My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 101 Zoo Director: I, I do!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Secretary! We read the news from the previous year. Every year during the college entrance examination, there are many candidates who missed the exam due to late-arrival problems. That's a shame. I want to reflect to the bureau. If you can live on campus, let the students live on campus! For those who are already going to school, the address will be provided to us, and we will arrange vehicles for pick-up and drop-off in advance, one person, one vehicle!

"Will this trouble you Tianfeng Group?"

"Not at all! Our Tianfeng Group has discussed at the shareholders meeting. We will not only bear the cost of transporting students to other test centers, but also the cost of umbrellas, medicines, herbal tea, emergency vehicles, etc., We will all contract! We hope that college entrance examination candidates can enter the examination room on time and safely. As a local enterprise in Linjiang, we hope to escort the college entrance examination candidates this time."



"Director, would Tianfeng Group be so kind?"

"Regardless of whether they are really kind or fake, our Linjiang candidates can get the benefits, that's enough, black cats and white cats, the ones who can catch mice are good cats, you must remember this! Find someone as soon as possible Connect with Tianfeng Group."




The implementation of policies is always fast.

No, the content and spirit of the above-mentioned conversation have been transmitted to Wang Qiang's cell phone.

"In our class, Jiang Shouzheng shouldn't have a berth at the school. For everyone else, I will let them live on campus. Then I, just report Jiang Shouzheng's personal situation."

A screenshot of the chat log was sent to the old master, and the old master's permission was obtained for telephone communication.

Wang Qiang clicked to start a group chat with the head teacher, opened the Jiugongge, crackling.

"Senior (first) class, one person, Jiang Shouzheng, contact information: ...; address: ...; I have confirmed with the parents."

At the same time, the list of all the students who need to be picked up in Linjiang is being gathered into the background data of the "Tianfeng Group College Entrance Examination Support Team" through various channels.

"The patriarch, Jiang Shouzheng's information, has confirmed, do we need to arrange for the children of our Feng family to be the driver?"

"No, I pay too much attention to the details. On the contrary, flaws will be revealed. Arrange a driver who has signed up with us, has a long driving age, and has not had a traffic accident. It is best to rent out a taxi.

"Okay, let me filter it out. Wait a minute.... Here is a qualified one, called'Fei Chuan'. The information has been sent to your mobile phone. Can you see it?"

"Yes, remember, we must maintain close communication with this driver, and absolutely must ensure that Jiang Shouzheng gets in the car and goes to the examination room on time!"


Feng Xingsong hung up the phone and once again took a fancy to his layout.

It should be stable, right?

If things are done, Linjiang will be their Fengjia's three-acre land.

"Are the Saint Hyacinth and Kang Li both in the dormant warehouse?"


"How about the termite nests placed by the dam?"

"All dead? It's okay, don't blame yourself, God Gu Deng should be aware of it. You just let the termite gu worm out."

"The news about supernatural events that will occur when knocking on the dam continues to spread, with pictures, let curious netizens try it."


Orders came from the most tightly guarded room of the Feng Family.

The same tense atmosphere gathered in Gudeng God's Domain.

God Gu Deng looked at his own gods and said: "Our war with the Heavenly Court is about to begin. If you still want to quit, it can be said that you can get up and leave. I will not stop it."

The acquired gods do not need to completely obey the innate gods who created them.

If you refuse, it's okay.

This is also the reason why Gu Deng's line of gods once rebelled against gods.

No god got up.

After a moment of silence, the only one standing in the presence of the test god, leaned forward and asked: "Mother god, I will ask you a question on behalf of the other gods, can you?"


"Why, don't rely on Jiang Shouzheng's power directly, but rely on us to fight? With Jiang Shouzheng's power, it should be easy? Why must we pay the price of our lives?"

This question has already been answered in the heart of God.

However, the answer to this question is not available to the other gods present, and they are also very concerned about the answer.

At the cultural festival that day, the gods frequently greeted Jiang Shou in front of him, hoping that this "magic" human being could remember himself, and if possible, would save himself.Cool Pen Fun Pavilion

They believe that if the war "starts", with this human power, it is impossible to be completely unaware.

As soon as this problem came out, the wind was calm, the waves stopped, and the strong sun went out in God's Domain.

God Gu Deng looked at the gods, and looked at the gods who knelt on the ground, but raised their heads one after another:

"Then I will ask you a question."

"After the college entrance examination is over, Jiang Shouzheng went to another university to study. Who of you can keep him?"

After a long silence, the gods lowered their heads.

"You already have the answer in your heart. So, this is our war. We want to..."

"Hurt him!!!"

"Fear him!!!"

God Gu Deng opened God's Domain: "Go, pull out the minions and contact points of the heavenly court."

call out!

"Mom, look, there are shooting stars~"

"Where is it?"

"It's there, a lot of it~"

Tonight, the stars are shining.

In the eyes of a child, it shines with stars, as if illuminating the whole world.

The adults are completely invisible. They can only use a flashlight to light the road ahead.

"Huh? Cat? Where are the two wild cats? Go go!!!"

A black cat with a fat body and a yellow cat with a fatter body, driven by him, followed the bridge and escaped from Turtle Island.

This is the zoo. He is the director of the zoo.

"Mr. Turtle, I'm sorry, I didn't make people look good on this place. Looking back, I must scold them severely."

While talking, the head of the garden found a stone and began to chat with the tortoise with his head out.

Some talk about work, some about life, some about social hot spots, and some about children’s education...

An hour later, the principal got up, patted the dust on his hips, got up and left.


This voice made the principal's eyes red, and he was about to turn around.

"Turn off the flashlight, don't turn around, listen to me."


The head of the park turned off his flashlight and stood quietly.

"For so many years, I am embarrassed to eat and drink in your place for so long, Laogui. You come to talk to me every day, and you must remember the things I saved you back then.

There are some things that should be forgotten, just forget it, should be ordinary work, just ordinary work, don't think too much, don't read too much.

Laogui spoke today, just to ask you a question. If Laogui I lost all four legs, I still want to eat and drink here, would you?"

"I, I am willing." The head of the garden said. After a long time no response, he tentatively said, "Mr. Turtle, are you still there? Are you still there?"

Turn on the flashlight and turn around.

The giant tortoise on Turtle Island has disappeared.


Although the tortoise retracted into its shell, it slammed into the reservoir from the air.

Splashing waves more than ten meters high.

"Two little cat monsters, really annoying! If you don't talk to me, I will pretend not to know!"

Although Shou Shou poked his head in the water, with mung bean-like eyes, he looked around. After eating a few small fish, he got out of the water and started to wander.

"Under the cover of the nest, there is no end to the eggs. If the heavens occupy this place and settle with me, I must have no good fruit to eat, old tortoise."

According to the calculation of Turtle Shoushou, this reservoir is the key to the battle between the heavenly court and the local gods.

"At that time, the old tortoise will sever my limbs to suppress the water and help a wave~~"

"Swim for a while while you can still swim~~"

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