My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 127: The Gifts We Gave in Those Years (1 more. Please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"After the college entrance examination results come out, have you figured out what major to choose?"


"What about the school?"


"Should be upright, no matter how you think about it, scientist, mathematician, medical scientist, jurist...Which one is not better than being a driver? You are a genius!"

"Old class, no high or low occupation, all contribute to society, this is what you said, and I am not a genius."

This kind of dialogue, accompanied by the "banging" of trees behind the Taoist temple, has been going on for a long time.

Originally, Wang Qiang should have come the day after the graduation dinner, but he was delayed by some things...

[drink?!Wang Qiang, you have grown up!Dare to go out for a drink?]

[Wife, listen to my explanation, my wife, I just drank a little bit and had a nice drink.]

[You don’t know if you can’t drink!What if you drink to death, what to do!What do you want me to do!What will you do with the kid in my stomach!]

After a day in the house, I came to Qingfeng Temple non-stop early in the morning.

The most talented student Jiang Shouzheng he encountered in his teaching career was conducting ideological education.

However, it seems that the effect is not good.

"All right, if you change your mind or have other ideas, please tell me at any time." Wang Qiang shook his head and got up to go back, "I'll go back first, my wife will wait for me to eat."

"Old Ban, won't you stay and eat? I'll cook." Jiang Shouzheng said.

"That's so embarrassing." Wang Qiang just stood up and sat down again, "Is there any sour potato shreds?"


Wang Qiang turned on the phone and dialed the video: "Hey! Wife, I won't be back for dinner at noon today."

"Students don't go home every day when they haven't graduated. Now students graduate and don't go home yet, Wang Qiang, are you going to heaven?"

The sound from the other end of the phone came like a machine gun, and Wang Qiang didn't have time to stop it.

He said embarrassingly: "I'll have a potluck here at Jiang Shouzheng."

Having said that, Wang Qiang also turned the camera around and took pictures of the surrounding environment, without any errors.

When Jiang Shouzheng was facing him, he bowed and said, "Hello, Madam."

"Ah, Shouzheng, you, help take care of your teacher."

"The students will pay attention."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qiang rubbed his temples and exhorted: "Secrecy."


Is this still confidential?

Who in the class does not know that the old class is afraid of his wife?

Other classmates gave the male teacher Teacher’s Day gifts. They were all flowers, ties, greeting cards...

Their class is different, the things they send are very distinctive, unique and thoughtful.

For example, boys give fruits every year, but everyone is a student, and they can’t pick whether the fruits are fresh, then pool the money and give them to Chen Yuan, who is the most "business" in their class, and Chen Yuan also picks the expensive ones. Buy, such as durian...

Of course, girls’ minds will be more delicate. They should prepare some daily necessities for the teacher, practical ones, such as washboards, rolling pins, shiatsu...

Therefore, on the next day of Teacher's Day, the teacher will have a video call with everyone:

[The things everyone gave are very practical, thank you everyone~]

[Madam is polite.]



"Mr. Yao, how embarrassed this is."

"You take it, it'"

"Okay, well, let's not take it as an example. I will help you get the original design drawings."

Shake hands, bid farewell, and both parties take what they need.

Get in the car and go home.

Yao Genmin put the design drawings he finally got on the back seat of the car.

"Li Bo, hide the location and information of this material, and after disassembling it, analyze it for experts in non-Linjiang City."

"Okay, President Yao."

"Public relations expenses, go to the finance side to reimburse them."

"Okay, President Yao."

"By the way, I wasn't in the company a few days ago. You handled everything very well." Before getting off the car, Yao Genmin told Li Bo, "Your salary next month will be increased by 5,000. I will call on the finance side. Hello."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Yao." Ranwenba

Yao Genmin nodded, got out of the car, and walked straight into the house.

When the door was closed for five minutes, Li Bo drove away.

This is to prevent Mr. Yao from leaving the door in a hurry.

Looking at the drawings printed on the rearview mirror, Li Bo began to think about it.

'After making a lot of money, will it begin to give back to society?'

Regarding the follow-up revenue of the Cultural Festival, apart from finances, he may be the person who knows the company best.

That is not making money at all.

Even, strictly speaking, some money was lost.

Perhaps, there are other benefits he didn't see?

Is the corporate culture and influence?

But if it is for this, there is no need to engage in cultural sacrifices. Many conveniences can enhance corporate culture and influence.

For example, donations.

He still doesn't quite understand Mr. Yao's behavior.

It seems that the matter of self-employment, temporarily slow down, and then learn more with Mr. Yao.

Now, do the work at hand first.

Please contact the alumni who majored in design at the university. He can't see the drawings.

He didn't learn this.

Pulling over and parking, dialed the contact information of the school office.

"Hey, Mr. Zhan, I have a question I want to ask. My statement may be a bit inaccurate. Does our school have students who are studying river design? I want to spend some money and find someone to look at me. A design drawing at hand."


"Thank you, next time, I will invite you to dinner."

First spend a small amount of money to find someone to disassemble the drawings, and then spend a lot of money to find an expert.

Workplace Business: You don’t need to understand everything, but you need to find someone who understands.

I started the accelerator again, but suddenly there was a feeling of suffocation.

Li Bo pressed down the car window and gasped for a while.

"Damn it? The sky has changed? The clothes are still hanging!"

Feeling better, he drove home quickly.


The sky was clear, suddenly gloomy.

The wind hunts and the pedestrians hurry.


There was a flash of lightning, accompanied by thunder.

Wang Qiang, who was satisfied with rubbing his stomach, stood up suddenly: "Shouzheng, the sky has changed, I have to go back first."

Having said that, Wang Qiang stood up and took out the thermal insulation box from his backpack. This is what he always keeps. When he encounters delicious food, he will take some home to his wife to taste.

Jiang Shouzheng is very familiar with this routine.

By the way, Lao Ban has forgotten to watch the master, he only remembers that I cooked the food.

"Old Ban, it's almost raining, stay and rest, have dinner to see the situation?" Jiang Shouzheng walked out the door, glanced at the thick dark clouds outside, and asked.

Wang Qiang struggled for a while, and finally said dejected: "No, no, I have to go home for dinner."

"All right, then you slow down."

Sending Wang Qiang to the gate of Taoist Temple, I just met the grandfather and aunt who was going to return to the countryside to hide from the rain.

"Shouzheng, that tree is really comfortable to hit, don't cut it down."

"Knowing about the village chief grandfather, you have said so, I dare not cut it off, if you go to the Garden Bureau, I shall not pay a fine?"

"Little baby, just know it."

After waving goodbye to the two groups of people, Jiang Shouzheng closed the Taoist gate as he watched the sky.

Before returning to the quiet room, looked at the sky again——

"Gu Yu, what are you doing?"



"God Gu Deng, I made a gap in your domain and chased me? Are you going to die with me?"

"I promise, Heavenly Court will never step into the Linjiang boundary again."

"As long as you stop making moves, I will swear!"

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