"First of all, I will listen to the leadership's arrangement. I'm Wang Jian, a big gun in your hand. You point to the East and I dare not fight the West!"

Since we have to choose to stand in line, it is the first step that we must never ignore to show our loyalty!

Getting the trust of my boss is not only good for my future work and life in Shashan, but also good for the leaders who really support me to work hard for me at the critical time!

"Good! Sister Wang loves to hear you say that! Tut Tut, you see, we Jiang Feng are really a man of indomitable spirit! "

After listening to this overt courtship, I am also All kinds of sweat!

How can you show your attitude and get involved with the old man?

However, it can be seen from this that the situation of Wang Jian in Shashan female prison is not much different from that of LAN Jian. They are all in a difficult situation.

As for whether she is the object that the opponent should support in LAN Jian's mouth, I have ruled it out for the first time!

Because at least before the job adjustment, Wang Jian ranked far ahead of LAN Jian, and LAN Jian said at that time that the potential competitor was not as qualified as her

I don't want to deal with these twists and turns, and then I will talk about my follow-up ideas.

"Do you want to make up your mind, or do you want us to work hard?"

"For stability, for ruthlessness?"

Wang Jian was stunned. He didn't know what I meant.

Stability is easy to understand, that is, to ensure that there are no mistakes in work and to spend this period of inspection and assessment smoothly.

And to be cruel, hehe, is of far-reaching significance!

"I won't explain for seeking stability. As for seeking ruthlessness, have you ever heard of two words?"

"What are you talking about? Xiaojiang, just say it! "

Wang Jian's tone was very urgent, and he could not wait.

"I mean, the two sentences of seeking peace in wealth insurance are not husband! Hey hey, if you just want to do your job well, I'll have a kind of work arrangement. If you want to make progress, we'll make a good sum up! "

Speaking of this, I deliberately sold a pass. After all, this is the first in-depth exchange between Wang Jian and me. I also need to see what kind of person she is and whether she is a leader I can follow with all my strength.

If a soldier counsels, he will counsels.

I don't want to hang out with a loser who doesn't want to make progress!

In fact, my best attitude towards Wang Jian tonight is not to rush to make a statement!

Isn't that a good saying? It's rare?

The earlier I make a statement, the less valuable I am to her.

At that time, Liu Bei asked Zhuge Kongming to come out when he was looking at the cottage. In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, it conveyed the concept that Kongming was trying to find out whether Liu Huangshu was a noble corporal and worthy of following.

The author Luo Guanzhong means that the design let Liu Bei three people run several times, it is in order to infer the master's character.

But I think this is Zhuge Liang's superb skill of controlling the overall situation.

Only the things that are obtained after arduous struggle are the best and most valuable in the hands of the masters or those in power.

So my best strategy is to play Tai Chi and not rush to express my position!

After I thoroughly investigate Wang Jian's character and listen to her practical and practical chips to promote my work progress, I will speak again.

However, people are not as good as nature. The accident caught me by surprise, so I had to choose to express my position to Wang Jian in advance.

If I don't find an umbrella, I guess it's not far away from the moment when I get out of the sand mountain.

Therefore, as long as Wang Jian can express the attitude that makes me excited, I will have no choice but to put forward my plan immediately!

The team itself is a double-edged sword, either crushed to pieces and crushed by the opponent into meat sauce, or carp jump to the third level.

I just want to make a gamble on life.

After a long silence, Wang Jian's face was unpredictable under the light. At last, she gritted her teeth, looked at me and asked, "Jiang Feng, tell me, can sister Wang believe you?"

First I was stunned, then I was happy.

Wang Jian can not casually open her mouth to say anything to me, which shows that she really attaches importance to me and hopes that I will fight side by side with her and do my best for her!

If it sounds good, anyone can say it. It's easier for leaders to win over subordinates. However, if you ask me this question, the meaning is totally different.

It seems that supervisor Wang has been observing me, judging whether I am a capable general that she can control, influence, and then completely accept.

This moment may be the moment when she really shows her true feelings.

"I don't know how to answer you!"

I said with a bitter smile, "to be honest, sister Wang and I have only dealt with each other for the first time today. I have already said the words of loyalty, but you must have recognized that they are just official sayings As for whether you can fully trust me, you may need to judge for yourself! "My face showed a sincere, "sister Wang, the only thing I can tell you is that I don't have anyone's brand, anyone!"

Ma De, my words are very explicit. In fact, I tell Wang Jian in disguise that Jiang Feng is not LAN Jian's person. I can use it. Use it well. You can do it!

"Is it?"

Wang Jian drew out a long ending.

Her tone seemed profound and inexplicable.

"It's my attitude to employ people without doubt, Wang Jian!"

I speak sonorous, with a bold and even ferocious face.


As soon as Wang Jian got excited, she raised her hand and seemed to want to clap her thigh. However Paralyzed, unfortunate accident happened!

Just now I gave her a cup of hot tea. Because the water was too hot, she put the tea cup on the table in front of her.

That's good. Wang Jian waved his hand and didn't notice his action. It was a big one It's amazing.

"Pa ~ ~"

the cup is directly knocked over on the tea table, and the hot tea flows down the table quickly.

And because she was always in a half sitting position, the cup turned a circle and turned into the mouth of the cup facing her.

So the hot tea

My heart trembled as I watched the scene, and then I heard Wang Jian scream

As soon as I close my eyes, it must be very hot!

"Wang Jian, sister Wang, are you ok? I'll go. It's all hot like this!"

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