"It won't be too long, it's not too late to leave after I finish talking!" Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly stopped her: "Laura, what I actually want to ask is, can you... don't go looking for other men. Can't I satisfy you?"


  At this time, the few people who were listening to them outside also sighed, and Yu Ziye said silently, "I knew that Teacher Zeng was still imagining, and we made the right preparations."

  Everyone didn't reply, maybe they were already prepared, and they were not surprised at Zeng Xiaoxian's words.

  Sure enough, Laura smiled: 383 "What's the matter? Don't be so careful, are we bad?"

  "No, Laura, I originally thought that we wouldn't have to be responsible to both parties, but then I found out that I actually care about this matter very much, especially when I see..." Zeng Xiaoxian said and didn't want to say it. Going down: "Anyway, I mean, can you give up other men, or, just among us, choose one?"

  Laura didn't take Zeng Xiaoxian's words to heart at all, she just smiled lightly: "Haha~ You are so humorous, Xianer, don't embarrass me."

  "Is it difficult?" Zeng Xiaoxian didn't understand Laura's thoughts, maybe it wasn't a difficult choice for him.

  "You guys are really doing it, shouting that you don't want to be responsible, but once you have such an opportunity, you don't know how to cherish it."

  Zeng Xiaoxian took a deep breath and suddenly remembered Yu Ziye's words: "Yes, this is our man's dream, but Laura, dreams and reality are two different things, this world is too stressful, and many people don't want to continue living, but this Just thinking about it, most people will choose to continue to struggle in this world.

  So do we, yes, we don't want to take responsibility because it's too tired, but we also want a girl of our own, sorry Laura, I can't take your thoughts, I think. . . "

  "Xianer." Before Zeng Xiaoxian could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Laura. Laura put her finger next to Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth: "Shh~ I know what you mean, are you insecure like this?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, as if his sense of security was one of them: "Yes, but..."

  "In that case..." Laura took Zeng Xiaoxian's hand: "I'll give you a sense of security, let's... get married!"


  Zeng Xiaoxian opened his mouth wide and looked at Laura, his head was blank again, and he even forgot to take out the photo.

  The few people who were peeking from the balcony almost vomited blood, but Yi Fei accidentally used strength in her hands, and everyone was pushed in, looking at Laura and Zeng Xiaoxian in surprise.

  Laura has come out with a ring now, and she's about to propose!

  Zeng Xiaoxian's head was blank, he didn't know what to say, but after being interrupted, he suddenly flashed a hint of sobriety: "Laura, go back to your room first! I'll go out and buy something first."

  Several people smiled awkwardly at her and ran out.

  At the moment when the door was closed, several people felt that the world must be crazy, and Mika felt her heartbeat jump out: "I'll go, if it's an ordinary couple's proposal, it must be romantic to death, but why did I see Teacher Zeng? Being proposed, I feel so hot?"

  "Hehe, can you not irritate your eyes? Think about it, this Laura proposed to three men, does it feel like her eyes are going blind?" Yu Ziye complained.

  "Mmmmmmm~" Mika and Guan Gu nodded vigorously.

  "Then what should we do now?" Lu Ziqiao really didn't know what to do next. Laura's proposal came out, and Zeng Xiaoxian must have been decided.

  "It doesn't matter, we still have the last trump card." Yu Ziye took out the fake inspection report: "Mr. Zeng ran away, and I don't know where he went, but I guess he won't dare to come back tonight. Just show him."

  "Then go back to each house and find each other's mother! Ziqiao, watch Zeng Xiaoxian over there, if he comes back tonight, take him." Yifei ordered Lu Ziqiao.


  . . . . . .

  One night passed like this, as expected, Zeng Xiaoxian never came back at night, he stayed on the radio all the time, and even a few people listened to his broadcast bored, they knew that he was absent-minded when he was doing the show, he was wrong. A lot of words, being scolded by Lisa is inevitable.

  But compared to their own emotional problems, these are nothing at all!

  On the next morning, they finally met Zeng Xiaoxian in the bar. This guy didn't know if he hadn't slept all night, and now he has two dark circles under his eyes!

  When several people saw him at the bar, he was drinking a bottle of wine!

  "Mr. Zeng, you are finally back." Lu Ziqiao asked with concern, "Where did you go last night?"

