My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

292.Wan Sui’s identity

"I have entered the space gap, and Skynet can't find any information about you. I know that all superpowers are mental patients, and you can even recruit so many superpowers to do things for you. Who are you?"

Faced with Gu Zhuo's pressing question, Wan Sui brushed her hair around her ears and answered:

"Where do you start?"

"It all starts with your experience."

Gu Zhuo said, still protecting Chaoying tightly, as if he was protecting his own cub.

"I can tell you everything, but I have only one request."


"Can we talk while we rush to the northwest? I don't want to waste time, I have to rush there as soon as possible."

Gu Zhuo turned his head to look at Chao Ying and saw her nodding. Then he said again:

"Okay, hurry over now. You can sit in my car, but I have to go down and talk to my people first."


After saying that, Gu Zhuo asked Wansui to get off the car first, and then he got off. He asked Chaoying to wait in the car, got out of the car, and rushed into the stone hall.

In the stone hall, everyone was waiting anxiously. As soon as they saw Gu Zhuo coming in, they immediately stood up and looked at him expectantly:

"Gu Zhuo, how's the conversation going?"

Gu Zhuo shook his head and asked everyone to sit down first.

"I have one more trip to go out. You guys are waiting for me at the base. There is enough food and water to last until I come back. Also, the white wolf and the robot are left to you. If there is any danger, the base will automatically activate defense. Mechanically, you can definitely be safe here."

After hearing Gu Zhuo's words, Jia Sheng was the first to get excited:

"No, Gu Zhuo, you went out without saying a word the day before, leaving us to guard the base. We can't help much by staying at the base. Maybe following you can help. Let us follow you go together."

Akashi and Jia Sheng on the side echoed:

"Yes, we came here to join you not only for safety, but also to help you. You seem to be a burden to us, and we feel uncomfortable."

No one seemed willing to let Gu Zhuo go out alone with Chao Ying, and they gathered around and talked a lot.

Gu Zhuo suddenly felt a headache as he listened to what you said to each other. He couldn't help but interrupt them:

"Okay, let me tell you the truth. You can't help much if you go. I know you want to be useful. But this trip to the northwest is probably very dangerous, and I won't have time to take care of you. You go, just Can cause trouble for me.

"Just stay at the base and wait for me. You don't have to worry about the rest."

When Gu Zhuo said this, Jia Sheng and others could no longer insist. Although they were very worried, they could only follow his words.

After taking Sam away, Gu Zhuo told several people again and again:

"I don't know what accidents will happen yet. You must stay in the base. I may not be able to protect you during this period. I hope that when I come back, you will all be well. Just like now, no one will be missing. If it happens If anything happens, you must inform me immediately!"

After he finished speaking, he took Sam and left.

"Gu Zhuo, are you going to the northwest desert this time?"

Jia Sheng asked one last question.

"That's right."

After answering Jia Sheng, Gu Zhuo walked out of the stone hall. He had finished all the entrustments that he needed to entrust, and the next thing was about him and Chao Ying.

He once thought about whether to take Xia Ran away with him. After all, she was also a person with powers.

But when he thought that Xia Ran's power was auxiliary, and she was essentially a child, it might be better to take Jia Sheng and the others with her, he gave up this idea.

He led Sam out of the stone hall. It was still hot outside the stone hall. Wansui was waiting for him outside, and she was sweating a lot. Under the sunlight, it looks like a layer of fine gold powder sprinkled on it, giving it a strange beauty.

But Gu Zhuo had no idea about her. He walked up to Wan Sui and motioned for her to get in the car:

"Let's go, I've told you everything."


The two got in the car one after another. The air conditioner in the car was still on. It was much cooler after getting in the car.

Sitting on the driver's seat, Wansui sat in the back. She watched Gu Zhuo operate the driver's seat and asked:

"Have you prepared enough things in the car? I don't know how long this trip to the desert will last."

"I've prepared enough. You don't have to worry about it. I just need to prepare two people and one dog."

After Gu Zhuo finished speaking, he checked the last item and found that the water in the water tank was still enough. Then he opened the base door and drove the car out.

As soon as they drove out, the members of the Prophetic Cult outside thought that Gu Zhuo had held their leader hostage, and they all expressed hostility.

"Let me talk to them."

Wansui said.

Gu Zhuo made way for Wansui to get closer to the loudspeaker.

Wansui put her face in front of the loudspeaker, cleared her throat, and said to the believers waiting for her:

"Go directly to the northwest target. I'm fine. Gu Zhuo is our ally now."

After hearing this, all the believers put down their weapons.

Wansui left the loudspeaker and patted Gu Zhuo on the shoulder:

"Let's go, my people will lead the way, you just need to follow them."

"They don't need to lead the way, I'm faster."

Gu Zhuo answered her,

"And don't touch me."

"Ha, I know you are faster, but you can't find that place on the navigation system. Only people who follow me can find it. Just feel aggrieved."

