
  "That's right, wingman."

  "It's done, it's settled." Yu Ziye agreed, suddenly feeling that it wasn't a bad thing for everyone!All of a sudden, there are two wingmen, think about it.

  So the two of them walked in shyly, Zeng Xiaoxian still said attentively, "Lisa, what would you like to drink?"

  "Ice water will do."

  "Okay." Zeng Xiaoxian said and walked to the refrigerator, took out a disposable cup from the side, and Yu Ziye sat down beside him, ready to meet Zeng Xiaoxian at any time.

  "Do you live alone?" Lisa looked around and asked Zeng Xiaoxian casually.

  "Yes!" Zeng Xiaoxian responded: "You know, those of us who are hosts need to collect the materials of life all the time, so I chose the love apartment. Love is a very beautiful language."

  "It's also a loss to you. At such an old age, you can still maintain your youthful vitality."

  "Hehehe." Zeng Xiaoxian's hand froze, and he smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I..."

  "What about the TV show! I still hope that a mature and stable person will host it, so that young people can be guided in the right direction."

  Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly swallowed the words back: "That's right, hey, I'm so old before I know it, time flies, time is not forgiving!"


  Yu Ziye wanted to run away. It was one thing to look at it, but it was another thing to experience it personally. He was shameless, and he wanted it himself!How do you let yourself take it?

  Just when Yu Ziye was tangled, there was a sudden sound of the door opening, and Lu Ziqiao walked in from outside: "Mr. Zeng, borrow your refrigerator for use."

  "Don't move." Seeing that Lisa was about to look back, Yu Ziye howled excitedly, startling several people. .

Chapter 31

  "what happened?"

  Lu Ziqiao and Lisa asked at the same time. Lisa heard the voice and felt a little familiar. Just as she was about to turn back, she was stopped by Yu Ziye. When everyone was stunned, Yu Ziye said embarrassedly: "Hehehe~ What, Lisa, that It's my roommate, he doesn't know there are guests, he's dressed a bit indecent, don't look back."

  "What's indecent? I'm wearing clothes!" Lu Ziqiao said unhappily.


  Yu Ziye waved to Zeng Xiaoxian from behind, motioning him to go to Lu Ziqiao to drive out, Zeng Xiaoxian understood in seconds, because he felt something was wrong when he saw Lu Ziqiao now.

  He managed to tidy up the room, but when Lu Ziqiao came back, he smelled a stench, and he was as dirty as playing with mud.

  "You go out first, hurry up, borrow the refrigerator and wait for a while." Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly pushed Lu Ziqiao out.

  "Hey..." Lu Ziqiao was pushed out reluctantly, and Yu Ziye smiled awkwardly: "Well, I'm sorry, we usually know each other well, so it's easier to dress casually, don't mind."

  "It's okay, understandable." Lisa looked down on Zeng Xiaoxian, but she still had some respect for Yu Ziye.

  Yu Ziye let out a sigh of relief, Lu Ziqiao was here, he really didn't have much confidence, especially Lisa's old lover, Yu Ziye, on the principle that more things are worse than less things, let him evaporate.

  It didn't take long for Zeng Xiaoxian to walk in and gesture ok to Yu Ziye, only then did Yu Ziye relax.

  Lisa saw Zeng Xiaoxian come over: "ok, I'm not talking nonsense anymore, how much do you know about the background of our new show?"

  "Very thorough." Zeng Xiaoxian seemed to have done his homework, he continued to talk, as if he didn't need Yu Ziye's help: "This show is about the emotional problems of young people, and someone needs to guide them correctly. Now The dross culture of the world is flooded with the minds of young people..."

  "Wait." Yu Ziye interrupted Zeng Xiaoxian's increasingly intense negative emotions: "Although I don't know the host very well, as a public figure, have you thought about what to do?"

  "Yes, since you have studied it, have you thought about how to do it?"

  Lisa was brought to the rhythm by Yu Ziye, Zeng Xiaoxian stopped and smiled: "Of course, I think, in the program, we can analyze and expand according to some news cases, and then teach young people with this."

