My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 51 - 50 Why god Died (An: God forgive me)

Shiki looked calmly at the Angels and said, ''Ra of the Egyptian Faction has invited me to a Party of theirs, And I am sure that he has planned something for me when I get there with my Plus one Amaterasu.''

''Okay, then what do you want from us?" (Michael asked, urging shiki to get to the point)

Shiki let out a small laugh and said, ''Simple, since he is preparing something for me. It's in my best interest that I also prepare a small gift for him. And for him to receive the gift fully.''

He sat on his sit, unblinkingly focusing his eyes on them and said ''I want you to Cut off all of the Egyptian gods Divinity.''

Archangel Michaels froze and stared with wide eyes in surprise but it slowly morphed into a more serious look, ''You intend to use that?'' (he asked)

''Yes, I intend to'' (Shiki replied with a coy smile)

Michael bit a nail and asked, 'You found out about it from the System''

''What do you think" (Momoshiki replied with a coy smile still plastered on his face)

Yasaka, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael were like outsiders in the conversation between Momoshiki and Archangel Michael, they were simply bystanders in the matter.

Michael looked at the confused expression on his siblings, their faces was funny to him. Michael leaned back into his chair and began to explain in a slight bitter tone

''Everything was created from God, The Earth, The Heavens, The stars. All other gods were spawned from humanities Imagination. But God didn't take action against them.''

''You may wonder God never moved against the other gods or Why the Other gods didn't bind together to fight against him.''

''I always wondered why Father never moved against the other gods'' (Raphael said in a mild voice)

''Well that was because Father had the power to take away their Divinities''

''I must say that surprises me'' (Uriel spoke up)

''But that brings up another Question. If father was able to take away other gods divinities. Why wasn't he able to prevent his own Death from Trihexa?'' (Raphael eye-brows furrowed when she asked)

Shiki crossed his arms in displeasure and replied ''Well that was his own Mistake''

''What do you mean?'' (Michael frowned in displeasure)

''You all know the End of the Bible, Revelations. Where the Beast 666 was mentioned, I mean you do since you are Angels''

''Anyways what you don't know was that God made 666 or rather Trihexa''

''WHAT!'' (Michael was baffled at the revelation)

Shiki maintained eye contact and smiled ''Yep, God made Trihexa''

''Trihexa was made by God to bring more Believers to God's side. You see when other gods were made from humanity wish, A lot of humans converted away from Christianity to other Religions like Traditional, Greek, Egyptian, Mesopotamia, etc.''

''More and More believers converted to other Pantheons which made God livid, but He didn't want to take full action against the Other gods, if he did then for a while Humans would be in disarray from the Death of the gods and it didn't guarantee the former Christians coming back.''

''So, he came up with a Marvelous idea, why don't I make a Being that would be strong enough that no other god can kill it except me, that will show that I am the Only one, The Highest.''

'Through the Kill switch' (Shiki added inwardly)

''Then why didn't that work'' (Raphael asked)

''Because he forgot about Humans'' (Shiki replied)

''Trihexa was Added to the Bible to show the Impending doom and the slaying from God. And because Trihexa was added into the Bible in Revelations, you know Rapture and all. Many Theories made by Humans came up about how Trihexa may be and from those theories came more theories until Humanity created a very Plausible Theory.''

''The Theory was that 666 is the Accumulation of all Of Humanity sins and evil, And BOOM. Trihexa began gaining divinity, with more and more people believing that theory. More and more divinity accumulated within Trihexa,''

The Divinity was [Sin] both the 7 original sins of Men and The Evils of Humanity, ****, Murder, etc.''

''God observed all that was happening but did nothing about it because he knew he could still destroy Trihexa completely and Truthfully, he could. but he underestimated Her and Humanity again''

''After the First Plausible Theory of Trihexa came up, People began developing more theories with that Theory as a Base. Until another Plausible Theory came up that caused people to believe it was true, that 666 has the Concept of Destruction''

''And BOOM, Another Divinity started Accumulating within Trihexa. The Divinity of Destruction, the process repeated itself More and More people believed in that Theory and more people came up with more theories.''

''Trihexa who had gained power began rampaging in where he had kept her, God had to take action, He didn't destroy Trihexa instead he put her into Hibernation until he needed her so that she won't go on a rampage. After all he could still win against her and the situation was in his favor'' (he let out a chuckle at the end)

''Then one day. A Very Particular and Powerful Theory came up''

''That Trihexa rivalled God's Power...... And all hell broke loose. Humanities Belief and Faith made Trihexa rival god's power. She became someone who broke out gods control, Hence Trihexa became too strong for god to take care of''

''The Clouds painted red, the earth rumbled and Lava spewed from the Below. You know classical world ending stuff. The cause of this was Trihexa who was forcefully awakening from god's-imposed slumber

''Seeing that he could no longer destroy Trihexa. God took the small Moment that he had before she woke up and banished her into the Dimensional Rift where He, Ophis and Great Red fought against her...…. And they won.''

''Wait, If Father, Ophis and Great Red could defeat Trihexa before then Why couldn't they do it again and he had to seal her?'' (Uriel asked)

''Well there were so many Factors.''

''The Most important ones are. One, He had just fought against The Satans. He got quite an Injury from that war and he couldn't use all of his Power''

''And Two, Trihexa got stronger''

''Stronger?'' (Gabriel asked)

''Yes Stronger. You see when God, Ophis and Great Red fought against Trihexa at that time. The Amount of Divinity she had during the Fight Billions of Years Ago is exceedingly small compared to the Amount of [Sin] She must have gotten over the Years.''

''Because of Humanity [Sins].'' (Gabriel asked)

''Yes. Because Humans believed she's the Accumulation of [Sin], She gained the divinity [Sin]. So even if Humans didn't believe in her like before it has no effect, because she already has the Divinity [Sin] and the Label Accumulation of Humanity Sin/Evil, hence all the [Sin] goes to her. Now she doesn't need Belief anymore, as long as humanity sins she'll get stronger Automatically''

The Angels were slack-jawed on the Revelation of Trihexa

''Now what's the lesson of the Day. Don't Create an Op Entity that's not Soul-Bounded to you''

'Also don't do that if you are not a Protagonist, but he was God so...Maybe' (Shiki added inwardly)

''Its quite an Irony, God died due to Pride.'' -Shiki let out a chuckle- ''Such Irony''

The Angels looked at him in displeasure, Shiki just shrugged at them and looked away

'It seems that I haven't lost my Bullshiting Skills, *Sigh* Hentai Characters are so gullible'

''Anyway, we may have gone slightly Off-Track, can we go back to the main topic. Killing the Egyptian Sun god, Ra''


Author Sama here, God_Is_With_Us

I hope there are no Holes in this chapter

Hope you liked it

If you do



...Wait that Rhymed, Yeah

Anyway, also Drop power stones cause I'm all alone

So that's all

Also, I just want to say that my Fanfic and Novel are Art

And Art is an EXPLOSION



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