Looking at her figure, by contrast, I can't feel any surprise with her big wave and exquisite facial features.

After all, if every part of a woman's body is the ultimate one in a million, then any part alone will not make people feel particularly prominent.

She looked at me and said, "I don't want to tell you my name now, if it's fate We'll meet again. "

I didn't take this sentence seriously. At that moment, I forgot that she might be related to Shashan female prison.

I said in my heart, I'm afraid it's hard to meet. Once I enter the sand mountain, it's as deep as the sea. From then on, you and I are passers-by.

"The way you drink How lovely

She suddenly added, eyes hazy, watery looking at me, make me very embarrassed.

Although I am only 23 years old and less than 24 years old, my brother is also a big man. Although I am younger than her, no one seems to describe me as cute.

I remember, in the rental room before, after every happy, what Lin Fen likes to say most is that my body is so strong that she can't get out of bed.

I once said with great pride that I wanted to do a good job. Lin Fen could not take care of himself from now on.

Her answer was that it was the most domineering confession she had ever heard.

Alas, looking at the gorgeous woman in front of me, I think of Lin Fen in my heart.

But I have gone The Yellow Crane Tower is empty here, and the white clouds are empty for thousands of years.

Although Lin Fen is far less beautiful than big wave, after all, he has been with me for two years and was once my wife.

Although the big wave is in front of me, it seems to be within reach, but I know that the gap between me and her may even be bigger than that between me and Linfen.

I don't want to say that people are poor and ambitious, but that's the reality.

Even Lin Fen, who can only be regarded as a well-off family member, doesn't like me. How can this cliff, which can be regarded as a big wave of rich women, develop with me?

I'm thinking about it. I'm drinking wine in my own way.

We don't talk much about each other. Even I don't know what her last name is or what her job is

I just want to relax.

But I didn't expect what happened later. Relax It turns out to be lust.

We chatted casually. Maybe she wanted to ease her mood, but I didn't want to go back to face loneliness alone.

Now, most of my roommates have left school, only Lao Cai and I are left. Sometimes, even Lao Cai goes to the Internet bar all night. Sometimes, I go back all night and have no one to talk to.

I told her about my hometown, my grandfather, my college life, and what I had passed away Love, I just want to talk, even in the face of a stranger.

She told me that she was investigating the market for a large number of daily necessities purchasing plans of her unit. She did not expect to encounter several hooligans who played tricks on her and framed her for prostitution and stealing their money

Paralyzed, I have nothing to say.

In this world, there are always dark corners where the law can't scruple.

Like these little gangsters, even if they call the police, they can't do anything to them.

In law, there is a theory of sentencing and conviction called fait accompli, that is, if it's just molestation and gossip, the police will have nothing to do when they come and get them? Maybe you'll have to release your Kung Fu for a while, and you won't even have enough time to record your confession.

Every time I think about this, I feel a little depressed. Can we say that only after women are violated, can these gangsters be punished?

But at that time, I don't know how many innocent women will be destroyed.

"What about your cell phone? Why don't you want to call the police? " I asked.

"Cell phone, ah, I forgot to work."

Hearing such an answer, I still think how nervous this woman should be. When she comes out to do business, she can forget to take such an important thing as a mobile phone, and I don't know how careless she is.

Later, it was not until I worked in the prison that I found that I would often drop my mobile phone when I came out of Shashan prison, and then live a short and isolated life again and again.

The reason is very simple. The nature of discipline determines that there are quite strict requirements on safety.

Every time you want to go to the prison area, you must change your clothes at the second gate and deposit your mobile phones and other prohibited items in advance.

Therefore, some civil servants or leaders in the administrative building often put their mobile phones directly in the office, so that they don't have to change clothes again and again every time they go to the prison and other sensitive areas, which is a strange trouble.

Every day like this, there will be forgotten time.

So not only mobile phones, but sometimes wallets and briefcases are left in the office.

Alas, when life has become a normal state, these omissions have become common.

I don't know how long ago, a bottle of red wine was drunk by both of us. I didn't even think of going to dinner. I was already a little dizzy.I was still talking. Suddenly, big waves suddenly covered my head. My facial features were all wrinkled together, and my expression looked very painful.

I was surprised, half sober, quickly asked her what happened, whether to go to the hospital.

"It doesn't matter. Just take some medicine. It's old..."

She rummaged through her bag and took out a bottle of medicine full of foreign language, with a few tablets in her mouth.

But I found that she was still frowning. Obviously, this medicine was not as effective as Suxiao Jiuxin Pill in treating coronary heart disease.

I don't know where I got the courage. Maybe it's the wine that makes me brave. Maybe I can't see a woman. I stood up and didn't care whether she was happy or not. I went to her back and gently wrapped her hair and began to massage acupoints on her head.

It's like, it's like, later in Lanjian's office.

At first, she was stunned and struggled like a reflex. She found that I didn't mean anything else, so she stopped twisting her body and let me massage her.

Perhaps my technique is really good, her big wavy hair gently back in my chest, began to enjoy my warmth and kindness.

Her lip line is very clear, and very sexy, just from this point, she and Linfen are very similar.

I couldn't bear it any longer. I bowed my head and gave it a kiss

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