I suddenly think of the situation of the male lion family in the African prairie. It's really like that. Basically, a male lion will live with several or even more than a dozen female lions.

However, where the lion is the king, is able to make those lions submit to the emperor, but in the Shashan prison? What am I?

It's my turn to have dinner. When my aunt saw that a man suddenly appeared in the women's pile, her expression was so strange that she couldn't describe it.

The aunt was so surprised that she opened her mouth. After I was very embarrassed to urge her for three times, she hurriedly gave me food and vegetables, and even poured half a spoonful of vegetables on the ground in a hurry.

Yao Xin and Xiao Qin and I sat down in a corner. To be honest, at the moment, I have been tortured by all kinds of comments in the canteen, and I have no appetite at all. I don't know how the food tastes.

After five minutes of hard work, no matter whether I was full or not, I took a few bites, dragged Yaoxin and Xiaoqin away.

"Ah, brother Feng, I haven't had enough yet!"

After this period of contact, Xiaoqin has started to follow Yaoxin to call me brother Feng.

See her a pay hungry unbearable appearance, I a ruthless said, "go, brother take you out for a night!"

Unexpectedly, the three of us were stopped by the guards at the gate of the prison. I said that the other side just didn't agree and insisted that we could go out only with the approval of the leader, which made us become prisoners.

Later, I learned that Shashan women's prison is not allowed to leave at ordinary times, except on Saturdays and Sundays or national legal holidays, whether the discipline or armed police soldiers go back to live or go out, they have to report in advance, and even need special approval from the leaders.

As for other clerical and logistic second-line staff, they can go to and from the prison every day. However, they have to be strictly checked every time to prevent the phenomenon of carrying prohibited articles.

Of course, the management above the deputy section level will not be subject to this kind of imprisonment, but because the location of Shashan women's prison is too remote, many middle-level prison leaders with families often live in the prison and do not leave until the weekend.

I don't know why Xiaoqin didn't tell me that. Later, her explanation was that she was starving, and she thought it was reasonable for Yaoxin and I to go out and buy some daily necessities on our first day at work, so she thought the guard would let us go.

This is also because Xiaoqin has not been here for a long time. If she stayed for three or five years, she would never think so.

Seeing that Yaoxin and Xiaoqin are so disappointed that they are ready to go back, it suddenly occurred to me that Chen Qian, the chief of the prison administration department, said that it was difficult for me to find her? Now it's time to try.

The middle-level cadres' dormitories all have landlines. They call in the reception room to explain the situation. Chen Qian didn't say much. She just said to me, "you three are at the gate. Don't move. I'll come right away."

Less than ten minutes later, a Blue Mini Cooper car came out of the Shashan prison. Chen Qian rolled down the window and yelled to us, "get in the car."

She got out of the car and went to the guard room to say something, so the door opened, and the car let out a stream of black smoke.

I sat in the co pilot's seat, feeling a little confused and uneasy.

To tell you the truth, I didn't expect Chen Qian to personally take us to a midnight snack. Originally, she only had to call the doorman, and we could make up another leave procedure tomorrow. However, section chief Chen drove over in person. Now, she seems to have to take us three to dinner.

I feel very embarrassed, occasionally peek at Chen Qian a few eyes, but found that she did not look at me, but look focused on turning the steering wheel.

Chen Qian took us not to Donghe County, but to Shahe Town, which is surrounded by mountains and water on three sides.

After listening to Chen Qian's explanation, I learned that the name of Shashan female prison was actually taken from Shahe Town.

The prison is about an hour's drive away from Donghe county and Shahe Town. I wonder why Chen Qian came here instead of taking us to Donghe County for dinner?

Is Shahe Town more lively than the county seat? Or snacks, more delicious?

Chen Qian didn't talk much. We didn't make any noise. The atmosphere was a little dull.

After a while, Chen Qian turns on the car radio, which is the time when the FM radio drama "women's sorrow" is broadcast.

After listening for a few minutes, Chen Qian suddenly asked me, "Jiang Feng, do you know what is the saddest thing about women?"

I was just listening to the novel, when she asked me this question, I was shocked. How do you want me to answer this question?

I think for a long time, had to honestly answer her, "chief Chen, every woman has their own different sad or happy, so, I really hard to say!"

Chen Qian glanced at me and seemed very dissatisfied with my answer. Obviously, my statement was too popular and smooth, just like she didn't say it.

Originally, I also said that I don't know. The question that Chen Qian asked me is not something that a man can answer!

"Alas," Chen Qian sighed, "Jiang Feng, elder sister Chen tells you, the saddest thing for a woman is not that she has no beautiful face, no money, no power and status!""What's that?"

I'm curious to know what special and unexpected explanation there is for the topic of women's sorrow in the mouth of this charming young woman.

"Actually, I thought you could think of..."

Chen Qian's voice is quiet and sad.

I don't know how to evoke her sad, immediately closed lips no longer answer.

Ah, misfortune comes from the mouth. The ancients didn't deceive me.

Cheng Yaoxin and Zhang Xiaoqin did not speak. We were all waiting for Chen Qian's "standard answer".

"Women, the most sad thing is that no one loves, no parents, no relatives, no children, even no husband's love!"

I was surprised. I felt as if I accidentally touched the sadness in Chen Qian's heart, but I couldn't figure out why Chen Qian, such a top-notch woman who can make most of the men in the world bow down under the pomegranate skirt, can't be loved, or lack of love?

Is her marriage not happy?

It's just that it's involved in each other's personal life. It's privacy. Chen Qian doesn't take the initiative to say that, of course, it's hard for me to ask.

Yao Xin and Xiao Qin probably have similar ideas. None of us answered her.

"Squeak ~ ~"

Chen Qian slams on the brake, and the Mini Cooper makes a shrill sound of the tires rubbing on the ground. It's like being suddenly pulled by a force of famine, and it stops at the roadside.

If I didn't wear a seat belt, the wall would break the front windshield and make me sweat.

"Jiang Feng, go down with me and have a cigarette!"

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