  "On the radio, don't disturb me, I'll think about it myself." Zeng Xiaoxian helplessly covered his forehead, and he still hasn't figured it out yet.

  Yifei had a class today, so she didn't come to the bar with Yu Ziye, only Wan Yu, Lu Zhanbo, and Lu Ziqiao were there.

  Wan Yu and Lu Zhanbo didn't see the scene of the marriage proposal yesterday, so they didn't know what happened, so they asked a few people with laughter, "Hey, what's wrong with Teacher Zeng?"

  "Wan Yu, you didn't see it yesterday! Laura proposed to Teacher Zeng."

  "Proposal?" Lu Zhanbo and Wan Yu exclaimed and turned to Zeng Xiaoxian: "You agreed?"

  "No." Zeng Xiaoxian grimaced: "They rushed out and interrupted us, so I made an excuse to run away, why did this happen? I made up my mind, who can tell me why I saw this photo doesn't work? "

  "It won't work if you watch too much, and you have immunity." Yu Ziye was speechless: "Who told you to grind, just say it and you're done, and you still hope to give Laura a chance to turn back? Who are you? What do you think?"

  "I don't know, I'm completely out of my mind now." Zeng Xiaoxian threw himself on the sofa with his face covered, and couldn't get up. If it was really that simple to make a decision, he wouldn't be Zeng Xiaoxian. .

Chapter 132

  Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian like this, Yu Ziye was speechless, Lu Ziqiao gave Yu Ziye a wink, Yu Ziye was helpless and took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket: "Teacher Zeng, don't blame me for not reminding you, this is where I am. Found it in the trash can in your suite, looks like it was thrown by Laura."

  "Ah? Why are you rummaging through the trash again?" Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hands in disgust, and wanted to push it away in disgust, but he hesitated when Yu Ziye said something about Laura.

  In the end, he took it, opened the paper, and stared at what was on it: "No, what is this HIV?"

  "You don't understand this? AIDS!" Lu Ziqiao explained to Zeng Xiaoxian in surprise.

  "Pfft~" Zeng Xiaoxian threw the piece of paper out with a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, shaking his hand: "No, she...she..."

  Yu Ziye patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder calmly: "Do you still want to think about it now?"

  "No, I'm breaking up, I'm breaking up."

  There is such a problem, Zeng Xiaoxian can't accept Laura anymore, and honest people are honest people, but even a fool knows what it means.

  "I'll call Laura out now, and I'll break up with her right away."

  Yu Ziye gave a thumbs up behind his back, is this stable?If Zeng Xiaoxian can give Laura a chance, then Yu Ziye can only describe it with admiration.

  It must be true love, it must be true love, whoever wants to break them up, Yu Ziye will be anxious with him.It's not breaking up, it's not true love is - what?

  So, several people gave up this position to Zeng Xiaoxian and let him make it clear to Laura himself.

  After half an hour, Laura appeared at the bar at the right time. At this moment, she can be considered a spring breeze!When he saw Zeng Xiaoxian, he asked very gently, "Xian'er, where did you go last night? I'm going to worry to death."

  "Hehe~" Zeng Xiaoxian saw Laura coming over to touch his face, and jumped away excitedly, as if there were some kind of wild beast on Laura's body.

  Laura asked strangely, "Xian'er, what's wrong with you?"

  "Laura, I'm looking for you this time because I want to tell you something." Zeng Xiaoxian took a deep breath and kept a distance from Laura.

  "Xian'er, let's sit down and talk if you have something to say! Why are you so far away from me? I just took a shower."

  "Don't come here." Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Laura was about to come over again, he was frightened and hid behind the sofa again: "Laura, listen to me, I can't marry you."

  Laura was stunned for a moment and felt very unwilling: "Xian'er, what are you talking about? Have you forgotten how happy we were when we were together?"

  "Stop, I said don't come here." Zeng Xiaoxian was a rare man once, no way, no man!This is related to his own life: "Yes, I admit, I like you very much, but we are not children anymore, happiness is not the only criterion for everything we do, I allow you to come in my world Walk, but I won't allow you to run around in my world."

  When Zeng Xiaoxian uttered these words, it was as if his whole body was relaxed, and the haze in his heart was eliminated, as if the clouds could see the moon.

