My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 155 In Situ. (2 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Halfway through, let Jiang Shouqin go home with Xiao Bai on his back, and Jiang Shouzheng went to the gym by himself.

During this period of time, I made a lot more money, 5G data consumption was fast, and the phone bill was high.

It didn't take long for Jiang Shouqin to form a human, and Xiao Bai hadn't transformed himself.

From a human perspective, they are all underage.

As a senior, he has grown up, so he naturally has to shoulder the responsibility and make more money.

I really want the college entrance examination results to come out soon. If this is the case, there will be scholarships.

Although the college entrance examination was simple, he also went all out to take the exam.

After all, the higher the score, the more money.

Went around to the gym, not much exercise in the morning.

Those who should go to work, those who should be bed-ridden.

The gym is extremely empty, just let him do it.

Try every exercise equipment and make your movements as "standard" as possible.

After studying on paper, I finally feel shallow, knowing this must be done.

Breathing, movement, exertion, interval, intensity...

Dumbbell bird, flat bench press, parallel bars curved arm extension, single guide body...

Be your own coach and be your own student.

As time went on, Jiang Shouzheng became more and more comfortable with practice.

Compared with boxing, these movements are single and rigid, but there are still some effects on the local exercise of muscles.

There is a slight sensation of muscle heating. Is this the so-called "pumping sensation"?

In the morning, I drank a bowl of lotus seed soup, which was diuretic, and now I want to go to the toilet.

Putting the barbell on the ground, Jiang Shouzheng clapped his hands.

The floor-wiping aunt walked to the barbell, holding one end, but she just lifted...not moving.

'Hey?Muscle toys, and what the old lady can't lift up?'


Jiang Shouzheng walked back, watching the flushed Auntie Clean who was holding the barbell in both hands, her face flushed and her blue veins violent.

Ah, at this moment, is it delaying other people's cleaning?

Sure enough, training equipment cannot be put away at will.

Jiang Shouzheng stepped forward quickly, lifted up with one hand, and stepped back to make room.

"Auntie, you clean."


The aunt picked up the rag, wiped it, and walked away quickly, looking awkwardly.

Jiang Shouzheng looked inexplicable, put the barbell back on the ground, took off the iron pieces one by one, and put them back in place.

Then, I found a corner, erected a KT board, and closed my eyes to sit and practice.

It says on the KT board--

Jiang Shouzheng, trained well, knows a lot, is affordable, and has a pregnancy test.



The scorching sun is high, and there are not many people coming and going in the zoo.

Among them, there is a pair of father and son, "hanging out" absently.

"Dad, I, I want to go back to school." Xue Wei raised his head and looked at Xue Dazhi beside him, begging.

"This is not the time." Xue Dazhi continued walking.

Xue Wei gritted his teeth and followed.

They walked to the bear park, where a newly fed black bear was hiding under an umbrella, sitting and napping.

Head, little by little.

Harazi dripped onto his stomach.

Looking at the bear park that says it is forbidden to feed but eats everywhere, Xue Dazhi took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast.

The camera is aimed at the sleeping black bear.

"I'm coming."

"Huh? Not in the gym today, it was broadcast live outdoors."

"I'll go, is this the black bear who is just facing the anchor?"

"Does the anchor want to flip in and just face it again?"

"Why doesn't the anchor speak? Are you afraid?"

"Chong Chong Chong, if you dare to flip in, I dare to swipe the Rockets."

The rumors are scattered.

Heat, rising.

Seeing that the sparse barrage became denser, Xue Dazhi glanced at Xue Wei, who was standing beside him.

I turned the camera around and let myself appear in front of the screen.

"Dear netizens, I want to ask a question, if my son stabbed Lao Tzu with a knife, should he surrender?"

Xue Wei panicked, his scalp was numb, and he wanted to escape, but was held by Xue Dazhi.

The face was exposed in front of the camera.

"Yesterday, my son stabbed me with a knife. I was lucky to live. Now, take him to surrender."

