My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 163 Concentration. (2 more. Ask for a monthly pass!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Coach, I was too tossed yesterday. I slept so well, missed going to work, took a break today, and stopped coming to class."

"Brother Shouzheng, I just happened to be on a business trip these few days, and I can't schedule a class. I'm sorry."


"Student Jiang Shouzheng, I think of it, my aunt is coming soon these few days, so let's not go swimming. Let's stop the special training."

The first few people's reasons for asking for leave are still serious, but isn't it early for Yao Qian's aunt?

Just to be on the safe side, I pinched my finger and counted it.

According to the "statistics" of the same table over the years, it is probably plus or minus three days.

This month, at least ten days away, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng responded: "Come on, we can do some relaxing exercises during the aunt's period. Exercises can't be stopped. Only by persistence can it be effective."

Just after sending this sentence, Yao Qian replied in seconds: "My dad, I'm sick, I'll go see him, really can't exercise."


Jiang Shouzheng dialed Uncle Yao's phone and it was quickly connected.

"Hello, Uncle Yao?"

"Ah?! Oh, my father is seriously ill now, it is not convenient for me to talk to you now, Jiang Shouzheng, goodbye, hang up."

Yao Qian hung up the phone, took a long breath, and handed the phone back to her father.

"Why, don't you want to meet Jiang Shouzheng?" Yao Genmin sat on Yao Qian's bed and smiled.

"Don't go! I was tossed to death yesterday, and now I can't lift my arms." Yao Qian lay on the bed with a pleading expression, her hands clasped together, "Please, father, you are a patient now, please get yours back. Lie down in the bedroom."

"All right." Yao Genmin got up, remembered something when he walked to the door, and said, "It's still a long time to go to university. After the college entrance examination results come out, let's learn how to drive."

"It's nice to learn to drive in this weather."

Seeing Yao Qian's reluctant expression, Yao Genmin added: "If you pass the test, I will buy you a car for transportation."

"Do you still have to go to the company for an internship?"

"Don't go, don't go."

"What about the house?"


"Daddy is the best! Daddy is the best! I love Daddy the most!"

Yao Genmin smiled and shook his head and left the room.

His wife heard what he just said, and beckoned him to pass.

Yao Genmin’s wife deliberately rebuked loudly:

"Buying a house again? Buying a car again, how can Qianqian go to college? Your daughter will be spoiled by you like this!"

"I want to buy a house, I have to buy it sooner or later! Our family does not lack the money for the house!" Yao Genmin looked at Yao Qian's door, the shadow of his feet could be clearly seen in the crack of the door, and he raised his voice. Well, I have to buy it sooner or later. It’s better to buy it late than early. I’m looking forward to Qianqian, and it depends on whether she knows how to fight.

After saying this, the foot behind the door cracked away quietly.

"My wife, look, how about this bike? It's suitable for mountain and cross-country, and it has eight gears."

"I still like the kind that the post office staff used to deliver newspapers. Now the bicycles are too fancy."

"But, wouldn't it be too earthy in that case? Not in line with young people's fashion trends?"

"If you want to be fashionable, buy her another longboard. I think there are many girls who are pretty good-looking."

Squatting down, leaning on the door lock, looking at his parents whispering to the phone through the door lock.

They seem to be arguing about something.

Yao Qian looked happy, she must be discussing what car to buy for her.

She likes pink and blue. When we have dinner tonight, talk about it.

Give mom and dad a reference direction and let them struggle for a while.

As for whether she can pass the exam, Yao Qian doesn't think this is a condition.

In case you didn't pass the exam, then wait until the driver's license is issued, and then you can be nice with your dad?

After seeing it, Yao Qian tried to get up.

But the soreness of the muscles made her center of gravity unstable and she fell to the ground.


With a low groan, Yao Qian covered her mouth and rolled away from the door.

Yao Genmin and his wife naturally heard it, and also saw it.

The two looked at each other and were amused.

What kind of girl you have raised for 18 years, don't you know?

Without even thinking about it, I must have squatted for too long, watched for too long, and my feet were numb.

This girl!

~~4E Novel

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the phone and shook his head. It seemed that Yao Qian didn't want to come, and Uncle Yao was also sloppy at her.

I don't know persistence at all.

How can you have a good figure if you don't insist?

Fishing for three days and two days on the net is not enough, but his current identity is just a fitness coach.

Talking, only when you click, you can’t hold a twine and tie her to hit a tree, right?

Yao Qian's figure is not bad, and her body foundation is not bad. She has not developed obesity due to long-term desk study in high school.

However, the vest line also has to work a little bit.

"Hello, Coach Jiang, is it convenient to make an appointment with you?"

The question next to him caused Jiang Shouzheng to put the phone in his pocket.

Talking with people requires concentration.

At least, you have to show concentration.

Ponytail, light makeup, fit sports suit, sprayed with sporty perfume, coordinated dimensional proportions of big and small legs...

It looks like another female fitness enthusiast, not the kind of paddling.

These days, why are women booking classes?

Do men think I am not professional enough?

Jiang Shouzheng was a little confused, but this would not affect his simultaneous professional judgment.

The eyes of the sky that move with one's heart, have already mastered not to see the picture that makes the eye of the needle.

After a serious "examination", Jiang Shouzheng spoke.

"How do i call you?"

"I see you, you should have a certain training foundation in normal times."

"When you go to my class, do you want me to assist with your own fitness plan, or do you want me to adjust your training plan, or reshape?"

Jiang Shouzheng officially won a new student after the three-point exchange.

When the training is over, the two parties add contact information to each other, and the other party asks him if he is going out for a drink.

"No." Jiang Shouzheng refused without even thinking about it, and based on the coach's standpoint, he said seriously: "Coffee, sports drinks, etc. can help your athletic performance to a certain extent, but in most cases, you will consume it. Too much sugar."

"An La An La, exercise, isn't it just for better food."

Watch this student leave.

"Hello, Coach Jiang, is it convenient to make an appointment with you?"


It seems that my performance has finally won the favor of male fitness enthusiasts.

Just as Jiang Shouzheng was about to speak, the man pulled him to the corner:

"Boy, ask you for a lesson and push me the contact information of the girl just now."

This is bad intentions.

Jiang Shouzheng has the obligation and responsibility to let his students concentrate on training.

He grabbed the opponent's waistband with his right hand, lifted him up, and asked:

"Contact information, do you want more?"

"No way." The man hung in the air and waved his hand again and again.



I have 160 catties anyhow...

Actually, or flat?!

"The attitude is not sincere enough."

"Coach Jiang, please, let me down."

After several pleadings, Jiang Shouzheng put the man down.

As soon as he landed, the man turned and left.

"Didn't you say you have scheduled a class?"

The man's footsteps halted, and he turned back and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Yeah, about class appointments, look at me, the muscles are not the brains, I saw the coach so fiercely, so I wanted to go to the bathroom to have a brief comment. "

"Go, don't slip away."

Why don't you come to the gym for good fitness?

What's the difference between this and going to the library to hand in hand and pass notes for self-study at night?

Standing at the door of the toilet, Jiang Shouzheng felt that later, on the basis of not hurting this student, he could strengthen his training intensity.

Become pure exhaustion.

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