My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 114 Old Master: Advise people to do good and be happy.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The night of the rain curtain is peaceful.

God Gu Deng, who was sitting on his altar, turned pale and suddenly opened his eyes.

Floating and flying out of Shen'an, stick out his hand.

A little light pierced the rain curtain, gathered in the palm of her hand, and she looked at it carefully for a while, her expression complex.

After a long time, he sighed, opened God's Domain, and sent these light spots into it.

They constitute the stars in God's Domain.

"One life, one life pays."

"This cause and effect should have been counted on me."

"I wronged you."

Regarding God's Domain, Hui'an.

He doesn't know if this is true.

However, this is the truth of the gods in his vein.

"I can't die."

The body in the sensing reservoir began to churn again, and he hurriedly spent divine power to suppress it.

"Maybe one day, I have to talk to Yao Genmin to see if he can use the power of the world to change my body."

"Otherwise, the reservoir will collapse sooner or later."



The rain stopped, as the closing bell rang for the last exam.

The college entrance examination is over.

The sun poured down.

The examination room was quiet for a moment.

Then, noisy.

Those who tear papers, those who spill books, and those who shout, there are.

Someone cried when they encountered a problem, but walked out of the examination room and laughed again.

Someone smiled and said that the test was simple, and he was facing the first five questions with Jiang Shouzheng and cried.

Jiang Shouzheng couldn't understand their emotions, so he packed his books into the bamboo basket he brought this morning.

Finally, go back to the classroom from the laboratory and listen to a few words from the old class.

Before leaving, I touched the desks and chairs that had been sitting for three years, and looked distraught.

After thinking about it, inject mana.

It just so happened that Fei Chuan could pick up and drop off, saving him from moving books back and forth on his bicycle.

Back up and leave.

not good!

There is a sneak attack!

Jiang Shouzheng bent over and leaned back.

A muffled hum...

"Jiang Shouzheng, you really have eyes on the back of your head!" Chen Yuan rubbed his chest and asked, "Can't you go out tonight?"

"I'm very busy."

"What are you up to?"

"Meditate, practice, cook."

"...Don't be so boring!"

Seeing Chen Yuan stepping forward, Jiang Shouzheng took a step back: "I'm really busy, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The college entrance examination is over, so the cause and effect with these students should be broken.

In the future, there should be no chance and reason to meet.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shou was condensing mana in his hand and threw it behind him.

Divided into 57 copies, 50 copies were lost to the classmates, and 7 copies belonged to the teachers of each subject.

This time, I really left.

Even if there is a scholarship or something afterwards, the school will take the initiative to get your bank card if it knows it.

Putting the bamboo basket in the trunk, Jiang Shouzheng got into the car.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, don't you go out and gather with your classmates? I can help you deliver things to Qingfengguan." Fei Chuan said.

"No, I have to look back." Jiang Shouzheng fastened his seat belt, "After I have packed my things, I am going to work part-time."

I haven't made any money for several days, so I have to earn a little.

If there is no money to eat, it will be troublesome.

Looking back, thank you.

Jiang Shouzheng entered the door carrying a bamboo basket, but as soon as he started, Xiao Bai rushed forward.

I kick!

Is this trying to make him muddy or something?

Xiaobai dexterously kicked Jiang Shouzheng's vamp and bounced open, and a hot wheel revolved in the air, with his back on the ground...


With a scream, Jiang Shouqin crawled out from under Xiao Bai: "It's so heavy."

Xiaobai turned over and bared his teeth.

"..." Jiang Shouqin waved his hands again and again, "Sister Xiaobai, let's stop making trouble, we have a business to find brother."

Xiaobai pricked his ears and ran to the hall, holding an envelope in his mouth shortly afterwards.


Jiang Shouzheng took the envelope-Jiang Shouzheng personally opened it.

This is the handwriting of the old master.

Open it, there is a bank card and a letter inside——

"Shouzheng, I, wandering away, don't look for it, don't read it.

There are two hundred thousand in the card, and the password is the birthday on your ID.

Last time you told me about the heavenly court, I actually heard of it and played against it.Long Long Novel Network

Isn't it strange that you have never sensed mana in me? That's because my mana was abolished by the heavenly court.

For the sake of safety, don't think of revenge and live a good life.

Don't get rid of the spirit in the future, and practice with peace of mind.

Although you have survived the Red Dust Tribulation, you still have to go to Red Dust to understand the cause and effect."

After reading it several times, Jiang Shouzheng folded the letter as it was and put it in his pocket.