While he was talking, the Prophet's car had already started, and the largest black off-road vehicle started slowly.

The off-road vehicle made a turn, turned around, and left the base with a group of believers, heading towards the national highway that Gu Zhuo was familiar with.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo stepped on the accelerator and followed them.

Wan Sui sat down again.

Gu Zhuo glanced at her through the rearview mirror and told her:

"Now we can talk about you."


Wansui nodded and briefly told her life experience.


The Prophetic Cult has existed for a long time. It was founded by Wan Sui's father before Gu Zhuo was born.

However, after developing for a long time, it was only a small cult, with believers mainly located in Wansui's father's hometown.

It wasn't until the young Wan Sui killed her father with her own hands in order to resist his father's incestuous behavior that she took over the Prophetic Cult. She managed the Prophetic Cult into a religious underworld organization. Under her leadership, the Prophetic Cult gradually grew and became famous throughout the country.

When hearing this, Gu Zhuo interrupted her:

"Impossible. If the Prophetic Cult really has such a big influence in China as you said, Skynet will not be without some information about you. China's Skynet is still very powerful. This is undeniable. Neither do I. I didn’t hear about this cult until after the apocalypse happened.”

Hearing Gu Zhuo's question, Wan Sui obviously didn't have the panic after her lie was exposed. She seemed very calm:

"You're right, this story sounds false because we are in completely different timelines."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that we were not originally from the same timeline."

Gu Zhuo looked at Wansui through the rearview mirror and saw Wansui sitting there with a serious look on his face, not even the slightest bit joking.

"Explain everything to me clearly."

Gu Zhuo tightened his grip on the steering wheel, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

Why does it feel like it's getting more and more chaotic? The world is no longer familiar to him.

Wansui took a deep breath and continued what Gu Zhuo interrupted.

It is true that she is the leader of the Prophetic Cult, but her timeline is one thousand years after Gu Zhuo's current time.

A thousand years later, that is such a distant number.

The scene there was completely different from now. Humanity's technology was highly developed, and science and technology had advanced to a stage where it could no longer go any further.

A lot of current physical knowledge and mathematical knowledge have been proven wrong, new theories emerge one after another, and new beliefs appear every day. Human civilization has developed to a point of saturation. If we take another step forward, we will have to explore the boundless deep space of the universe.

But such a highly developed human civilization has ushered in an unprecedented doomsday.

Unprecedented winter blizzards, blood moons, monsters without any reason, biological mutations, until finally, the entire earth became a desolate Death Star.

Every disaster that Gu Zhuo has experienced now, Wan Sui has experienced deeply. Until the earth became the Death Star, they were the last batch of struggling humans.

Until that day, Wan Sui clearly and profoundly remembered that the lake-like space crack appeared.

It appeared on the devastated land without warning, and just like this time, it looked like a human eye.

Behind Wan Sui is the monster, and in front of her is this space crack. She knew she had to jump. If she jumped, she might die. If she didn't jump, she would die.

She jumped.

She jumped into the crack in this space.

The scene inside the space crack is simply indescribable, and humans can never describe things they cannot understand.

She only felt as if she had fallen into a mess, but this mess was tangible and tangible. In this space crack, time is like a mountain that can be climbed. Walking from the top of the mountain to the bottom, people can transform from twilight back to a baby.

Similarly, when walking from the bottom of the mountain to the top, the newborn baby turns into a gray-haired old man in the blink of an eye.

Wansui saw everything, the birth of the singularity and the arrival of the final moment of annihilation.

Only death and loneliness are eternal.

She fell for who knows how long, so long that she felt like she was going to die of old age, until she saw a familiar scene flashing by her side.

That was her father's face.

She tried her best to move her body towards that picture.

Unexpectedly, the moment she touched the scene, her whole body was pulled in.

She escaped from the gap in space.

When she stood on the ground again, she saw her newborn self.

Little Wansui was still lying in the crib, with a round face and dark eyes. Keep smiling at her.

Wan Sui didn't know what she was thinking at that moment. She thought about her life, walked over, stretched out her hand, and strangled Xiao Wan Sui to death.

According to the time paradox, if she strangled herself to death, then she should also die.

But the strange thing is that she didn't disappear, she was still standing there, alive and well.

Not only that, she killed her father who she was destined to kill in the future, her younger brothers and sisters, and took over the Prophetic Cult early.

It was then that she realized that she had gone back a thousand years.

Time was completely messed up, everything was shuffled like a mess of cards, and she was the only one who still remembered everything.

But what frightened her most was that there was a voice in her head that clearly told her that the end would come a thousand years early.

This is mankind's eternal nightmare.

[Author's digression]: It may be a bit confusing to read, and I will explain it bit by bit later. In fact, if you read it together with the previous one, you will find that the concept of "time" is my setting throughout the whole book.

I'm very sorry if explaining this setting will make everyone confused, but this must be explained in detail, otherwise the previous story and the following story will not be explained (???)

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