Sitting on her modified Mercedes Benz c-series AMG, I don't know why she doesn't want to turn on the air conditioner. The window is half open, and the dusk wind comes with waves of heat, which makes people feel less comfortable.

As soon as she got to downtown T, she closed the window and immediately isolated the world in the car from the noise outside.

I asked, "where are you going?"

"Blues," Lan thought and said, "I don't have money. You can spend money on food and wine."

What can I say? I'm ashamed of her. I can only bear it.

"OK, don't be too expensive!"

"That kind of place, you weigh it up. Anyway, it's a big deal. When the time comes, you'll be put there to work for others to pay off."

I gave a wry smile. Before I could answer her, my mobile phone rang. It was Cheng Yaoxin.

"Brother Feng, where have you been? I'm waiting for you to have dinner with me

"I..." Aiming at LAN Jian, she seems to be listening.

"I went out to dinner with a friend and might be back in prison later today!"

"Friends? Are you a classmate? " Cheng Yaoxin doesn't give up. The little girl has more problems than the young woman.

"Friend Friends. " I'm so swollen. I don't feel guilty.

"But I can't get in at night. The prison will be closed soon."

Cheng Yaoxin's tone was a little anxious. She was obviously worried about my sleeping at night.


Unexpectedly, I haven't had time to answer her, but LAN Jian gives a hum from her nose, loud enough to let Cheng Yaoxin hear clearly.

"Brother Feng, female classmate?"

Cheng Yaoxin's tone seemed to be a little nervous. "You didn't say that, did you have a girlfriend? Hum, they asked you yesterday, but you don't want to ask... "

I hold up my cell phone and don't know how to explain.

Slammed the key to the back of the cell phone, and then I couldn't reach the right position.

"Ah, I said you, how..."

"Shut up

LAN Jian is so fierce that it's totally unreasonable. I look at the night scene gradually, and I know that she thinks of that night again.


I don't speak any more. I let my cell phone ring again and again, and finally I don't have the power to turn it off.

Back in time, I simply recorded the situation of that day in my diary.

It was just a few days after I saw Lin Fen off. I picked up my spirits and went to the wholesale market near the school to buy some daily necessities.

At that time, I didn't know whether Shashan female prison would prepare some daily necessities for our new comers. I think it's better to prepare more in such a remote place, where there is no village in front and no shop behind, than to have nothing to use.

In the wholesale market, I met Lanjian for the second time.

The first time, of course, was a few days ago when the civil servant was finally interviewed. She appeared in the corridor several times and sometimes sat there for a long time.

But I thought afterwards, I don't know why she came all the time, but she didn't go in to interview these candidates directly. As an examiner, she is more than enough.

In the wholesale market, I did a seemingly vulgar thing, but not everyone can do, dare to do --- hero save beauty!

Later, in my diary, I wrote down the following sentence very boldly.

"I know that some people will despise or disdain this kind of heroic behavior, but please ask those people to ask themselves, if they were you, would you dare? Don't take the courage of others as the air. The reason why evil forces are evil forces is that they are far more ferocious than ordinary people! So no matter what other people think, I'm proud of my courage... "

Back to business, I was carrying a bunch of pots and pans, soap, towels and so on, riding two or eight broken donkeys to stagger back to school.

I was thinking about something on my mind when I suddenly felt that the crowd behind me was like being split with a knife and dodged to both sides of the road.

A woman with big waves on her head ran to my direction in a panic, with a Kun bag in her hand, dripping with sweat.

More than ten meters away from her, three or four men in black shirts with dragons or toads tattooed on their arms were chasing her, all kinds of fierce.

At that time, when the wholesale market was closing, time was limited earlier than today. Therefore, there were not many people on the road, and big waves could still run.

But it is precisely because there are many roadside merchants who have not closed their stalls. Even if she can run, she can't run fast. Although she tries her best to run, she can only see that she is getting closer to the pursuers behind.

I took a look at those guys in the back, squeaked and held the handbrake directly, stopped the car and propped up the car brace. My eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

I know those goods. In our school, there are restaurants, billiards halls and game halls. They are kind of small-scale people.

In summer, these guys will have barbecue stalls on the roadside shelves, which are all over the road, not only blocking other businesses, but also blocking traffic.I have seen with my own eyes that they have fought with other hotel staff more than once, and they have been very fierce. They have beaten people to death every time.

The traffic police have been in charge for several times, and even the public security have come to arrest several people. But I don't know why they will be released in two days. These guys still go their own way and even make more efforts.

It is said that there is someone above the boss

Once, several brothers in my dormitory and I went out for a snack. When we passed by, their family members insisted on taking us to his place to eat. Of course, I didn't want to. Geying is dead. I'll give you money to eat your meal?

How beautiful you are!

As a result, if we don't eat at his house, no one in the surrounding stores dares to take us in. It's a wonderful thing that we don't earn any money.

Later, I learned that these guys have a rule. As long as they ask first, whether they eat at his home or not, they are all the guests appointed by them, and no one is allowed to take them in.

Otherwise, you can type a word without saying it twice.

Nima, that's it!

At that time, the elder brothers were so depressed that they didn't find a place to eat until they walked out a few streets. They scolded these people for being stupid while eating.

However, students, there is no deep hatred. We don't want to go back to fight with them.

This time, I saw that these goods were chasing a woman in the wholesale market, so I was not angry.

Maybe at that time, I was catching up with Lin Fen and dumped me. I was depressed and wanted to vent, so I was always on the edge of losing control of my spirit.

In other words, I just want to fight with someone to vent.

Besides, I also recognized that big wave was the woman who appeared in the corridor on the day of my interview. I had a hunch that she might have something to do with Shashan female prison.

Run in a panic, big wave is a woman after all, strength can't compare with the old man, run to see will be overtaken by those goods.

Fortunately, she was wearing flat sandals. If they were high-heeled shoes, it would be impossible for her to run so far.

At the foot of a trip, big wave unexpectedly fell to the ground, in the hands of Kun package suddenly throw out a good distance.

Several big men in black quickly catch up with her. One of them grabs the woman, swings his arm round and slaps her in the face

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