My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 121 Open one eye, close one eye (two more, please recommend)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Bless, God bless."

The comrades from the special office have been in the house for almost an hour, and Uncle Ge has been praying at the door for an hour.

Now it's no better than before.

If his son really becomes a strange person, then the good days of the family will come.

He has inquired about the policy.

First of all, with ability, that means having specialty.

Work, come right away?

Shaman, although he is not, he understands that this ability can be simple to communicate with animals.

His daddy has perfect eagle language and can communicate with eagle immortals.

During the famine years, the Eagle Fairy gave their family to...the farm to catch rabbits.

The hares are not tasty, they are a little fat.

After his father died, he couldn't communicate with Yingxian, so Yingxian left.

However, fresh rabbits would drop from the roof of his house from time to time.

If Ge Zhu becomes a shaman, he can not only retrieve his eagle fairy, but he can also apply to the special office to work in the zoo.

He can remember that there is a turtle fairy there.

These days, immortals are rare.

If Ge Zhu serves well...

Secondly, there are benefits for check-in.

This benefit is much better than that he reports every month as an ordinary person.

Perhaps, he was an old man who could go abroad to see exotic customs before he died.

Finally, the most important benefit.

As a strange person, Ge Zhu has a job and specialties, so he has no objects to worry about?

Just find someone to be his daughter-in-law, and his grandson and granddaughter of the Ge family will have a chance.


The door opened.

Uncle Ge held a "lollipop" and quickly stepped forward: "Comrade, how is it?"

"There are no signs of strange people." Wang Fei shook his head and asked, "However, you are telling the truth. Your son has indeed had two...Xian'er sneaking into his body recently."

"Ah!" All the illusions fell into the empty space, and Uncle Ge was very disappointed. He took out the "lollipop" from his mouth and handed it to Wang Fei reluctantly, "Then this reward, I won't want it."

"...It was supposed to be checked before eating. You have eaten all of it now." Wang Fei rolled his eyes, "Master, this, I'll give you away."

Uncle Ge immediately returned to his mouth.

"By the way, uncle, ask you a question, do you know where the immortal attached to your son belongs?"

"I don't know." Uncle Ge denied without even thinking about it.

He is not a shaman, but he also knows the rules.

Not exposing the immortal's heels and feet is to protect the immortal and also to prevent the immortal's revenge.

The lie detector fan in Wang Fei's hand is dark.


Of course, regardless of the lie detector fan, it can also be seen from the dodge eyes of the uncle.

What a lie.

However, the strength of the two immortals should be so much stronger than him...a point, it has to be considered long-term, but there is no need to worry.

"The last question."

"Comrade, you ask."

"Who drove the fairy away?"

This question is a good answer. Uncle Ge didn't even think about it: "It's the Taoist who is watching Qingfeng on the side. He has a good hand, but I don't know if it's a strange person. You know, I'm an ordinary person. It's hard to ask directly."

In this world, there are indeed some methods that can allow ordinary people to achieve some strange effects.

Uncle Ge was right.

But...that's Qingfeng View!

Last night, he had just escaped from there "hurriedly", and he was paid half a month's salary.

The salaries of their special offices are paid in cash...

Now, how can he take the initiative to come from the door?

He is stupid!

The magical artifacts piled up above, the doghouse that made his heart palpitating...

The view of Qingfeng is definitely a strange person.

However, it is not registered.

Although registering a strange person, it is his job.

But the strange person who registered Qingfeng View, he would not take the initiative to go, at least... he had to call the elders of Kyoto.

In this way, be safe.

"Comrade, is your left eye uncomfortable? Why did you close it?"

"It's okay, I'm going now." Shucang

After Wang Fei finished speaking, he opened one eye and closed one eye and rode away on his little eDonkey.

Not long after riding, the phone rang.

"Hi, hello, who?"

"Hello, I’m Jiang Shouzheng, Qingfeng Watcher... Watch the Lord, you left a greeting note yesterday. When are you going to come? Do you want to come now, I just have time now ."

"...That, is it convenient for you now?"

"It's convenient, you come now."

"..., ah? Oh, yes, I will come right now, with the fastest speed."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Fei frowned and said, "Listening to the voice, it is unexpectedly young. However, you cannot tell the age by the voice."

Opened his left eye and turned the front of the car.

Turn off the battery and switch to pedaling mode.

The headmaster said that there are some strange people who can tell the truth at a glance.

He is sincerely and hard to go right now, using the fastest speed.

'If you can go a while later, you can go a while later.'

'Now is the age of violence, everyone doesn't use their fists to make sense.'

'Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun, bless and bless...'

Fucun Village is not far from Qingfeng View, even if you ride a bicycle, it will soon arrive.

Looking outside the breeze, the eternal light was on.

Wang Fei stopped the car, straightened his collar, and stepped into it.


A gust of fishy wind and coercion rushed toward his face. Wang Fei raised his eyebrows and dismounted his horse.

This breath is also familiar, is one of them?

Is there a shaman in Qingfeng Temple?

He flashed sideways and started to throw things out...

'Fragrance powder 3 generations.'

'17 generations of favorite fans.'

'Hidden fans for 5 generations.'

'Ecstasy's 13th generation.'

'The first generation of lie detector powder, uh, spilled wrong.'

"Xiao Bai, come back, you can't be polite." Jiang Shouzheng shook the clothes he had just washed and hung them to dry.

Xiaobai who was standing in the square made two whimpers and ran away.

Wang Fei's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

I go!

Can this host still keep immortals as pets?

Wang Fei also saw the source of the voice. It was a young man, just like the voice on the phone.

Is this subjective?

He looks a bit younger than him.

However, being so young, no matter how strong it is, it can't be better?

Stabilizing his breath, Wang Fei calmly stepped into it.

"Hello, I am Wang Fei."

"Hello, I am Jiang Shouzheng, Qingfengguan, the current subject of the watch."

Wang Fei was keenly aware of the word "now".

It seems that there are elders.

"What was it just now?" Wang Fei asked, pointing to the direction Xiaobai was leaving.

"It's called Xiaobai. If you count it seriously, it's my junior sister. When she transforms into shape, she can be called Jiang Shouji."

Junior sister?


These years, in such a broken place as Linjiang, can it be transformed?!

The weight of Qingfeng View in Wang Fei's mind has been raised.

It seems that Jiang Shouzheng, who is standing in front of him, is the person who talks about Qingfeng View, and may be the experience of the teacher.

However, there should be someone else in charge.

While Wang Fei looked at Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouzheng was also looking at Wang Fei.

'So weak.'

'Not even Gu Yu.'

'Should be stronger than hyacinth.'

"I will formally introduce myself again. I am now the chief of the special office. My name is Wang Fei." Wang Fei said with his right hand touching his chest.

Jiang Shouzheng wiped his hands and took out the wrinkled greeting card from his pocket: "I know."

'Ah, the ten-yuan greeting card, you put it better!'

'Sure enough, when going to a big city, the chief of Linjiang is so weak.'

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