liked this chapter

Just want to say that after this Amaterasu Arc and Peace meeting Arc, The ***u** Arc is next

And also Check out my New Book, 'I Was Chosen by The Word'

The amount of posts per week for this novel will depend on the amount of power stones ill receive for the Other Novel.

So that's a wraaaap



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