From LAN Jian's cold tone and completely unable to see the expression of happiness and anger, I have a feeling that Lan Jian's relationship with this Li Chu is even worse than that with tie Chu!

It seems that the situation is not good, LAN prison, in the prison authority and even Shashan women's prison work is not plain sailing, the head of what, it seems that there are really many!

"Lan Jian, any group leader or not is just doing something for the country and the people. Don't mention the false name."

Li Chu has a face of awe inspiring righteousness. If he doesn't, he has already made a big splash.

This guy came in and said two words. One was accusing me of being drunk. The other was responding to LAN Jian's introduction without any politeness, and his tone was extremely bad.

LAN supervisor slightly lowered his head, no longer words, but from my point of view, just saw her face a blush, corner of the eye with disdain and disgust.

They're not going to deal with it!

She seemed to raise her hand casually and smoothed the big wavy hair around her ear. Her fingers were slightly tilted, like a white jade stick beating on her head.

Others may not know, but I know that this is the habit of LAN Jian before she gets angry. Ah, that night more than ten days ago, I learned the consequences of her countless actions

My mind suddenly trance up, as if back to the night of exotic, bitter memories.

But in this way, I can't be in the "labor environment week"? Hum, "Li Chu snorted, glanced at LAN Jian and tie Chu, and continued," I just want to know why you smell of wine? I ask you, do you know the six prohibitions? "

The other side's attitude is obvious. It's not too obvious. It's a prelude to the direct attack on me.

I don't understand. Do I know you very well?

Or have I ever offended you?

At present, the railway department has released a large number of signals of reconciliation with us. Then, don't other members of the inspection team smell wine?

People turn a blind eye and don't talk. What do you want to do?

I can't help thinking to myself, just now Tiechu was fighting with us to death, but this guy didn't say a word and looked on coldly. Why did he jump out to find fault now?

What is the dispute among him, Tiechu and Lanjian?

Just in time, I haven't brought them to the machine. I don't mind beating each other in the face.

But before I hit face, I still need to get back some interest.

"Oh, the smell of wine. I'm sorry, Li Chu. I not only smell wine on my body, but also in my mouth. Would you like to smell it?"

My words go straight to infinity plus one.

This words export, not only Chen Qian their facial expression big change, even LAN Jian's pretty face all follow not good-looking.

"Team Jiang, just explain, don't..."

Team Qin reminded me that I understand her kindness.

I use my body to block the hand shape, and quietly make a swing gesture to Qin team and Chen Qian, indicating that they don't care.


She was so angry that she held her golden rimmed glasses in her hand, and her anger shot at me from behind the glasses.

I wonder if the high-grade glasses will even break each other's eyes.


I didn't even pay attention to it. I opened my mouth and gave a breath to Lizu's face.

All of a sudden, a stream of wine went to the store. Not only was it good, but the members of the inspection team around him must also smell the smell in my mouth.

As long as people, as long as they eat cereals, the taste in their mouth is not good.

What's more, I drank the wine, but also one mouthful after another with beer spray machine, the taste in my mouth can be refreshing.

"Jiang Feng, you, you are too much..."

Li Chu dodged backward and covered his nose as if he wanted to yell at me.

But his hand was blocking his mouth, and he didn't scold clearly. He looked funny.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just want to clarify a fact with Lizhu. I admit that I have alcohol in my body, and I also have beer. Just now..."

I pondered over the words. I didn't say that I drank beer, but that I had beer.

Of course, Li Chu and others didn't realize these small differences, but he grabbed the last few words I deliberately raised my voice to say - just now.

"Well, Jiang jiejiao, you dare to drink openly in front of female prisoners in the prison area. This is not only a violation of the six prohibitions, but also chiguoguo's reckless trampling on the regulations of the prison authority and the rules and regulations of the judicial system!"

Li Chu yelled at me, then turned to LAN Jian and roared.

"I said that just now, how could this boy dare to contradict the leader of the inspection team of the higher authorities in public? It turns out that he drank wine while he was on duty! Lanjian, you must take this matter seriously! Otherwise, hehe, I think the prison authority will ask for an explanation from Shashan female prison! "

When the conflict broke out again, except for the limited number of people in Li Chu and LAN Jian, the whole work area was silent again. It is estimated that no one would have thought that I, who worked on my first day, had the courage to confront the department leaders repeatedly.The most important thing is that I won the battle against Tiechu. Maybe these disciplinarians are thinking, can I win the battle against maimang again?

The other party is a deep-rooted leader of the Prison Management Bureau, while I am a small teacher who has just graduated from university and has not yet passed the probation period. I can say that my identity is very different.

Especially at this moment, it's different from the conflict between me and whiteboard before. At that time, I was in charge. Now, at least we don't have the advantage. People have been invincible for a long time.

LAN Jian frowned and looked at me and asked, "Jiang Guanjiao, what's going on?"

I smile, "Lan Jian, can I ask a question before I answer?"

"What are you asking? Now I want you to answer me directly. Don't talk nonsense!"

Lanjian didn't speak. He was so angry that his stomach was going to swell up. However, he took over and yelled at me.

"Ha ha, the advantage is that you can't easily get angry at your age. Ah, you know, I say this for you!"

I took a look at his thin body, and looked at the position of his lower body contemptuously, with an enigmatic face.

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