My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 124 Pursuing Platonic Love at Night

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Looking at the 30,000 extra in mobile banking, Jiang Shouzheng put away his mobile phone, looked at Zhuang Keke outside the car door, and asked:

"Lady, is it appropriate to leave you here alone?"

"It's okay, Dao Master has already helped me a lot today. Let me handle the next thing by myself." Zhuang Keke closed the car door and watched Jiang Shouzheng leave.

"Zhuang Keke, where did you find this person?" Sun Tang walked to Zhuang Keke's side, but the look in her eyes was not fierce, only aggrieved.

"I said last time, it's invincible, you still don't believe it." Zhuang Keke cut the haircut, "Now, you swear, you can't do anything against me, then you will report to your superiors. Clear my memory of Heavenly Court, let me live as an ordinary person."

"I can not do it."

Sun Tang opened his palm and felt his own strength: "My strength for many years has been destroyed by a blow from the man just now. I, without strength, will be found by the heavenly court and taken away. Do you think they Will there be no flaws?"

"After all, we are still human." Zhuang Keke's expression changed and he sighed faintly, "Heavenly Court, one by one is too smart."

"You guys, can you tell me about heaven?"

Zhuang Keke and Sun Tang suddenly turned around.

At this moment, Jiang Shouzheng was standing silently behind them.

"You...didn't you just leave?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Jiang Shouzheng pointed his eyes: "It's just for you to see, the effect you want to see."

This is a little skill of Tianyantong, [Vision].

He just didn't get in the car at all.

He had already felt something was wrong, so he deliberately stayed to see what the hell was going on between these two people.

After all, this is 30,000 yuan, not a small amount.

You have to be at ease.

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Court would actually be involved!

Heaven can make him easy to find.

The old view master said that he would not let him find them. Now, they are sending them to the door. Knowing more about the future enemies, there is always no problem, right?

Zhuang Keke and Sun Tang looked at each other, feeling helpless.

Hit it, you can't beat it.

Run, where do you go?

Sun Tang struggled with his eyes and said, "Let me tell you, your blow just broke the imprisonment given to me by the heavenly court."

"Listen carefully." Jiang Shouzheng was very humble, but he pointed to Sun Tang's lowered and twisted right hand, "Is it okay that your bones were broken by me?"

Sun Tang lowered his head, looked at his eyes, and shook his eyes: "It's okay, this part of the pain, I have been cut off, I have been in contact with Heavenly Court for more than four years..."

After listening to Sun Tang’s introduction for a long time, Jiang Shouzheng was a little confused.

Single wire connection?

Expose or escape?

Defect and kill?

This is, filming a TV series?

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng’s unbelief, Sun Tang handed it to Jiang Shouzheng

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the phone Sun Tang handed him.

"This is my working machine. In Linjiang, I am only responsible for two, one Zhuang Keke, one black bear spirit, and of course two cat monsters, but they are too weak to be human."

"The only one who guides my work is'purchasing pig blood at a high price.'"

Jiang Shouzheng asked unwillingly: "Do you have any idea about the heavens, who are there and where they live?"

"Not clear at all."

"Then how did you get in touch with them in the first place."



I thought it would be possible to get on the line, but I didn’t expect that this line would not be able to go up.

Looking at the contact on the phone, Jiang Shouzheng handed it to Sun Tang: "Can you try to make an appointment for the person'Buy Pig Blood at a High Price'?"

"No. Except for killing and being killed, the contacts will not meet, and I am sure that I have been blocked now."

"How to say?"

"The imprisonment in my mind just disappeared. Generally, there are two situations. The first is that I die, and the second is that my identity is exposed and I am caught." Sun Tang twitched, "Anyway, Heaven will feel it. That's it, they will immediately cut off contact with me just to be safe."

"Is there no alternate contact method?"


Jiang Shouzheng unwillingly let Sun Tang send a message to the other party--

[Purchasing pig blood at a high price opens up friend verification, you are not his (her) friend yet.Please send a friend verification request first, and the other party can only chat after verification.

