At the moment, my mood is somewhat urgent.

I'm just like a traveler in the desert who is eager to find an oasis. There's no time that makes me want to know whether the right and the evil, the good and the evil can be correctly recognized by people!

Without waiting for Lanjian to speak to other members of the inspection team, Cheng Yaoxin jumps up to the position where I point to the person who supports me, and then Chen Qian follows.

I was a little surprised to find that Zhang Xiaoqin and Li Mei also stood together.

Although they didn't have the courage to testify for me in front of so many people just now, they expressed their position with their own actions and gave me silent support!

Can I ask for more?

Gently nodding to them, I am grateful.

Look at someone's action on my side. Tiechu hesitated and didn't veto my proposal. Maybe she didn't want to appear too overbearing in front of the inspection team and Lanjian.

Not surprisingly, the four members of the inspection team brought by the woman bear's Whiteboard stood on the other side to prove that their iron captain did not hit people.

Seeing that no one came here again, tie Chu smiles and looks like a withered chrysanthemum.

"Jiang Feng, this is your own proposal. Now you can see that justice is always on the side of the majority!"

I smile bitterly, paralyzed

Only Chen Qian, Cheng Yaoxin, Zhang Xiaoqin and Li Mei supported me.

And tie Ting there to testify for her, plus Ji Min has five!

I can't count on others. Team Qin estimated that they didn't like me very much. Now it's good if they don't take the opportunity to step on me. Can they still beg others to take the risk of angering the leaders of the prison administration to come out for me?


Let alone the female prisoners. Now our discipline and leadership are just like serving a good dish to their boring life. Apart from the fact that they can't eat it and have strong color and fragrance, the female prisoners can't wait to see the excitement.

I sighed. It seems that I really want to use my mace

Suddenly a petite figure slowly came to me, "I testify for Jiang Feng!"

A look back, I was stunned, turned out to be, team Qin!

I didn't expect that team Qin would help me at the critical moment!

As the old saying goes, sending charcoal in the snow is better than icing on the cake.

Only in crisis can we see who will help me and who will stab me in the back!

Tigers and leopards can't afford to ride.

I finally had the second epiphany since Linfen left.

I looked at team Qin gratefully and felt that she Actually, it's pretty.

Qin team is petite and fair skinned. Apart from being cold and murderous, they look really good.

Especially now my impression of her has changed dramatically, and the more I look at her, the more pleasing to the eye.

I don't know why she would help me, but I, Jiang Feng, wrote it down!

Qin team coldly nodded to me, did not say anything.

Turning around, I said to Tiechu with an awe inspiring look on my face, "now there are five people on my side who can testify. The majority is not necessarily on which side, right, Tiechu?"

"Well, I'll see what you have to say now!"

Say, iron place unexpectedly stepped past, crus straighten this to call a quick.

Paralyzed, what's the matter with her standing there as a witness!


I was stunned. Temo had never seen such a rogue master.

At least they are still cadres at the deputy department level. Can we make a face!

"I believe ting'er's words, she is my eye, so what she said is the same as what I saw with my own eyes!"

Tiechu said coldly, "why, am I not qualified to testify?"

Qualified? There's your second uncle's egg!

I'm almost ready to curse my mother. I haven't seen such shameless people.

Old woman, iron maiden!

What is this? Is it a joke to prove the truth of a thing?

However, on the other hand, Tiechu obviously dotes on her niece, who is more than a man.

I forbear not to let the national curse from the mouth, in the heart secretly called, good, good, you are not completely tied together with tieting?

Wait, when you throw the gutter!

"Jiang Guanjiao, what else do you have to say now? In fact... "

Iron face on a pair of shameless victory in hand, but her words just said half, but was interrupted.

"Tiechu, just as you believe in your niece, I have the same confidence in the revolutionary comrades I recruited!"

To everyone's surprise, LAN Jian spoke.

Although she is not as charming as Chen Qian, she is better than Chen Qian and Cheng Yaoxin in appearance. She comes to me gently and says in a voice that everyone can hear, "I never doubt my eyes!"oh my god!

Lanjian, a big wave, I used to Alas, I'm so ashamed of her beautiful young woman, but she expressed her strongest support for me in her way!

I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I could trust me as much as my aunt Tiechu trusted me

At this moment, my eyes finally It's wet.

"Lan Jian, you, you mean to have a hard time with me, don't you?"

Tiechu was so angry that her voice seemed to suddenly become that of a duck. Obviously, I didn't expect that as a cadre of the Prison Management Bureau, I couldn't be accepted by a small teacher who was still an intern.

Even the chief of the prison administration section, the squadron leader of the prison District, and especially the deputy chief of the Shashan women's prison, all stood up to speak for me!

The voice at the iron was shaking, and she was mad with anger.

"How can I confront you tit for tat?"

LAN Jian's Kung Fu has changed from smiling coldly to smiling coldly. These two expressions have changed on her face for the N + 1 time. It's really amazing that she has two faces.

"I just believe in my eyes, you believe that the iron captain will not lie, that she is your eyes, and I only believe in their own judgment!"

LAN Jian's words are awe inspiring, but obviously her words are more convincing than Tiechu's.

It's never better to believe in yourself than to believe in others!

LAN Jian helped me, but she could barely say that she was defending her authority.

But I know that the pressure on her to take this step can be imagined.

"Good, a good leader to defend subordinates!"

Tiechu said, "well, now that there are as many witnesses on both sides, is it over?"

End? Did I get a slap for nothing?

Of course, I can't let go of these wonderful aunts and nephews easily. Now let alone Tiechu, they are endless. Even if the other party wants to stop, I won't agree!

"Of course, it's not over. Right and wrong are just. Things are just and straight. There must be a correct conclusion in the end!"

I took the words of tie Chu for LAN Jian, and fixed her eyes and said, "I have evidence! It's not human evidence, it's material evidence! "

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