You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!My name was Ye Cuilian before I was alive, and I was enthusiastic, died of life, lived at the age of eighty, and was single for a lifetime.

When I was seventeen, I met a man who fell in love at first sight. I didn't confess, and I missed it for a lifetime.

Because of this regret, my dead soul wanders in the world, doing nothing, it is very boring.

By chance, I was forced to act as a pen fairy. After it was over, I felt very interesting.

I can actually communicate with living people through a pen.

Gradually, I discovered that this is what I like.

Because most of those who play Penxian are sweethearts but do not dare to speak, they want to get closer to their favorite TA through the tense atmosphere of this game.

Then, I will satisfy them and encourage them to confess through appropriate gentle means.

After my matchmaking, there are already ten couples who have entered the palace of marriage. I am very satisfied.

Of course, I have also been asked some messy questions.

such as--

"How many books can I get into the exam?"

I always answer "one book".

"Will I have money in the future?"

I always answered "Yes".


I just pick it up and say it nicely.

As I said, I am a warm-hearted, and I am embarrassed to say bad things.

I promise, I swear, the answers I said are all nonsense, and there is absolutely no basis for study.

However, I don't know why, what I said, after I live there, all become true.

Because of this, many people are grateful.

Their thoughts made me change from an ordinary soul to an official pen fairy.

I have a certain ability to predict.

Can predict danger.

Just the day before yesterday, I made fun of two young men, one named Feng Shaojun and the other named Ke Zhenyuan.

Just when I felt like I did another good thing.

My ability to predict tells me.

There is a very powerful force coming in my direction.

If I don't leave quickly, I will die.

As a last resort, I struggled with serious injuries and broke through the pen fairy rules.

But anyhow, survived.

I need to rest for a few days.

However, what I did not expect is that today, I was called again.

Usually, I don’t have a single business for ten and a half months.


My strength is insufficient!

Don't call me!

do not......

I want to rest, not to work!!!



At ten o'clock in the evening, Linjiang No. 2 Middle School.

Now, the evening self-study is over, and students are returning to the dormitory one after another.

Two girls were left behind in the third (sixth) class.

Qiu Miao locked the front and rear doors and hid behind the door with Guo Yao.

Through the window, you can see that the security guard is playing the circuit.

again and again.

Time, it's eleven o'clock.

In the corridor, there was no sound of security boots landing.

"Yaoyao, thank you for staying."

"No, I also want to know where Wang Miaoke went."

Wang Miaoke was originally a student in the same class as Qiu Miao and Guo Yao.

However, she disappeared during the spring outing in Gaoyi.

Because of this incident, all the city’s primary and secondary school students’ spring and autumn outings were cancelled.

There are rumors that she is dead.

But two years later, there is no definite news to confirm this.

At the beginning, the teachers, classmates, and parents of the school were very concerned about this matter.

But as time went by, everyone gradually forgot about this matter.

Even, they are deliberately avoiding mentioning this matter.

Although the police station has filed a case, it has been shelved because there has been no effective clue.

The case gradually became an unsolved case.

Now, apart from Wang Miaoke's family, only her best girlfriend Qiu Miao did not give up searching.

She often picks up and helps Wang Miaoke's family to distribute flyers, and everyone is moved by her.

This is definitely a good girlfriend.

Therefore, she is very popular with girls.

Who doesn't want to have such friends?

The boy also liked her very much.

Who doesn't want to have such a girlfriend?

During this time, the rumors of "Pen Xian" spread among the students.Lihuo Book Bar

Qiu Miao also heard about it and tentatively invited Guo Yao from the same class.

According to her statement, when looking for a pen fairy, I wanted to ask her if she knew where her friend Wang Miaoke had gone.

Guo Yao was chosen because she rarely rejects people.

This was an attempt, but Qiu Miao didn't think about it. Guo Yao muttered a few words to herself, and then agreed.

This is why they are so late and still in the classroom.

Qiu Miao stood up and rubbed his numb leg.

Guo Yao also got up: "Miaomiao, let's start."

Qiu Miao didn't know if he heard it wrong, why is Guo Yao's tone a little impatient?

She shook her head. She must have heard it wrong. Who would be happy if someone played with pen fairy?

With her back to Qiu Miao, Guo Yao asked in a low voice, "Xiao Hei, if you encounter a ghost, is it really good for you?"

~~If the ghost is summoned, I can eat it~~

~~In that way, the injury I received last time will heal faster~~

"That's good."

In the evening, playing with pen fairy makes people feel a little excited!

With Xiao Hei's company, he lacks a lot of awe for things beyond ordinary people's cognition.

At this time, the empty classroom lost the excitement of the morning.

There was no closed window, and a breeze leaked out, shaking the half-covered curtains.

A little light squeezed into the window.

Make the shape of the surrounding shadows become a bit distorted and blurred.


Matches, light candles.

The light dispelled a little darkness.

Two girls, sitting opposite each other, holding the same pen across the back of their hands.

With a solemn face, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Pen Xian, Pen Xian, you are my predecessor, I am your present life, if you want to continue, please draw a circle."

"Pen Xian, Pen Xian, you are my predecessor, I am your present life..."

"Pen Xian, Pen Xian, you are..."

Huh, huh...

On the white paper, an irregular, twisted circle is added.

There was an inexplicable look in Qiu Miao's eyes.

"Bixian and Bixian, do you know where my good friend Wang Miaoke went?"

Huh, huh...

The crooked handwriting appeared on the paper.

"do not know."

"Okay, can you let me go?"

Qiu Miao glanced at Guo Yao and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Guo Yao shook her head: "No."

She just asked Xiao Hei, this is a pen fairy, not a ghost, and you can't eat it casually.

what a pity.

I originally thought that Xiao Hei's injury could heal earlier.

Qiu Miao nodded: "Then, let's send the pen fairy away. Anyway, there should be no answer."

"Pen Xian and Pen Xian, please go back."

"Pen Xian and Pen Xian, please go back."

"Pen Xian and Pen Xian, please go back."

The two slowly raised their hands and took off the pen.

Guo Yao picked up the paper and wanted to burn it according to the rules of the game.

Qiu Miao stopped her: "Burning paper in the classroom, in case there is ashes left, and it is found by the security guard, that would be bad. Give it to me, I will take it outside to deal with it, you go back to the bedroom first."

Guo Yao thought for a while and nodded.

Qiu Miao was right. If the security guards check in around four or five o'clock tomorrow and find signs of fire in the classroom, that would be bad.

The school banned fire.

In case it is found...

The consequences are disastrous!

Looking at Qiu Miao's appearance, this issue has been taken into consideration.

The mind is really delicate!

Then, leave this to her.

"Then I, go back to the bedroom first."

"Be careful when climbing the pipe."

"Don't worry, it's on the second floor, there won't be any problems."

Guo Yao slipped out of the classroom.

When no footsteps were heard, Qiu Miao confirmed her departure.

Fold the paper in half by candlelight, it looks like it is wrapped in something.

Finally, a few drops of candle oil were dropped.

I got up and stuck this piece of paper on...

On Guo Yao's drawer.

Put out the candles and people leave.

The classroom is really empty.


~~ Why do you lock me up?~~

~~Is my nonsense been discovered?~~

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