Click on the other party's homepage information, this is an account without real-name authentication.



"Let's move!"

"Friends here! Together! Together!"

Watching the young people on the dance floor swinging to the rhythm of the music, Wang Fei raised his glass.

"Brother, do you have a drink together?" The exposed woman swayed and sat beside Wang Fei.

"No! I have an appointment!" Wang Fei refused without even thinking about it.

He mixes in this kind of occasion, unless he is absolutely necessary, otherwise he will not choose to drink with the active woman.

It's so boring.Cool Record Literature

He prefers the "hero saves the beauty" scene, with contradictions, confrontations, and a beautiful and poignant ending.

For example, he has been eyeing that "right" for a long time.

According to his experience, there is a high chance that he will appear on the stage.

The uncle and the girl, and the uncle is still desperately persuading the girl to drink...

No matter how you look at it, they are all conspiracy!

At this time, it is necessary for a hero like him to descend from the sky and leave after leaving a deep impression in the heart of the girl, leaving a beautiful and moving urban legend——

Who told him that he must maintain Yuanyang's physique for cultivation...

Do evil!!!!

"Yaoyao, what do you think now?" Guo Chunqiu's hand shook in front of Guo Yao. "There are a few fingers here, can you count them?"

"Dad, no problem, Wugen, continue." Guo Yao's complexion was slightly drowsy, but his eyes were still clear.

According to Guo Chunqiu's experience, this has not yet reached the limit.

Then, continue.

Looking at the two bottles of vodka on the countertop...

How can his daughter drink so much?

Three bottles...

Four bottles...

Five bottles...

Guo Chunqiu was a little scared: "Yaoyao, are you okay?"

"Dad, it's okay, I'm okay." Guo Yao hiccuped and rubbed her belly, "That's it, I'm a little bit full and can't drink anymore."


At the end of the college entrance examination, I originally wanted to bring my daughter to this kind of occasion so that she could understand her drinking capacity.

Looking at five empty wine bottles--

Guo Chunqiu felt very relieved.

This is the rhythm that a person can drink to a table.

After a while, Guo Yao snapped his fingers: "Waiter, here's another bottle."

"Don't drink it." Guo Chunqiu stopped. If you continue to drink it, it is not a test of the amount of alcohol, but a test of the hospital's medical expenses.

"Dad, it's okay, this time, it's not for me to drink." Guo Yao stepped forward and whispered, "Xiao Hei looks interesting and wants to drink."

Go up, go up, drunk and drunk!It's time to do it!!!

Wang Fei, who saw this scene, was excited.

According to normal development, this uncle will take that girl away, right?

Wang Fei moved his meridian, ready to take action...

'17 generations of favorite fans.'

'There are 25 generations of fans.'

'Fights do not hurt the 31st generation of fans.'

'The 27th generation of majestic fans.'

The early preparations were ready, and the girl's breath changed just as soon as she got up.

"Huh? Shaman?"

Before he could tell the difference carefully, the phone rang and it was a short message from Jiang Shouzheng.

"Officer Wang, I have two people who claim to be Heavenly Court. They want to surrender to the Special Office. Will you accept it?"


There are people from heaven in Linjiang?!

This is a big deal!

"Come, give me the address."

Putting down the phone, I carefully identified the girl's breath again. After confirming that it was correct, Wang Fei stepped forward, and he was going to make a preliminary registration and leave immediately.

Look at him, how dedicated!

After get off work, I still worry about work.

Apply for overtime pay for yourself when you go back.

If Jiang Shouzheng's news is accurate, there is a bonus!

He is going to develop~~

Walking to the side of the uncle, he sprinkled the "13th generation of Ecstasy".

The effect is obvious, directly dizzy.

"Little girl, introduce yourself, I am..."

As soon as Wang Fei stretched out his hand, he was knocked into flight by the girl: "Dad, dad, what's the matter with you?"



It seems to be a mistake.

"What's wrong with my dad?!" Guo Yao clenched his fists and shouted at Wang Fei.

"I said, this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

"Do you think I am a kid?"

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