  "It seems that you are well prepared!" Lisa nodded, but still didn't show any intention to choose him: "I said that many hosts are competing, you are one of them, to be honest, you said something In general, what we want is not just talk on paper, but also some emotional experience, so that people can empathize, understand?"

  "Uh, this..."

  Zeng Xiaoxian sweated on his head, and when he talked about his emotional experience, he looked like him. . .Only one unforgettable experience.

  Yu Ziye said calmly beside him: "Speaking of emotional experience, Zeng Xiaoxian did have a relationship, and it lasted for eight years. I think he definitely has the wealth to host this show."

  "Oh? Is that so?" Lisa glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian in surprise, she couldn't believe that this guy could be in a relationship with a girl for so long.

  "This...yes...yes." Zeng Xiaoxian responded with a somewhat unsightly face, but he admitted it.

  Yu Ziye leaned over to Lisa: "Tell you secretly, Zeng Xiaoxian has respected that girl very much in the past eight years, and has been in a pure love relationship for the past eight years. I think this can be used as a correct view of love to guide others. "

  "real or fake?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian just smiled awkwardly, and Lisa's mind of gossip suddenly got up: "Then what's your situation now?"

  Yu Ziye gave Zeng Xiaoxian a wink and asked him to speak for himself, but now he is completely silent, Yu Ziye is helpless and can only explain: "It's time to break up!"

  "Why?" Lisa asked curiously, "Is the eight-year relationship still broken?"

  "That's because this girl is a reporter, and she's an international reporter. The two of them are from far and wide. There is no other way but to break up. No, Teacher Zeng still has feelings for her and has been waiting for her to come back."

  Zeng Xiaoxian's head is a mess now, and he didn't even notice it, why Yu Ziye knew this secret, he remembered that he only said that he was wearing a green hat at the psychiatrist!

  "So that's the case, then it seems that you are indeed quite suitable for this show." Lisa is finally relieved now.

  "Bang bang bang~~ Why is the door locked?"

  Just when Zeng Xiaoxian's face was overjoyed, Lu Ziqiao made a commotion outside the door again, and Zeng Xiaoxian was shocked.

  With a wink at Yu Ziye, Yu Ziye stood up painfully, and handed over the rest of the conversation to Lisa Rong and Zeng Xiaoxian. He walked to the door by himself, pushed open the door and pushed Lu Ziqiao out, and left himself. go out. .

Chapter 32

  "Hey, Ziye, you lied to me? Didn't you say I was talking with you? What's your situation? Turn around and look for Teacher Zeng? Are you sure he can speak better than me?"

  "What!" Yu Ziye waved his hand and said calmly, "This is not the person I made an appointment with, this is Teacher Zeng's boss, I am just helping to be a wingman, and then when I negotiate, they will be my wingman. ."

  "The wingman is looking for me! I can give you a friendship price." Lu Ziqiao suddenly became excited: "Let's go, anyway, we'll have to wait a while. Let's help Mr. Zeng get the boss. I think she looks pretty good."

  "It's not bad." Yu Ziye was very helpless. This was his real purpose: "Didn't you identify it? You don't even know your old lover?"


  Lu Ziqiao's hand froze when he was about to push the door: "What did you say? My old lover? How did you know? I don't even remember, but you actually know."

  "Don't care how I know, are you sure you want to appear on the same screen as your ex-girlfriend anyway?"

  "I... I'm not sure." Although he didn't know whether Yu Ziye was frightening him or the truth, he didn't dare to take the risk. If it was true, then seeing an ex-girlfriend who was going to kill him, he felt It is necessary to think carefully.

  "Listen!" Yu Ziye said solemnly, "Although I promised you, but this time is an exception, you can stay wherever you are now, if you interfere with the business of me and Teacher Zeng, The two of us will throw you out of here."

  "Ah~ let's do it, let's do it!" For the sake of his own personal safety, and for the business of Yu Ziye and Zeng Xiaoxian, he decided that it would be better not to take risks.

