On the surface, I am still me, but in my heart, I think more about every thing I do, and add a lot of judgments about advantages, disadvantages, forbearance, development and so on.

Some people say that a boy's lovelorn is the starting point for him to become a man. I think it's me.

But these words can't say with LAN Jianming, say also don't say clearly?

We started to discuss the follow-up actions of this matter, and analyzed how to carry out a lot of work, how to make choices, and even how to plan for the next step.

Of course, the plan doesn't change fast. What we're talking about is just some ideas in the general direction. When we really encounter specific things, we have to rely on her wit and determination to deal with them.

Sometimes, I'm not omnipotent. I can't help if I want to.

For example, I am not qualified to attend regular production meetings or seminars on high-level prison work.

This kind of moment, can only monitor their own random.

However, from this moment, starting today, I also have my first clear goal since I entered the Shashan female prison.

That is, help Lanjian, help my woman, for her to deal with a lot of her inconvenient problems, especially, the human factor!

This result is a little strange. I just came here for one and a half days as an intern. Do I have such ability?

From this point, we can also see that Lanjian really has no intimate person to use.

Anyway, I'm going to try, and only succeed.

The conversation behind is much easier. For Lanjian's personal life, the only result I get is that she comes from Beijing. Although her words are vague, she should have a good background at home.

It's just that you can't always use the above relationship to exert pressure every time you do something. This will not only make LAN Jian unwilling, but also give her family an impression that she has no ability and can't be independent.

This is not conducive to the development of Lanjian's official career.

And I finally know what her name is, and I got something.

Lanjian, a single name!


Gaogang is LAN, and the storm is LAN!

With this name, LAN LAN, LAN Jian must also be "the golden scale is not in the pool"!

We stayed until the bar proofing, I am very helpless, the blues bar is not open until four or five o'clock in the morning, or even play all night.

Just after two in the middle of the night, we had to get out of the blues bar.

What's hard is that I've been discussing with Lan Lan all night. I didn't see clearly or visit what's the best place in the blues bar. How can I claim to be the best in the suburbs!

Ah, we have to wait for the next time, the next time in the future.

I'm sorry, but I'm very happy.

Although we didn't completely solve the tangled relationship with LAN Jian, and later we both deliberately avoided the topic of emotion, no matter what, I have become her most trusted and dependent object!

It's strange that a person who has only seen him three or five times can enter his heart so deeply. It seems that the effect of skin blind date is not covered!

But so late, we have no choice, I wanted to find a hotel nearby to stay, but Lanjian didn't agree, saying that she was afraid of driving back so late.

What can I do? I can't do it now, so I have to go back to the villa with him for the second time.

As soon as I entered the door, I didn't even change my shoes, so I jumped into Lanjian's arms and crazily held my head, kissing and stroking

The next morning, I came to Shashan female prison with Lanjian. It was hundreds of meters away from the prison gate. I suddenly said to her, "stop the car!"

"Zhi ~ ~"

this Mercedes Benz modified car with a price of more than one million quickly stopped at the side of the road, and LAN Jian frowned and asked me, "what's the matter, scare me?"

"Let's go in together Not so good! "

My answer is very sincere, although I feel a little uncomfortable.

Early in the morning, I went to Shashan female prison with her. Can I explain something to every colleague I met? We met on the way, so the warden asked me to take a ride to work

How can you make others believe things that you don't believe in yourself?

LAN Jian realized my kindness and held me in his soft hand, "Jiang Feng That's very kind of you

Although she was thanking me, I was more uncomfortable.

Ah, in fact, she also cares about others' opinions!

In fact, I am unmarried and she is unmarried. Even if we appear together in front of colleagues, what's the matter?

It can only be said that the ugly duckling turns into a swan, Cinderella meets the prince, and it is always easier for the world to accept than the poor boy hanging on the rich family.

My heart is a little sad. Lanjian seems to give herself to me and open her heart to me. But in fact, subconsciously, she doesn't plan to spend her whole life with me!Nodding, I didn't speak. I pushed the door and got out of the car. I watched the Mercedes run away.

When I light a cigarette, I stand on the side of the road and walk slowly,

the high wall and red brick barbed wire, is it the living environment I will spend my whole life together?

I have no answer.


At work, Chen Qian came to me for the first time and asked, "where was last night? I couldn't get through to you..."

Looking at her sad and even angry face, I feel more or less sorry.

Compared with LAN Jian, although Chen Qian and I "should" have not had any intimate contact (that night at her home, who is the woman who went to touch me in the middle of the night is always a mystery), I feel that she and I are closer to each other in terms of soul and are more defenseless to me.

At least, Lanjian always takes more than gives to me. From my hero's rescue to last night's help, Lanjian gives her advice.

And Chen Qian, it seems that I didn't give her anything?

If the beautiful scenery under the desk can be regarded as a gift from me, then I have nothing to say.

But Chen Qian has been helping me to save the lives of the female prison many times. She has given me the so-called task of using LAN prison to help me through the difficulty of drinking on duty. She has brought me to meet people and manage things

Even, I know that if I want her, Chen Qian will not refuse me

Why, why are you so nice to me?

I want to ask her many times, but I'm afraid that after knowing the answer, my relationship with her will become more natural!

In my heart, there was a speculation, is not I and Chen Qian's previous lover, husband what looks like? That's why she loves me and treats me like someone else?

But now is not the time for me to think hard about this, because Chen Qian has assigned me a "private office"!

"Come on, you come with me!"

"Where to..."

"You'll know when you get there!"

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