Xue Wei desperately wanted to cover his face, but it was too late... 180 novel

"I'm going? I'm going!!"

"Take a screenshot!"


"Front row, front row."

There was hot silence all around, but inside the screen, it was carnival.

[Your video is suspected of being banned, and the webmaster is shut down. If you have any questions, please follow the steps to appeal.

Qi Bin helped Wang Ruoxin carry the bag and wanted to take her home, but the phone rang.

"Old Qi, are you at the zoo?"

"I just came out."

"Then the relationship is good, you go back quickly and bring two people out..."

Wang Ruoxin looked at Qi Bin with embarrassment, smiled and pushed him: "Go, go, I'm not a little girl, I know how to go home."

Qi Bin took off the bag and handed it to Wang Ruoxin, embarrassed: "Then... next time, next time I will accompany you to cast them both."

Big black brother: "..."

Second fat brother: "..."

Wang Ruoxin took the bag, looked at the still cute cat, and smiled:

"I heard that cats will get fatter after castration. The weight of the two of them has exceeded the standard, so they can't get fatter."

The second cat breathed a sigh of relief, and sure enough, fat is a blessing.

Lost once, thinking about not being greedy, restoring the original weight, ensuring flexibility, and being a good housemate——

Second fat brother: "Boss, have another packet tonight?"

Big black brother: "The kind that doesn't throw trash."

Qi Bin beckoned to Wang Ruoxin, and then compared scissor hands to Er Mao.

Big black brother: "Go to hell."

Second fat brother: "Get out."

Wang Ruoxin looked at the two cats who were so enthusiastic and meowing, her face was reddish: "We, see you next time."

After Qi Bin left, Wang Ruoxin patted the bag and said:

"I'm not enthusiastic at all at home. I just yell when I see Qi Bin outside. Although I like him too, can I be more reserved?"

Big black brother: "..."

Second fat brother: "..."



In the morning and afternoon, a total of four female students had an appointment with Jiang Shouzheng.

For four hours, move your mouth, chat, and assist in training...

It's much easier than handing out flyers. There is no need to find ways to stuff other people's flyers.

With 400 in hand, it also provides a place to charge mobile phones for free, free meals, free bathrooms...

The reddish-faced student who had just taken a bath came to the front of Jiang Shou:

"Coach Shouzheng~ Add friends, I will look for you next time."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded, added friends and made notes.

"Shouzheng coach~ I'm leaving~"

Standing at the gate, Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand as he watched the students who turned their heads one step at a time.

"Not bad, you can eat it in one day." Xue Dazhi sighed softly.

"Thanks to Coach Xue for leading in." Jiang Shouzheng thanked him sincerely, and caught a glimpse of Xue Dazhi's bandaged hand from the corner of his eye.

"Where, it should be."

Xue Dazhi looked around, patted Jiang Shouzheng on the shoulder, and went straight to the manager's office.

Twenty minutes later, go out and pick up the things in the storage room.

Looking at the credentials of the various fitness coaches at the bottom and stuffing them into the backpack, Xue Dazhi sneered:

"If my parents also need to take exams and obtain certificates to be able to work, I probably won't be a father."


The phone vibrates constantly.

Xue Dazhi glanced at the unfamiliar call and picked up—

"Hello, we are..."

As soon as he listened to his accent, Xue Dazhi hung up.

It's another media that wants to rub hot spots.

Looked at the hot search——

## The popularity of this topic is rapidly rising.


Xue Dazhi looked at the comments. Some scolded him, some scolded children, and some... advertised.

'The big event that has affected my family, in the eyes of these people, is just a big drama.'

'Now that my son has been arrested and let the society educate him, then I don't have to accompany you in acting to earn your money.'

Thinking of this, Xue Dazhi cancelled his anchor account.

This means that no one will remember him after this carnival.

If he broadcasts again, the data is cleared, and everything returns to the original place.

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