My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 49 - 48 Sly Gabriel, (R-18)

Then she sat and continued to watch the scenery.

I went back to Gabriel and resumed time, I Then Hugged Gabriel snapping her out of her Trance and Pulled her very close to me.

''Gabriel, Let's Make Love''

And That Kids Is How I Banged Your Mother






3rd POV

''Gabriel, Let's Make Love''

Shiki didn't expect that after he said those words were enough for Gabriel to snap out of whatever she was in.

''Gabriel what's wrong?''

''I…. I…I Can't Disappoint My Brothers'' (She said while looking down slightly)

''No…. At least not Now''

Gabriel's words took Shiki by storm. He actually didn't expect for her to have enough Willpower to deny every Inch of herself screaming at her to make love with him, it may sound Egoistical of him but it isn't, it's simply what she is experiencing right now.

''I Love you…. But you don't Love me back and I can see that. If you can't love me then I can't give you all of me. If I do that, my brothers will be very disappointed with me.'' (Gabriel Continued)

Shiki was still quite curious about what brought this on, to satisfy his curiosity, He used a spell he got from the [Akashic] to read her memories.

'So that's it' (Shiki thought)

'After God died, Gabriel was broken to the core, after all her father and favorite person died in front of her.'

'After that she became a hollow of her former self and almost fell but her brothers supported her and helped her get over it and after Numerous Years she was back to normal again.'

'*Sigh*, But in a way this is quite stupid, I mean she should have fell the moment she ŀusted for me at least that is if I didn't give her more leeway.'

'But she doesn't know that I added a leeway into the system, so what gave her so much confidence to approach me like this, I mean if she fell then her brothers would be disappointed either way...…. Wait is this possible, Did Gabriel sabotage the system to give herself more leeway.... Wow, I didn't expect this from you but I'll play along

Shiki after contemplating in his mind looked at Gabriel and said, ''so what do you want me to do??''

Gabriel put her hands-on Shiki cheeks and looked at him with determination, love, Lust and a variety of others, ''I want you to love me as I love you. Then I want you to get my Brothers Blessings''

Shiki after hearing that gave it a thought.

On One hand, He will have to gain Michael, Uriel and Raphael blessings while on the Other he could just leave Gabriel.

But as established before, she'll either commit suicide or become an OP Yandere and moreover if he left her then Amaterasu will be More pissed at him and he really didn't want that.

But then there is the third option. [Reality Bending], he could just bend all of Reality and make her brothers give him their blessings or make her have no brothers at all but doing that just isn't him and also, he found no need for it.

''*Sigh*, I understand. I'll leave now''

Shiki attempt to pry Gabriel off his ŀȧps proved Futile, He looked at Gabriel and was curious of why she hasn't moved off his ŀȧp yet.

But Gabriel ignored his curious look and stared back into shiki's Eyes and leaned down for a kiss, Shiki was inflicted with [Daze] from the sudden Kiss but shrugged it off and retaliated with his own Kiss.

Gabriel then Begun to move her hɨps which aroused his dragon or rather fox more and more until it became noticeable.

Gabriel slowly undid Shiki Kimono and pulled down his pants to allow the fox to show itself, she then began to slowly jerk off Shiki which he absolutely enjoyed.

Gabriel moved her hands faster and faster while simultaneously kissing him, after a while she pulled back and put her forehead on his. Then stared into his Eyes.

''I…I may not be able to give you all me but this much I can do''

With those words said, Gabriel moved down to Shiki sword and slowly took it into her mouth. she then begun to suck him off.

Shiki was ȧssaulted with a lot of Pleasure, He dared say that Gabriel mouth was a bit better than Amaterasu. She took more and more of Shiki until she fully sheathed his dɨċk into her Mouth which quite surprised Shiki.

'DAMN, the old man that made Gabriel was such a pervert he didn't even give her a Gag Reflex. Amaterasu didn't even take it this far on her first try' (Shiki thought to himself)

Gabriel continued to suck off shiki dɨċk, until he couldn't take it anymore and let it all out into Gabriel mouth which against all odds managed to drown everything into her belly.

After she was through swallowing all of shiki spėrm. She set her eyes on Shiki dɨċk that hasn't gone down the slightest, it still rose to the heavens.

Where she got all this Information and Techniques from, Shiki didn't care the slightest. He just let go and set his attention on the sensation he was receiving from Gabriel's Boobs.

Gabriel continued to stroke and suck him off faster and faster after which Shiki let loose into her mouth and she swallowed it all again.

But even with the blowjob and the Blow-Tit Job shiki hasn't gone down the slightest which stunned Gabriel, her techniques proved futile to calming down the Fox, she begun to think of other ways to calm it down.

Shiki looked at Gabriel that was busy in her thoughts, He knew that if this continued then she would break her own promise, so shiki slowly stood up.

''don't worry about it.''

After he said that, Shiki walked away from the room leaving Gabriel stunned but before she could snap out of it, The Heat came. Her loins secreted more juices than it had ever before. She couldn't help but begin to masturbate right there.

She didn't even think of the consequences and forgot about it all. The moment she put her hands on her Loins, the pŀėȧsurė that came was too much and she squirted right there.

The squirt was quite powerful Gabriel almost went Unconscious from it, After the squirt she slightly recovered a bit of her mind and she began to think

'Can I still be called an Angel for this'

But what she didn't know was that Shiki was the reason that the heat suddenly attacked her.

'That's your punishment Gabriel-Chan, never leave a Nigh-Omnipotent Guy with Blue Balls. Now where's Amaterasu I need help to take care of this thing

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