Ten days later, early in the morning, I got on the coach and went to Shashan female prison with 5300 yuan in my arms.

Five thousand yuan is my reward for singing in the true love bar. Three hundred yuan is my last living expenses after graduation.

Strictly speaking, Shahe Town, where the Shashan women's prison is located, belongs to the suburb of T City, but it is very remote, which can be regarded as the junction of urban and rural areas.

In particular, the location of Shashan women's prison is more remote. Even to Donghe County, which is under the jurisdiction of T City, it takes more than half an hour's drive.

Therefore, it is not too much to use isolation to describe the female prison in Shashan.

From school to Shashan female prison, we have to transfer through Donghe County, but even this long-distance bus can take several hours.

Fortunately, I got on the bus from the departure station. Because of my luggage, I occupied the last row of seats early. I leaned against the window and began to see the scenery along the way.

Gradually, I felt sleepy in the turbulence, and I was a little confused.


The loud slap made me excited and rubbed my eyes. I didn't know what happened.

"Shameless, sex wolf!"

In front of two or three rows, a girl with short hair and a dress jumps and yells at the man next to her. It seems that she has been greatly wronged.

Due to a dispute between the passengers, the bus stopped at the side of the road with a squeak.

While the girl was standing in the aisle, her hands were not firmly grasped, and she threw herself forward first, and then stepped back a few steps. Without keeping her balance, she suddenly fell back.

The accident happened so suddenly that the people on both sides of the seat didn't react. Because I was in the last row and a little far away, I finally put out my arm to stop her at the last moment when she was about to fall.

The short hair girl's back first hit my arm back, and then she turned half a circle and plunged into my arms.

I'll go!

Conditioned reflex is general, my other hand quickly closed behind her, want to stabilize each other's body, this can be good, became I stretched out my hands to hold her tightly in my arms.

Strangers, seamless fit, public!

Time is stagnant.

For five or six seconds, the girl with short hair jumped out of my arms like a frightened rabbit, blushing with shame.

First, she whispered "thank you" to me, then turned around and glared at the bald middle-aged men sitting in front of me. The girl turned around and asked me, "brother, can I sit next to you?"

In the car full of people's very contemptuous eyes, the bald middle-aged dirty man was still indifferent. He leaned on the back of the front seat and began to pretend to sleep.

It has to be said that some scum in the world are special, so don't force face!

I opened my eyes to see what else I could say. It seemed that the car was full, and there was no place for girls to stay except for a row of back seats full of luggage beside me.

"All right, push the luggage in, we'll squeeze together!"

In the last row, I paid double the fare according to the person's head, so besides the luggage, I was the only one.

I moved my butt into the window, trying to make half a seat for her.

"Brother, can I sit by the window A little carsick. "

The girl is very embarrassed to say to me, and then full of anger, at the bald man's back and a Pooh, "shameless!"


I'm a little embarrassed. We sit at the end. Unless we deliberately turn back, others don't know who she's talking to. In this way, it seems that I'm taking advantage of her.

"You sit inside, I'll get up!"

I was about to get up and get out of the way. Unexpectedly, the girl seemed to be a little impatient and waved her hand to me

The back is full of luggage. The aisle of this old bus is also very narrow. It's really inconvenient to stand up. I try to open my legs and say, "OK, come here."

At this time, the driver looked as if the storm had subsided and began to start the car slowly.

The bus just sped up as the girl with short hair moved in with the back of the front seat.

The space is just a little big. She can't control her balance again. This time, it's more thorough. She flops directly into my arms.

"Hiss ~ ~"

I grinned in pain.

I don't know. The driver, who was just a little scared, was stepping on the accelerator to accelerate. OK, the driver was immediately scared to brake again.

The passengers in the carriage suddenly fell back and forth.

"Crouching trough, cry mourning, you are not finished yet!"

The driver was annoyed and yelled at us directly. He stopped for several seconds before starting to shift again and step on the accelerator.

The girl with short hair and I couldn't say a word at all. When the car stopped together, she couldn't stand up at all.

"Ah ~ ~ ~ I said, you are moving."I'm very helpless. I've been completely "felt" by other girls.

With my words, she just had a taste of it. She reluctantly got up, moved half of her body in and sat down in the space I made up.

"Ah ~ ~ ~ sorry..."

"Well, I'm sorry..."

For a long time, I opened my mouth to break the embarrassment, but I didn't expect her to speak at the same time, and what she said was basically the same. We were stunned, looked at each other and laughed.

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