  "Also." Just as Laura was about to speak, she was interrupted by Zeng Xiaoxian: "The mistakes you make also need to be borne by yourself. How you live is your freedom, but you make this mistake so that more people will pay for it. , I can no longer accept you, both morally and humanly, and I want to end this relationship.

  I'm sorry Laura, no, you should be sorry for me, you are no longer the Laura I remember, we. . .Break up! "

  "Xian'er, are you drinking too much? What's wrong, what makes more people pay?" Laura didn't understand what Zeng Xiaoxian said.

  Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and said the words, his head was clear for a while, and it was completely different from just now: "Some things, I don't want to make it too clear, you know it all in your heart..."

  "Zeng Xiaoxian." Laura is also completely angry. Zeng Xiaoxian has always been the most perfect spare tire that she has chosen. She even once felt that it was his honor that she could count Zeng Xiaoxian as a member of the 'harem', but now, But being rejected fiercely, whether in terms of face or other aspects, was something Laura was unwilling to accept.

  Laura pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian angrily: "I tell you, don't make fun of me, who do you think you are? Break up? I don't agree."

  "Laura..." Zeng Xiaoxian shouted angrily.

· · Flowers · ·


  Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to say something, but a man ran in from outside the bar. He saw a gloomy face and shouted angrier than Zeng Xiaoxian.

  "Alan? Why are you here?" Laura was very satisfied with the person who came out to interrupt their conversation. As long as today is passed, Zeng Xiaoxian is not a plaything in her hand?

  "let me introduce..."

  In the past, Laura wanted to hold the hand called Allen and introduce it to Zeng Xiaoxian, but Allen slapped Laura with a backhand slap.

  Lu Ziqiao, Lu Zhanbo, Wan Yu, and Yu Ziye, who were watching the play next to them, covered their faces subconsciously, and Laura's face swelled up. It could be seen that Alan didn't have any strength to start.


  "Dare you hit me?" Laura couldn't believe what she saw.

  I saw Allen with a gloomy face, staring at Laura like a bloodthirsty beast: "Laura, I'm here to tell you today, you wait for me, if I also get that disease, I will never let you go."

  "What are you talking about?" Laura asked with a bit of air in her mouth when she heard this. She really didn't understand what happened.

  "You know what I say, you slut." Allen's words were quite ugly: "Don't contact me in the future, I don't want to see you again."

  Laura didn't know, but Zeng Xiaoxian beside him was silent. He read the list, wouldn't he know?But now, he really has no other idea except to sympathize with this man named Alan.

  As for Laura, if it wasn't for the inability to let go, he would like to slap it himself.

  Alan left a harsh word and ran out in a hurry.

  Laura covered her face and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in disbelief, but what he saw in Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes, apart from sadness, was the coldness that made her feel scared.

  "You wait for me." Laura chopped off her foot and ran out.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at her back, wiped the tears from her eyes, and didn't say anything else, leaving some theatergoers in the bar in a mess.

  Covering his face, Zeng Xiaoxian sat down on the sofa next to him, as if his body had been hollowed out.So.

Chapter 133

  "What's going on here?" Lu Ziqiao and the others were very puzzled. They prepared this fake inspection report just to make Zeng Xiaoxian make up his mind, but they never thought that her other lovers would come and cut her off. A few people didn't even know what was going on.

  "Hey, thank me!" Yu Ziye shrugged and explained calmly: "In order to increase the credibility, I accidentally sent this photo to this Alan, and asked him to cooperate with us in this play. , Look, isn't Zeng Xiaoxian convinced now?"

  "Wow, you are so cheap! However, I like it." Lu Ziqiao gave Yu Ziye a high-five.

  What Yu Ziye didn't expect was that Allen slapped Laura when he came up. Judging from Zeng Xiaoxian's face, although he couldn't bear it, he still didn't go up to protect Laura, indicating that he was really letting go.

  "Do we want to comfort Teacher Zeng?" Wan Yu asked sympathetically when she saw Zeng Xiaoxian sitting on the sofa covering her face.

  "Zi Qiao, it's your turn." Yu Ziye pouted, "Here is the one you've been dumped the most, who won't you?"

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