My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 158 Punishment! (1 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Under the curtain of night, know the noise.

Their noise level is directly proportional to the price on the restaurant's dishes.

Chewing the "Jin Chanzi Hot Oil Tumble" delivered by takeaway, Xu Liang was extremely satisfied.

When the last one was thrown into the mouth by Xu Liang, he squinted happily.

Wiping his hands with wet wipes, patted his bulging belly, comfortable.

Depending on the time, there should be no express delivery.

Sweep the stack of unpacked samples on the table into the frame, and walked out the door sideways.

After walking a few steps, I squeezed into the sightseeing car equipped with the factory.

"Damn, the door of the security room should be wider."

"This car is the same. It has to be bigger. It's really not friendly to me at all."

Start, start.

When we arrived at the front entrance of the factory in three minutes, someone naturally took off a basket of samples placed in the co-pilot's seat.

"Fatty Xu, just a few steps away, are you still driving?"

"You want to control."

"Fat to you."

Xu Liang squeezed out of the driving seat and waved at the speaker: "Come here, let's practice."

Three minutes later, watching the man limping away, Xu Liang's fat face squeezed out sadness and waved goodbye.

Getting in the car is not surprisingly easy.

Xu Liang tugged at the looser clothes, and the sadness grew thicker.

"Ah, my lovely fats are gone again."

"It seems that tonight, another meal is going to be added, my shriveled wallet~"

On the way back to the security room, his cell phone rang.

Number prompt-mother gun.

Stop, connect.

Xu Liang asked impatiently: "Wang Fei, why did you call me so late? Don't you know that I work the night shift? Don't disturb my work. You seriously affect my work efficiency this month. If performance is low, I will blame you."

"...You are just a security guard, where is the efficiency and performance of the work."

"I'm Xu Liang as a security guard. Is it the same as a general security?"

"Forget it, I have a serious business meeting with you today, so I won't take the bullshit." Wang Fei gave a wry smile, his voice slightly serious, "I found a person named Jiang Shouzheng in my system and provided you with samples. The company has tested its qualifications, let me know when the results come out."

"Leaking the privacy of customers is..."

"Three thousand."

"Our boss has been giving us intensive training this time, the purpose is..."

"Seven thousand."

"I wanted to check the post, but as soon as you called me, I was wasting time and I couldn't finish the check. But I am very serious, and I must work overtime to go around the factory in the end."

"Ten thousand, no more."


I hung up the phone, and the cell phone prompted me to receive money.

Under the screen of the phone, Xu Liang looked happy.

"Ah, another hard work."

"I have to buy a little bit more to reward myself, I really worked too hard."

Xu Liang stepped on the accelerator again.


A sharp burst of air sounded, Xu Liang's eyes narrowed.

In the next second, the windshield in front of the car window shattered, and Xu Liang in the driving position had appeared fifty meters away.


Xu Liang raised his head and looked in the direction of applause.

Under the street lamp, leaning against a man wearing white gloves, evening gown and wearing a dome...

"Yes, yes, I'm good to meet you. I'm from the heaven. You can call me a magician. I am now running for the post of president. I need to prove to the heaven that I'm in you. You can survive with one punch."

Xu Liang ignored the other party, squeezed his face and lost weight.

Quickly take out the phone and click on the "mirror" function.Literature 520

The round face is gone.

In the mirror, he has a thin nose and thin lips.

'Damn, I finally got fat.'

'If you go on a blind date like this, you must be accurate for each one!'

Putting down the phone, a look of grief and anger.

Xu Liang looked at the magician, a flame phantom flashed in his eyes.

'Don't die with one punch, right?I satisfy you!'

Xu Liang squeezed his fist, his figure flashed, appeared in front of the man, and slammed his fist.

Fist, pierced through the magician's body.



The street lamp is folded.

"Thank you bad guys for giving punches."

The magician smiled at Xu Liang and disappeared in place.

Not long after, he appeared outside the factory, with bleeding marks on his chest.

The magician took off his tuxedo and threw it on the ground, revealing the monkey tail behind him, and shook it comfortably.

"Ten Jie's growth potential and strength are fast enough. Fortunately, they are human and live a long time."

After that, he took out a pear from his trouser pocket, and the magician chewed and bounced away.

Executive Director's Office.

Xu Liang patted the table, pointed at himself, and shouted, "Hey! Is there any mistake? I accidentally smashed the street lamp to protect the company, so why punish me!"

"No, I just watched the surveillance. That magician came to you and has nothing to do with the company." The executive director looked serious and pulled out a ticket from the drawer. "You need to receive it because of personal grievances, destroying company assets. Your punishment."

After that, the executive director swish a few.

Covered the pen cap, blew it, and handed it to Xu Liang with satisfaction.

Xu Liang glanced at him——Punishment: blind date once.

"The meeting place, the old place, the room, is also reserved for you, hehe."

Xu Liang took the ticket bitterly, wanted to tear it off, gritted his teeth, crumpled it, and tucked it back into his pocket.

"I won't be caught in your trap. I will be fired from the company if I tear off the ticket. I have a sense of which is more serious. You, arrange it, and I will continue.

After all, Xu Liang slammed the door and walked out.


The door slammed on the ground, and smoke was splashed.

"Hey! Good! Hahahaha, the door is broken, another ticket! Don't worry, I will stagger the two arrangements."

Xu Liang: "......"

A minute later, Xu Liang had a dark face and "goed out" lightly.

Cautiously walked out of the administrative building, turned around, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Squeezing the two squeezed tickets in his pocket, his eyes flashed, gritted his teeth bitterly, and took out his phone:

"Wang Fei, a price...20,000 yuan, then transfer 10,000 yuan."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I've just said ten thousand, why did you change your mouth?"

"Now... different from the past, Lao Tzu, I want to run away, not go on a blind date."

"Ah? Are you going to go on a blind date again? Fuck?! Run away from a blind date? Say it early, I'll transfer you now! By the way, my newly developed'Energetic powder' and'Sow receiving powder', do you want to send it? Here you are, in case you can't escape."


Xu Liang hung up and left quickly.

Watching Xu Liang's figure disappear in the corner of the factory building, the executive director rolled up his sleeves and looked at the reddish silk thread on his arm.

"Hey. Liang, the door is opened again. Father, I'm going to try my luck and see if I can get that garbage immortality. Before I leave, I want to hug a grandson or granddaughter, but don't let me disappointed."


It was getting dark, and several seniors were asleep.

The gatekeeper slipped out of the door, passed through the hall, and came to the dilapidated door.

I fiddled with the tape that was pasted, pasted, pasted, and pasted again.

"Really, why does this door have to be left open?"

"It can't be closed!"

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