He put down the bamboo basket and ordered: "Put my bamboo basket back into the quiet room, I am going to work part-time."

Xiaobai and Jiang Shouqin looked at each other and tried to pull the bamboo basket...

Can't drag at all.

Too heavy.

After a while, Jiang Shou walked back facelessly.

The bamboo basket floated up by itself and flew back to the quiet room.

Then he left.

Take a taxi and come outside Gudeng Shen'an.

"Gu Yu, tell me, what exactly is Heavenly Court?"



Wenrou Supermarket came to the bar after get off work.

The foreman took her hand and touched a few.

"What's the matter with me, let's talk." Wen Rou withdrew her hand calmly and asked.

"The guests in Box No. 7 have arrived at noon. They haven't come out yet, and there are not too many drinks and snacks."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"But, just one person, still an old Taoist priest."

Wen Rou nodded, indicating that she understood.

Usually such customers come to eat Bawang meal.

Put her bag at the front desk, and Wen Rou walked to Box 7.

Obviously it is a love song, and it was sung with a heroic feeling.

Wen Rou knocked on the door and pushed aside.

"Grumbling! Wow! Comfortable!"

Looking at the old Taoist priest in the room, he smiled and said, "Master Tao, how boring to drink alone? Would you like me to ask some sisters to accompany you?"

If this box enters their people, the old Taoist priest, whether they have money, then it will be clear.

The old Taoist put down Mai, shook his hand, and flipped through his pockets: "No, no, I don't have money."

"Old sir, you can't play a joke." Wen Rou's face became stiff and embarrassed.

"How can you not open it?" The old Taoist said with a smile, "If you have to ask me to check out, then I will lie here. I don't know what kind of business you do? You are more afraid of going the right way than I am."

"Then you sing slowly." Wen Rou took a step back with a polite smile and closed the door.

After a while, the probe came in: "Master Dao, I heard that you have been in the box for a long time. You can come out and go to the toilet or something."

Obviously, this matter must be solved by temporary workers from the foreman.

However, this old Taoist priest looks too old to withstand the toss.

Just remind me, if you don't understand, count him.

"Guests in Box No. 7 are likely to have no money."

"I'm going, another free eater?! How many times this month? We really opened a shantang here?" The foreman picked up the pager, "Brothers, there are alive, Box 7."

Immediately afterwards, seven big men walked out of the employees' locker room, with vests, tattoos and full faces.

Everyone is carrying an iron rod.

The leader, holding a toothpick.

The door of Box No. 7 was kicked open.

"Old boy, don't you eat free food?" The neighboring class stood in the forefront and pulled his tie.

The old Taoist took a sip of his wine and shook his head: "Yes, not right."

"Bah." The leader holding the iron rod, spit out the toothpick, looked at the brothers around, raised the iron rod, and patted it in his hand, "Oh, it's still stern, come on, tell me, what Yes, what is wrong?"

The old Taoist stood up, moved his body, and a ghost flashed.

Eight people bowed to the ground.

"Old-fashioned me, I did come here for free, but it's not just for this purpose."

The old Taoist squatted down and sat on the belly of the head, bumped and soft.

"In the past few days, I've sold my old game account and magical instruments for some money.

But, the old way I went out in a hurry, leaving my money and mobile phone at home.

Isn't the old saying well said, if a good horse doesn't turn around, then I definitely can't go back.

No money, difficult to do."

The temporary worker near the door wants to open the door.

call out--

A chopstick was already inserted in the door, and the end trembled.

"So, the old way, I thought, find a place to eat, and by the way, find some bad guys for some money."

"Don't worry, it won't be for nothing..."

The old Taoist picked up the iron rod on the ground and rubbed it hard.

Spread out his hand and breathed out...

Iron powder, eloquent.

"The upper limit of each person's money, 20,000 yuan, did not meet my psychological expectations, so I should spend money to buy a... lesson, how?"


"The lesson is to let me pinch."

The veteran Taoist turned his gaze to the foreman: "You dress so well, you have to be treated specially. You can't be like these laymen. In this way, the specifications will be increased, and the upper limit will be 80,000.

Ten minutes later, the door of Box No. 7 was opened.

Seeing the 200,000 newly credited mobile phone, the old Taoist arranged his clothes, looked back at the box, and sighed:

"You guys are all very good, but next time I do it, I will trouble you earlier, and I will be impatient. I hope you will be good people in the future, then I won't come to ask for money."

When passing by Wen Rou's side, she shook the blood on her hand: "Girl, you shouldn't stay in this place."

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