My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 165 Uncle, are you Superman? (1 more. Ask for a recommendation ticket!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After Jiang Shouzheng finished his training, combined with the work of the past few days, he wrote his opinions in the suggestion book hanging at the entrance of the gym——

[Suggestion: Install shared wheelchairs so that our customers can be more decent when they go.

The shared wheelchair was discovered by Jiang Shou when he went to a doctor. It was practical, just like a shared bicycle.

Seeing that nothing happened, the money was almost earned today. After reporting to the front desk, Jiang Shouzheng left.

Riding a bicycle, squatted at the gate of the city fire station.

These days, cooking, cooking, boiling water, bathing, etc., all use real fire.

Although the real fire still seems to be vigorous at present, it is sitting in the air.

He has to fight the fire to replenish the intensity of the real fire.

"Captain, Lucky Star is here again, shall we give him some fruit?"

"Don't worry about him."

Jiang Shouzheng waited boredly for ten minutes when the alarm sounded, and he immediately became energetic.

"Drive slowly."

"Captain, the fire is big, and it's in a residential area, so fast."

"I said, slow down and don't go too fast."

Jiang Shouzheng leaned on his waist, quietly squinted on the bottom of the fire truck, and climbed onto the roof of the car.

"Captain, someone picks up a car."

"... Let him pick it up, hurry up now and leave him alone."

Jiang Shou was clutching the railing on the roof of the car, leaning on his stomach as much as possible.

Sit up or stand up for fear of being seen.

Before riding a bicycle, the speed has a threshold, too fast, and I am afraid that the bicycle will fall apart.

After Jiang Shouzheng's self-reflection, the fire was rubbed, and the car rubbed, naturally, it didn't matter.

Of course, he didn't just rub around casually. There were "acquaintances" in this car.

The man seemed to know his abilities, but he didn't ask or publicize it. Instead, he let Jiang Shouzheng approach the fire with a tacit attitude.

In this way, it is very comfortable.



Jiang Shou was crawling forward on the roof of the car, leaning forward to the roof, and found a small car "obstructing" the passage of the fire truck in an S-shaped manner.

No wonder the speed of the car has dropped.

Jiang Shouzheng's thoughts moved, and a harsh friction sounded on the road, dragging black ruts on the concrete floor.


The tires broke due to excessive wear.

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head and sighed, "I have to improve my mind and everything. This car is too heavy and it takes too much effort to move."

When passing by the car, Jiang Shouzheng saw the young driver get out of the car, his face was full of horror.

In order to comfort the other party, Jiang Shouzheng mobilized mana and said:

"Don't worry, it's not a ghost."

Who knows, just after speaking, the man looked around, his face pale, and then he knelt on the ground abruptly, kowtowing, causing others to stop and watch.

It's all said, it's not a ghost, why is he kowtow?



Voice transmission explained again.

"I'm really not a ghost, don't kneel."

Very good, after I finished speaking, I stopped kneeling and fainted.

Jiang Shouzheng rolled his eyes, but he was so courageous that he stopped the fire truck. Is it fun?

If the fire kills people, he is not afraid of revenge by real ghosts?

Under the alert, the vehicle evaded and galloped all the way.

However, when abducted to a residential area, it was a lot of trouble.

Roads are blocked, vehicles are parked randomly, and the stalls of small vendors are stuck in the middle.

The car is moving slowly.

Jiang Shouzheng was able to remove the obstacles in front of the fire truck, but it was too obvious.

"Hurry up, turn left at the intersection ahead and you'll be there!"

"Captain, I know, but I can't drive now."

Oh, turn left ahead?

Jiang Shouzheng jumped from the fire truck and passed through the crowd.

It happened to be in front of the fire truck, so you could catch more fires.

The province eats what they have left.56 novel

The old residential buildings on the seventh floor were full of smoke billowing on the third floor, and the rooms on the fourth floor also seemed to be burning.

The people on the top of the building yelled on the rooftop, and the people downstairs took pictures below.

Jiang Shouzheng hid to the side of the crowd and shouted: "The fire truck is blocked at the intersection in front. Is anyone going to help?"

