My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 137 Peace under the night~ (1 more. Please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Wang Qiang opened the door lightly and closed it quietly.

"came back?"

"Huh? Did you sleep?"

"I heard your footsteps a long time ago." Kong Li sat up from the bed and asked, "How is today?"

"Don't worry, I'm a teacher from a middle school. I have a beautiful resume. All major training institutions are rushing to get me." Wang Qiang dropped his briefcase on the sofa and took off his short sleeves by the way.

It was so hot outside today.

"Then I'm relieved." Kong Li propped herself up and lay down slowly on her side.

After taking a cold shower, Wang Qiang wore a shorts and wandered in the living room.

"Does Auntie cook anything delicious today?"

In order to take care of Kong Li, Wang Qiang specially invited his aunt.

"Chicken soup, on the table, heat it yourself."

Wang Qiang glanced at the almost full casserole, frowned, and tried to take a sip.

This taste is not what Kong Li likes.

It seems that I didn't eat much.

But for an aunt, it’s not bad to be able to cook something like this.

Kong Li, who was originally a picky mouth, lost her appetite even after she became pregnant.

Squeezing that layer of fat on his waist, Wang Qiang felt a little headache.

Scoop a bowl and put it in the microwave to heat up.

"Or, during this time, I will stay with you at home, right?"

"Don't, I'm not so hypocritical, you should go out and find a job."

Wang Qiang didn't insist too much. At present, his savings are not much.

After Kong Li gave birth, the cost of confinement, the cost of nutrition for the child, etc., would be a lot of expenses.

He really has to find his next job as soon as possible.

"Wang Qiang, the heat is over, let's eat."


After a sip of hot soup, the tiredness of the day surged.

After cleaning up, Wang Qiang lay back on the bed.

"Wang Qiang, tell your baby a bedtime story."

"What do you want to hear?"

"Well...How about "Seven Dwarfs vs. Snow White"?"

"Did you steal my notebook?!"

"No, I just read a title, you can tell me something."

"Let's change one, give our children this kind of prenatal education, okay? Fight and kill, okay, okay." Wang Qiang, who is usually interested in demonic fairy tales, smiled bitterly.

"Then you can compile one for me. Anyway, no one can read the story you wrote. Isn't it good for me as a reader?"

"Fine, listen to you."

Despite Kong Li's insistence, Wang Qiang thought for a while and asked:

"Do you know how the prince found Cinderella?"

"You know, shoes, Cinderella's feet are just as big as shoes."

"Then today, you are going to hear a different version-here is an outline first: The prince finds Cinderella by smelling the shoes, and he wants to see which girl has such stinky feet."

"..." Kong Li turned over, looked at Wang Qiang, and asked, "Is your prenatal education good?"

"I have a deep meaning, to let children know to wash their feet frequently since they were young."

"All right, you can speak, Teacher Wang."

"Hey, listen up. A long, long time ago, there was a prince who was very unbehaved. He didn't take cold medicine and often didn't blow his nose. Then his nose broke and he couldn't smell anything... "

As he talked, sleepiness struck, and Wang Qiang fell asleep deeply.

Kong Li got up carefully, walked to the bathroom in the dark, picked up the clothes Wang Qiang had thrown in the dirty clothes basket, and smelled:

"Huh, actually lied to me to eat hot pot?"

Go back to the bed and look at the curtains that are not drawn.Everyone reads novels

Slowly stepped forward and glanced at the feasting lights outside.

Pulled up, the room plunged into darkness.



"It's really annoying! I could go home at this point!"

"Yes, I blame the lawyer Zhuang, who disappeared somehow."

"You said, will she go abroad to play."

The longer Zhuang Keke "disappeared", the more people would think of her.

After all, it is very irresponsible to play missing before the case is over.

This not only affected her own reputation, but also harmed the reputation of the entire law firm.

"Forget it, don't complain, just deal with these cases. Fortunately, there are no complicated cases. Once a case is settled, it will be refreshed to deal with it."

"Yes, another way of thinking. Fortunately, Lawyer Zhuang has not been in Linjiang for a long time. Otherwise, we will have to contract for her legal counsel business. It is really not us who makes money, but we who work.

The salaried lawyers on the deck murmured for a while, but still quickly analyzed and processed the case.

This is like a doctor chatting about an operation, a truth.

"Wow! This party, call me at this point! I'll go out and pick it up."

Go to the aisle and connect to the phone:

"Hey, Ms. Wen Rou, is there anything wrong?"

"When will the lawyer Zhuang of your law firm come back? I call her but she won't answer it. Is your law firm such a service attitude?"

"Ms. Wen Rou, I will follow up your case now, I..."

"I don't know who you are now, why are you in charge of my case? I have seen your picture, young and young. How long has it been since college? Are you good at doing things? When I called my husband today Any questions?"

"..." Taking a deep breath, calming his emotions, "The specialty of a lawyer lies in..."

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Your law firm will either give me a different partner to pick up my case, and I want him to handle it personally. Don't let you young people deal with it. Will you compensate me if you deal with it?"

"Yes, your commission contract is signed between you and the law firm, and the law firm can assign..."

"I don't care! Don't tell me about the contract, I don't want to listen, or give me an explanation tomorrow, or I will complain."

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, I was determined, recorded the call just now, and forwarded it to the director of the law firm.

"I really can't afford such a customer."



After Jiang Shouzheng received the photo transmitted by Yao Qian, he forwarded it directly to Wang Fei.

"My junior's name is Jiang Shouqin. Please read and complete the other information."

"Many thanks!"

Wang Fei: "You're welcome. After a week, the corresponding identification materials will be sent to Qingfengguan."

"Thanks again!"

Put down the phone, covered Xiaobai with a quilt and put a pillow on it.

Jiang Shouqin, who watched the urn blooming and closing the flowers all at once, asked, "What are you doing?"

"Brother, I'm imitating Epiphany."

"... Then you can imitate slowly."

Jiang Shouzheng got up and left. He hasn't done what he has to do tonight.

After sorting out the Taoist temple, Jiang Shou was climbing up the hall on a ladder.

Learning from the old look of the master, looking up at the stars in the sky.

Although, I don't know what's so good.

The repetitive and monotonous night is dotted with several stars.

They are no longer as clear and bright as they were when they were young.

It seems to be covered by a layer of tulle.

Only the occasional flashing aircraft lights will make the night no longer monotonous.

[Shouzheng, look, we were trampled under our feet.]

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