My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 46 - 45 Dealing With The Devil's Again

I didn't need to say anything before Matatabi walked towards Sirzechs and then Sirzechs gave her a Vial of the Blood of the Original Lucifer and also collected the 100,000 Pounds of Demonic Steel, 2 Ancient-Level Swords by the name Baneful Crusader and Cataclysm Crusader and the 60,000,000,000 Yen. She put all this in her storage space and retreated back to my side.

Then I stood up and asked the Question that has been bugging me for a While now.

''Where is Kuroka and Shirone''

When I said that, I could see that Sirzechs and the Rest of the Maou's flinched

''I said, where is Kuroka and Shirone

Then Sirzechs stepped forward and spoke, ''God of Chakra, Kuroka is a very hard person to find when she is hidden, we have tried our best possible ways to find her but it was to no avail. We couldn't find both her and her sister.''

''Mmmh, Ok''

Sirzechs and the Other Maou felt relief

''So, you think that I am so stupid to the Extent, That I do not know that Shirone is currently Hidden in the Gremory Family Safehouse that you had covered with numerous protection rune. I can even see little Rias with her right now''

When Sirzechs heard that, He released their magical power and looked at me in anger, ''Do not dare Touch My Sister.''

Angry at these Fools who dare Threaten me, I Released a Small Percent My Ether and sent all the Maou to the Ground, The Yokai were not affected as I had Matatabi show them to their new accommodations.





I Snapped my Fingers and teleported shirone unconscious to my side and gestured for Matatabi to take her to a safe place, Then I looked back at the idiots on the floor and snapped my fingers again ad teleported Rias Unconscious Infront of them.

Sirzechs seeing this Opened his Eyes in fear.

''Now little, Zechy your sister's life is in my Hands.''

''What will you trade for it''

''I'll KILL YOU''

''Mmmh, Quite Feisty I see, Well for compensation that's one arm then''

Then I Cut off Rias Arm, she didn't react as she was still asleep


The Other Maou's just Looked at me with so much fear, Especially Serafall, she probably realized that this could be her sister instead.



''Oops, My Hand must have slipped, well there goes her other Arm''


''And her two Legs''

''Well, does it hurt''


I Snapped my fingers and gave Rias back her Arms and Legs, Perks of [Reality Manipulation]. Sirzechs looked shocked to see her with arms and legs back, Then I teleported her back to the Gremory safehouse. Then I looked at Sirzechs with Stern Eyes.

''You can consider this an Illusion''

''But I consider this Her Future, if you dare do anything stupid against the Yokai factions''

Then I looked at the Other Maou, seeing my Gaze they shivered I fright. ''And that goes for you too, if you dare try anything against my faction, I will take what you love and slowly rip it apart Infront of you''

''NOW BEGONE, The Yokai Faction Accepts Your Alliance''

I Teleported them away from my Palace and sat down on my seat and released a sigh

''*Sigh*, Dealing with idiots is too troublesome''

In the Underworld, After Shiki had teleported the Maou.

The Maou found themselves looking at a familiar Red Sky, Sirzechs immediately Rushed towards Rias location to see how she is.

Ajuka just sighed at Sirzechs then turned to Serafall with a curious look

''Why are you still here, aren't you going to check whether your dear So-tan is alright *Snicker*''

''don't worry, she is probably fine''

''I know Shi-tan, He won't attack her''

Ajuka was shocked by the Amount of faith, Serafall had in Shiki and had immediately sensed that there was something else to this, but since Serafall will probably not say anything about the topic, He just left it to another time. He had greater problems to deal with now.

''*Sigh*, I told him that this was a bad Idea but he didn't listen, Now look where it has gotten us''

'It was Sirzechs who decided to not return Shirone back to the Yokai Faction because of his Unhealthy Obsession to his sister, Now look where it has gotten us to. '

'If we had just giving shirone he would have forgiven us for not finding Kuroka. But then that idiot just had to Anger him and now Our Relationship with him is on thin Line.'

In the Egyptian Faction

The Egyptian God of The Sun had received the gift from shiki and had read the Letter, which left him brimming with Anger. But he knew that if he takes rash decisions now, then he will end up with a lot of consequences.

When Ra stood up, He suddenly coughed up blood and fell, His guard ran to him to hold him up.

''My Lord!''

''don't worry about me, just take me back to my Quarters''

Ra, The Egyptian God of The Sun has been experiencing a loss in his Divinity, The People of Earth no longer believe in the Egyptian Gods as much as Before, in fact they don't really believe, Hence the Loss of his divinity. The only gods that this loss hasn't really affected them, where gods like the Indra, Asura, Shiva who apart from their Divinity actually continued training.

Due to their Training, they are still as strong as ever even with their Divinity constantly decreasing. But other gods that don't do that are significantly weakened. Due to that, The Egyptian God Ra decided to take Amaterasu and Absorb her divinity, that's why he has been trying to woo her ever since.

''Send a Message to the Yokai Faction, The Egyptian God of the Sun wishes to Converse with you and Humbly invites you to his Abode''

''Yes, My Lord''


''There's no other way for me to do this, the best way...….is a direct attack''

In Heaven with Gabriel


Lately Gabriel have been having Weird dreams about Shiki, mainly about him and her having a life together or having a picnic in front of a sunset. And her best of all, when he pushed her down which made her play with herself Unconsciously, The Only reason why she hasn't fallen was because Shiki foresaw this and gave her a lee-Way in the System.

'I Need to Meet him again'

Then Gabriel went to Michaels Room and Barged inside


''Yes, Gabriel why are you barging into my Room

''Ano.... I've been thinking about it, and I think we should Pay shiki a Visit''

''Huh, The Yokai God Of Chakra''

''*Nods Innocently*''

'What could have brought this on' (Michael thought in confusion)

''Okay, we'll visit him at a later date''

Gabriel brims with Happiness, ''Arigato, Onii-Chan''

Then Gabriel proceeds to skip away.


It's Your Favorite Author Here Again

Hope you Like where this story is going

Anyway just want to say that since you great Author Sama is less busy Lately

I'll Be updating this Novel Twice on Wednesdays

While Mondays and Fridays will be for my Other Novel

Which is

'The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)'

Please check it out and Review and I promise you won't be disappointed, And also Please Send your power stones as I love the way they taste

So that's all



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