In the Taekwondo Hall, the children lined up neatly in rows, all in horse stances while punching the air, shouting “HA!” “HA!”

Xue Lingqiao drank the yogurt given by the children, watched their movements, and corrected their posture from time to time.

Since coming to the Taekwondo gym to teach, he had finally had a sense of being really accepted by the world. The fresh vitality of the children, Tian Jingzhi's grumbling complaining when he returned home, and the Mary Sue's idol drama on the TV, all these gave Xue Lingqiao a wonderful sense of security.

The glass opposite reflected Xue Lingqiao's face, like a spring breeze, all the tenderness in his eyes poured into the sunlight.puretl dot com is the original translator, please do not repost

Suddenly, his heart started to beat faster, badump…badump...

This was a dreadful feeling, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest. Xue Lingqiao covered his left chest, and his whole body was shaking almost uncontrollably.

Something must have happened!

The shooting scene has NG a dozen times. The male protagonist protected Zhang Xuanxuan behind him, grabbed Tian Jingzhi's collar with one hand and dragged her towards the ledge, and was about to push her down. 

The director shouted impatiently, “Jump!”

Tian Jingzhi did not feel well. She has worked very hard to be professional in front of the camera, but...opened her eyes and looked down, it was so high...she would definitely die...Tian Jingzhi's mind blanked. Can't someone throw her down instead?

Just when Tian Jingzhi closed her eyes in despair and was about to fall down, one hand firmly supported her waist, and one foot kicked the male number one in front of her away.

Tian Jingzhi was stunned, turned her head to look at the person behind him, Xue Lingqiao looked bad, exuded an inexplicable sense of oppression all over his body, and stared coldly at the group of people in front of him. What's going on? How come Xue Lingqiao appeared? Moreover, how did he come to the 2nd floor?

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and they didn't return to their senses. The director stared at the scene just now captured by the camera. The parkouring youth climbed directly to the 2nd floor with his bare hands. It was so handsome that he forgot to call ‘Cut!’. This is the effect he wanted! 

The actor's agent rushed into the scene and held his male artist to check, “How is it? Are you injured?” He looked back at the still-operating camera, and shouted angrily, “Stop filming! Stop filming!”

The staff finally came back to their senses and hurried to see if the male protagonist was injured.

Xue Lingqiao was murderous: “Why is he trying to kill you? Are these his people?”

Tian Jingzhi's brain short circuited -she couldn't understand what he was saying: “Kill...kill what?”

“That man was going to push you off.” 

Could it be that he thought... Tian Jingzhi finally understood. She pointed to the safety wire on her body, and hit him on the head with hatred: “Kill? What kill? We are filming! Idol drama! You were still watching it this morning. Look! You're going to kill me!”

Xue Lingqiao looked confused and incredulous, “Kill you? I came to save you…”

Tian Jingzhi covered his mouth and whispered, “Don't say anything! Just nod when I say anything! Do you understand? Nod!” 

Xue Lingqiao, did not understand, but nodded nethertheless.

In the rest area of the studio, Tian Jingzhi and Xue Lingqiao sat side by side, Tian Jingzhi had a sweet expression on her face, and Xue Lingqiao stared at...their hands intertwined on the table.

Zhang Xuanxuan sat across from them with an elegant smile that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

“Care to explain?”

Tian Jingzhi pretended to be shy and said: “We met in the hospital. While I suffered in pain during my stay at the hospital, it was my (Ling)Qiao who had accompanied me. Our Qiao was jealous when he heard that I had a rivalry with the male lead, and came here secretly. There is a misunderstanding. He is usually really super gentle... right Feng Dongdong?”

Feng Dongdong, who was beside them, received the signal and nodded desperately in cooperation.

Zhang Xuanxuan raised her eyebrows: “Is your boyfriend a martial artist?”

“No, he's a taekwondo coach, and he likes to parkour sometimes too." Tian Jingzhi covered her mouth and laughed dryly, “When I was in the hospital, he just climbed up to the window of my ward to give me flowers. That was what impressed me!” 

Looking at Tian Jingzhi, who covered her chest with her two hands while reminiscing her sweet memories, Zhang Xuanxuan said incredulously, “Shouldn't one call the police in that kind of situation?”

Tian Jingzhi looked nervous and serious: “Shh, don't talk nonsense, this is the power of love!”

Zhang Xuanxuan sighed, then turned to Xue Lingqiao who just stared at her without saying a word.

“Excuse me, Mr. Xue, don't you have any explanation? Even if you are jealous, is it necessary to go to the studio to beat up someone? After having just been rejected from marriage and having a scandal, the image of a good girl she has worked so hard to recreate will be ruined by you overnight. Do you understand?”puretl dot com is the original translator, please do not repost

Xue Lingqiao looked at Zhang Xuanxuan's face, still in a daze. 

Zhang Xuanxuan sneered and said, “Is there nothing to say? Do you think I'm not qualified enough to make remarks for you and your girlfriend?”

Xue Lingqiao then turned his head and with his eyes, signaled Tian Jingzhi, asked her if he could speak. Tian Jingzhi pouted and mouthed out a “NO”.

Suddenly Zhang Xuanxuan slapped the table angrily, startling Tian Jingzhi.

“Fortunately, the male lead is fine and the director had spoken for him, so his manager no longer pressed on with this issue. Tian Jingzhi, no matter how and where you suddenly found a boyfriend, please take care of him!” 

Zhang Xuanxuan got up and left with an unhappy expression on her face. After Tian Jingzhi saw her back disappear, she fell back on her chair, exhausted. Fortunately, she passed the test.

Xue Lingqiao looked at her: "...Can I talk now?"

Tian Jingzhi replied angrily, “Speak!”

Xue Lingqiao smiled: “Miss Zhang Xuanxuan looks prettier in person.” 

Tian Jingzhi was completely defeated by him. She sat paralyzed on her seat; Oh heaven, please send a Celestial Master to take him away! She spoke out in distress: “I always thought you were here to block evil for me, but I didn't expect you to be my evil. The view count on the video has been steadily rising. There’s more than 10 million views now. You’re wanted by all of mankind.”

Xue Lingqiao disagreed, “On the bright side, your search rate will temporarily surpass my goddess, Zhang Xuanxuan.”

“Hey, aren't you worried at all?”

“Why would I worry?”

Tian Jingzhi was stunned for a moment, but suddenly understood. She pointed at him and accused: “You really don't have to worry, if news breaks out, you could just run into the deep forest or mountains to be a wild monster. But what about me? I already have to carry the dark history of my relationships and then soon, I’ll be associated with a monster. Maybe I will even be excluded as the public enemy of mankind!”

Xue Lingqiao thought about it seriously. It was indeed difficult for Tian Jingzhi to live happily, so he made a new decision.

“Don't worry, if it's exposed, I'll take you to the wilderness with me.” 

Humans have finally developed into a civilized society. Why did she want to go back to being a scavenger? Tian Jingzhi was so angry that her hands were shaking when she pointed at him, “I just can't reason with you! Go! Go and apologize to the director first, and then you go home and see your Domineering President! And stop running around!”

Fortunately, this day was not all bad news. Tian Jingzhi took Xue Lingqiao to apologize to the director. The director was convinced by Xue Lingqiao's aura before, and discussed with Tian Jingzhi to let him play the role of the ultimate big boss in the play, and the remuneration was negotiable. Money speaks, so Tian Jingzhi agreed on the spot for Xue Lingqiao.

——Before he goes into hiding, he should at least help her make some money.

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