///// Land Of The Egyptian Mythos God's/////

On the silent battlefield, A man sat upon the head of his slain enemy staring at the sunset on the horizon.

That man Is I


And the head I am sitting on is that of him.

Ra the dɨċk god.

Now you might be wondering

What happened

How did Ra die

Where's the fight scene and epic ending

What's 2 x 2

My answer to all that is… Yes, especially the last one.

Let me explain.

You see as I and the di*k god were fighting, the di*k god managed to tap into something that was very very very… familiar to me

Bob, Flashback, please

///// Flashback, a Few Hours Ago, 3rd Pov /////

"Juubi No Kami, You Shall DIE!"

"Arrrrrrr" Ra yelled out.

As he did, The divinities that he had absorbed burst out around him and settled as a chaotic aura around him

[Sun], [War], [Moon], [Death], [Life], [Magic], [Sex], [Stuidity], etc.

They all surrounded Ra to form some kind of chaotic rainbow aura.

However, like every other DBZ character or rather wannabe character. The more they scream, the more they power up.

And Ra has been screaming for a while.

'Does he practice this?' Shiki thought while checking the time.

But soon he became interested in the… powerup. Because the chaotic rainbow aura settled to become peaceful.

Ra stopped screaming and stared hatefully at Shiki, his eyes unconsciously shifting to take on a rainbow tone.

"So you're gay now. Is that your character development" he said in all seriousness.


Ra dashed at Shiki and punched him with an approximate force of 300 exposing suns.

However, Shiki repelled the hit to the side. Also sending the wind propelled by the force of the punch towards the land of the divine, it was strong enough to blast a hole through the land and out.

That's a lot of power, coming from the fact that the land of the Egyptian mythos is made from an alloy of gold and faith.

Shiki went on to counter by kicking Ra's knee, shifting his bone out of place, and sending him onto the ground.


He followed up with a punch to Ra's face, sending him flying.

But seconds after, Ra stood up, healed and unharmed, and rushed back into confrontation.


Ra managed to catch Shiki off guard, but clairvoyance is quite the bastard. Shiki shifted away from him and gave himself space.

As Ra's aura grew stronger Shiki couldn't help but stare.

"You can sense it, can't you," Ra said with a feral grin.


"My power it's increasing by the minute… But the divinities that run through me, it's not enough. Something else calls to me. It whispers to me." He continued.

Ra brought out his hands towards the other "It tells me to…" He said as strands of the various divinities within him came between them.

"Fuse them," He said as the helix of divinities strands intertwined with each other albeit fȯrċɨbŀƴ to form only one white strand that was mighty in power.

The strand went out of his grasp and entered Ra's body.

"Yes! Can you feel it Juubi No Kami!" He said as he released a pressure far greater than anything he had ever done before.

Shiki just stared at the white aura, feeling it to be more familiar as the time passed.

'System is that?'

[Yes it is.]

'Doesn't that mean that?'



Shiki began to depower, returning to his original form, and sighed in exasperation

Ra mistook this as a sign of surrender.

"This new power, I don't know what it is. But it's making me stronger… no it has already made me stronger." He said as he maniacally laughed.

"I shall let this superior power replace every once of Divinity I possess."

"And with this, I should be just as strong as the Biblical God!" Ra said as suddenly he began to grow bigger, becoming two times the size of what he was before.

"Because I am the first to tap into this power… I shall name it as it wishes to be named.*

"Dream Energy" Shiki finishes.

"Huh!?" Ra choked.

"Sigh, You see Dickhead. The energy you have tapped into and let to replace your entire divinity pool… Is the energy I Lord over."

Ra kept silent for a while before he laughed crazily for a while.

"Your loss has delud~"

"H~h~How!" Ra said with horror written all over his face.

"I get it you're disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, but so am I."

"I expected some galaxy-ending, comic verse, bullshit to occur but welp I got a second-rate villain that can't even power up well!."

"Sigh, Now I can't even take you seriously."

Shiki then began to chuckle, "I can't believe you actually tapped into the energy I rule over "

"Then proceed to bet your entire lifeline on that energy."

"Is this my luck or some Authors bullshit." He said before going into a full blown laughter.

"Well, either way, it was fun while it lasted."

Shiki raised his hands

Ra already sensed where this was going, as he could feel the YOU~ *Cough* Power begin to rampage within him.

"W~Wait, Stop. Juubi No Kami stop!"

[AN: Yamete Kudasai~]



At the snap to the finger, Ra exploded unevenly causing chunks of his giant body to fall onto the divine land of the Egyptian gods.

Ra's head fell beside Shiki, and he went on to sit on it and stare into the horizon.

'What should I do now?' He wondered.


Decided to put an ending to this entire Ra arc

Happy reading




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