  Yu Ziye breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Ziqiao was finally tricked away by him.

  After returning to the suite, Yu Ziye made an 'ok' gesture to Zeng Xiaoxian, Zeng Xiaoxian was completely relieved, and then continued to argue with Lisa, Yu Ziye played the role of a wingman from time to time.

  "Haha, your hosting style and your grasp of topics are quite experienced, and you are not nervous at all. I think you will be a very good host." Lisa smiled and gave Zeng Xiaoxian enough affirmation : "Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom."

  "Go in and turn left."

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled, and after Lisa left, he took out a few pieces of paper to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead: "That's great, my chances are much better."

  "Don't get excited." Yu Ziye couldn't help pouring cold water on him, and then said lightly: "My negotiator is coming too, get ready, your business should be almost the same."

  "Understood, I will help you speak kind words."

  "That's fine."

  "Ah~~" Lisa suddenly screamed. Zeng Xiaoxian was nervous. Hearing this scream, his heart beat faster for a while: "What's wrong?"

  "Xiaobu?" Lisa suddenly held a photo in her hand: "Xiaobu also lives here?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian walked over to take a look, and was a little confused. Yu Ziye covered his forehead. It's over, he forgot about this. Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't understand the situation, so he said, "Lisa, did you make a mistake, he is..."

  "Impossible, I know Xiaobu's appearance even if he turned into ashes." Lisa said and then burst into tears: "Xiaobu, it's so hard for me to find you! Where is he?"

  "...What's going on?" Zeng Xiaoxian now has a bad feeling in his heart.

  "Lu Ziqiao's romantic debt! What else could there be?" Yu Ziye explained painfully.

  "What now?"

  "What else can I do? Find a reason to fool the past! Otherwise, you will be miserable, and I guess it will be miserable." Yu Ziye didn't know if Lisa would go berserk after knowing the truth. Anyway, he knew, if Lisa Rong knew, Today, not only Zeng Xiaoxian's affairs will be yellow, but his affairs will also be yellow.

  Don't underestimate the madness of the deceived woman, anyway, Yu Ziye never dared to underestimate it.

  "Looking for... what reason?" Zeng Xiaoxian saw Lisa Rong getting more and more sad and couldn't help handing over a tissue. Lisa asked excitedly, "Do you know Xiaobu?"

  "Uh, I don't know, I don't know." Zeng Xiaoxian quickly shook his head, not admitting anything.

  "Then why is there a photo of Xiaobu here?"

  "This is the photo that our residents committee took when they visited cancer patients, not now." Zeng Xiaoxian finally came up with a reason.

  "Cancer?" Lisa looked at Zeng Xiaoxian nervously: "You said Xiaobu has cancer?"

  "Yes... yes!" Zeng Xiaoxian rubbed Yu Ziye's arm, signaling him to get on, and Yu Ziye made up for the following plot: "Yes, brain cancer is at an advanced stage, it is said that some tumor is pressing on the nerve, and we will wait for it to be discovered. It's too late, so, you know."

  "Xiaobu, I said why didn't you call me back, so that's the case, I'm blaming you wrong, woohoo~"

  This sound, the listener is sad, see tears ah!

  "Where is Xiaobu's grave? I want to see him."

  "Hey, hey." Zeng Xiaoxian quickly stopped her: "I don't know, we just met by chance, and I don't know where the cemetery is."


Chapter 33

  "I'm sorry, I lost my temper, I'll go to the bathroom first."

  After a while, Lisa realized that she had lost her temper in front of this subordinate, which was equivalent to giving him a handle on her own. She quickly dealt with the tears on her face and went to the bathroom.

  Zeng Xiaoxian breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help giving Yu Ziye a thumbs up: "Fortunately, you drove Lu Ziqiao away. If he came, the consequences would be disastrous."

  "Hahaha~" Yu Ziye just laughed dryly and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, she is a ticking time bomb here now, don't worry about finishing things early."

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