My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 167 Tomorrow is worth looking forward to. (Look for a monthly pass!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Open your eyes, and a new day will begin again.

He picked up Xiaobai, who was asleep on his knees, and put it aside, got out of bed, and shook the soul-eater, which was hanging on the lotus.

"Get up, go out to practice exercises and sunbathe."

The lotus shook, and stood up like a serious lotus.Climbing out of the urn, shaking off the water stains on his body, it turned into Jiang Shouqin.

"Brother, why don't Little Bai sister go?"

"It's hurt."

"My soul is hurt."


Practice exercises and feed the birds.

Seeing a few more incense sticks in the incense burner, Jiang Shouzheng asked suspiciously: "Why did you make more?"

"Brother, look, Daozu only eats three roots a day, and he eats one meal a day. I'm afraid he won't have enough to eat, so I fed him more."

"..., Dao ancestor, he doesn't lack the rations of our Taoist temples. We just order a little bit every day, and it's enough! Fragrant, asking for money! More, waste!" Jiang Shouzheng felt the blue veins on his forehead. Ah jump, "Come on, let's leapfrog today."

Jiang Shouqin pinched his earlobe: "Brother, I was wrong. Leapfrog takes too much time. Don't you have to go to work today to make money? Don't waste time~"

"Don't go, resign. By the way, I have to talk to the manager."

Making money is itself for the needs of life.

Since the other party's flyer is disgusting to him, there is no need to make false claims.

Anyway, the signing is part-time, and the content of the new signing is also part-time.

He consciously didn't have a place to be sorry for the gym, but in order to prevent himself from missing the trap in the contract, he still chose to let Xiaobai get the contract back.

After sending the resignation message with the manager, Jiang Shouzheng blocked the other party.

Then I told a few students that I would no longer go to the gym to work, and also blocked it.

"Hanging in the gym as a trainer does earn a little more, but there are too many causes and effects, and it is troublesome."

"It's better to be a driver, make money when you start the accelerator, stop whenever you want, and you don't need to add a person's contact information, wait for the college entrance examination results, and learn to drive!"

Jiang Shouzheng, who has become a vagrant state again, looked at the money in the mobile bank, and he was a little panicked.

It’s impossible to distribute flyers.

He has inquired that his part-time fee for distributing flyers is far more than others.

Probably the boss took care of him, right?

In this way, it's not good, he doesn't like it.

Have to find another way to make some money.

I looked at the news in the class group and found that many students have gone to work as tutors.

He should do.

Just do it when he thinks of it. He happens to have a client candidate who will not be contaminated with new cause and effect.

"Hello, is it Mr. Fei Chuan?"

"I want to ask, does your son Fei Xiaochuan lack a tutor?"

"Do you think I'm right? One hour, one hundred, how about?"

Go straight, no tweaking, the price, time, and location are quickly negotiated.

"Keep jumping, don't stop!"


One day later, when I came to Fei Chuan's home again, there were still traces of dust on the floor and wall.

The air smelled of washing powder.

Fei Chuan is out in a sports car, and only his wife, Fei Xiaochuan and Fei Xiaochuan's sister are at home.

"Auntie, hello."

Jiang Shouzheng greeted Fei Xiaochuan's mother Chen Mudan.

The other party took off his plastic gloves, picked up his sweaty hair, took his hand, and thanked him:

"Yesterday, Ogawa told me, thank you so much."

After speaking, he took out a bulging red envelope from his pocket and stuffed it into his pocket.

This is "premeditated", so Jiang Shouzheng is "but disrespectful".

Take it apart, click a bit, a thousand.

"This is my ten-hour class fee." Seeing what Chen Mudan had to say, Jiang Shouzheng continued, "Auntie, if you are so polite, I can't teach."

"Well, auntie will not delay your study."