He directed the direction to the people beside him, and when he was idle watching the crowd, he had a place to work hard and left in a swarm.

Jiang Shouzheng took advantage of the chaos and ran into the building. The higher he went, the thicker the smoke became. When he reached the back, he couldn't see the way without opening his eyes.

Walking into the fire scene, Jiang Shouzheng released the real fire with confidence, idle and bored, and found the source of the fire.

"Do you smoke in bed? Sure enough, smoking is harmful to your health."

They swallowed the fire one by one, Jiang Shouzheng left the fire for the fire brigade to do, and by the way carried a little girl who had passed out in the room.

She passed out due to the smoke, but she didn't seem to be life-threatening.

Go upstairs and get some fresh air. It's almost enough, right?

"Let go of me! Let go of me! My sister is still at home, let go, let go!"

Before reaching the rooftop, I heard someone yelling, and the voice was Fei Xiaochuan.

Jiang Shouzheng walked to the rooftop and watched an uncle locked Fei Xiaochuan, his whole body fluttering in the air.

"Hey, who of you lost the baby?!"


Fei Xiaochuan's eyes lit up suddenly, and he took a bite of his uncle's hand, fell to the ground, and ran to Jiang Shouzheng.

"Sister? Sister? You wake up."

"Fei Xiaochuan, it's okay, I'll wake up later." Jiang Shouzheng patted Fei Xiaochuan's hand that wanted to hold his sister, and shouted at the crowd who wanted to surround him, "Everyone, make a reservation for this. The child breathes."

Fire, almost eaten.

Smoke is not as scary as it was just now.

People who were emotionally mad, their mood gradually calmed down, and everyone calmly and consciously dispersed.

Jiang Shouzheng placed the girl gently on the ground. Although he had learned artificial respiration at school, he hadn't practiced it and didn't dare to mess around.

Jiang Shouzheng, who didn't know what he could do, took out Qingfeng Shui from his backpack and cleaned the girl's mouth and nose.

There is also spontaneous breathing, and the breathing is getting heavier, should you be able to lie down?

Seeing his younger sister's complexion getting more relaxed, Fei Xiaochuan remembered to thank the person who brought her sister up just now.

Look up, eh?Senior Kang Shouzheng?

"Shouzheng senior?" Fei Xiaochuan wondered.

"Yes, it's me." Jiang Shouzheng replied, sitting on the ground.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, just passing by."

Just passing by... the fire scene?

Is this just right?

Fei Xiaochuan wanted to ask anything else. Seeing that the senior did not want to explain, he didn't talk too much.

The younger sister is out, and I don’t care how the senior came.

And judging from the appearance of the senior, it seems that he is looking for someone.

The siren of the fire truck was getting closer and closer, and "one two three!" and "one two three!" became more and more exciting.

When the water fell from the sky, everyone cheered.

An uncle hid under the eaves, tremblingly took out a cigarette, and lit it.


Before he took a sip, he felt a pain in his abdomen, and he squashed.

Jiang Shouzheng knocked the stone in his hand and put it down.

This time, almost.

It would be too much to fight again.

Jiang Shouzheng took off the clothes, tore off, and tied sister Fei Xiaochuan on his body.

Fortunately, this dress was sewn by myself, and there is still fabric at home.

The ladder came up, and Jiang Shouzheng squeezed to the front and caught the "first shift."

Several aunts who were still in high spirits wanted to scold them, and they all shut up when they saw the girl Jiang Shouzheng was carrying.

Going downstairs, Jiang Shouzheng handed Fei Xiaochuan's sister to the firefighter, with a grateful expression on his face.

"thanks, thanks!"

After speaking, he got into the crowd of onlookers.


The little girl who had just been "handed over" coughed and woke up and saw the fireman hugging her for the first time.

In her memory, she was picked up by someone who was burning with flames but was "feared" by the flames——

"Uncle, are you Superman?"

When Jiang Shouzheng saw that the person was awake, he got out of the crowd. Today, the real fire charge exceeded expectations, so let's go buy some dishes now. Today, he can make some stir-fried dishes luxuriously.

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