Fei Zhixi, who was hiding behind Chen Mudan, looked up at Jiang Shouzheng, weak and weak:

"Uncle, did you save me yesterday?" said Wei Wei

Yesterday, after checking from the hospital, Fei Zhixi was told the real "savior".

"Yes, I want to call my brother." Jiang Shouzheng bent down, trying to touch her head.

"Don't touch your head, the president is not high!" Fei Zhixi avoided, holding the corner of his mother's clothes, "Uncle, go and teach my brother to read."

Jiang Shouzheng got up in embarrassment and scratched his head.

Entered his room with Fei Xiaochuan, and started tutoring.

"My sister has that kind of personality, don't care about seniors."

"It doesn't matter, she called me uncle, which means I am more mature now, which is a good thing."

Being called Uncle, Jiang Shou was a little happy.

After the old view and the master left, he has consciously made great progress and growth, and his mentality is also constantly maturing through constant choices.

They all say that they are born from the heart, and their appearance must have faded because of their maturity.

That's why Fei Zhixi thought he was older, called Uncle.

On the other side, Fei Zhixi was holding her mother's phone and hid in a small corner to call her friend:

"Why my name is Uncle, he didn't give me a small gift?"

"Called Uncle, shouldn't there be gifts?"

"My brother will have small gifts~"

This room is too small.

Jiang Shouzheng's hearing just happened to be fine.


Is there such a rule?

Forget it, let's talk about tutoring Fei Xiaochuan's schoolwork first.

Turn on the phone and countdown, 2:00, start.

"Wow! So you can do this?"


"Tsk tusk tusk, how did the senior come up with such an interesting solution."

In the middle, there was an aunt who came in to deliver fruit, and Fei Zhixi came in and knocked on her back cleverly...

Two hours passed quickly.

Seeing Fei Xiaochuan's dizzy appearance, he shouldn't be able to continue studying today.

Two hundred yuan is enough to earn today, so I can practice in Taoism.

"Uncle, are you really leaving?"

Seeing Fei Zhixi's pouting and dissatisfied expression, combined with her previous voice on the phone, how could Jiang Shouzheng not know her thoughts?

I touched my body, there was nothing I could take.


Tears of Jiang Shouqin.

This thing looks as shiny as jewelry, and it should be ok as a gift.

Half-crouching down, Jiang Shouzheng took out the tear and handed it to Fei Zhixi: "This is a gift from Uncle~"

"How can I ask for your things." Chen Mudan bent down and wanted to return the beads to Jiang Shouzheng.

Fei Zhixi looked happy, so pretty~

She grabbed the tear in her hand, dodged her cat waist, ran to the room, and said loudly:

"Thank you uncle! Goodbye uncle~"

Chen Mudan got up, a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, this child, he doesn't take much care of him, it's too rude."

Jiang Shouzheng didn't care, but shook his head blankly, pointing at the pendant exposed after Chen Mudan had just bent over, and asked:

"Auntie, where did your pendant come from?"

Chen Mudan lowered his head and looked at it, pointed to the five-colored copper coin on his chest, and asked, "Is this?"


"My husband once had a sports car. He said he met a master and asked me. You may not believe it. I was diagnosed with cancer by the hospital. I didn't expect that the hospital told me that it was a misdiagnosis." Chen Mudan said of this. I was a little happy about the matter, but Jiang Shouzheng's expression was a little wrong, and he asked concerned, "What's wrong, is there any problem with this pendant?"

"No, there is no problem." Jiang Shouzheng came back to his senses and smiled, "This pendant is very similar to the one that an elder of mine used to hang."

Jiang Shouzheng bowed and said that Chen Mudan would give it nothing.

"Auntie, you should continue cleaning the room, the dust is quite serious."

"Okay, well, then Shouzheng, see you tomorrow?"

"see you tomorrow."

When he walked downstairs, Jiang Shouzheng turned around and looked at the direction of Fei Xiaochuan's family, and began to look forward to the tutoring tomorrow, although student Fei Xiaochuan was not very clever.

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