My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 171 I will try my best.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Yakitori Street.

The fire is accompanied by the aroma, and the cold beer is the goat kidney...

The streets that were deserted in the morning are now crowded with people.

The beautiful taste always brings healing effect and soothes the soul.

Yang Ji's grilled skewers, the stall where the "God of grilled skewers" first appeared in the market, today welcomed a strange guest at table 8.

"Boss, I want lamb skewers, beef skewers, pork belly, cabbage, green beans,..."

"Don't brush the oil, but roast them together. After the roast, you will give me the meat randomly. I just have to be vegetarian."

Forget it.

People always have a little quirk.

Last time he also met a stranger who asked for a half-cold, half-temperature beer.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Ruo, a newly recruited temporary worker, had a way-went to the hot pot restaurant and borrowed a mandarin duck pot.

"Lin Ru, table 8."

Pick out the vegetarian skewers that have just been grilled and place them on the tray.

The boss stepped back and wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead with the sweat towel hung around his neck.

This piece is all wet and needs to be replaced.

As soon as the new one was hung up, I heard a table shouting, "God of skewers please me, go!".

This business is really getting more and more prosperous.

The life at home has become more comfortable.

Hard work and get rich, Ollie gives.

Lin Ru picked up the tray and handed it to the guest.

After a glance, Lin Ru felt his cheeks slightly hot.

"Thank you." The guest took it and smiled.

"No, you're welcome." Lin Ru, like a panicked bunny, ducked away.

'Hey, my charm is still the same, it's me.'

Looking at the grilled skewers, the guests folded their hands together, chanted "I am Buddha Merciful", and then ate them gracefully and quickly.

"'s this taste, how long has it been since I have tasted the taste of meat, moved!"

"This is mutton-flavored string beans, beef-flavored cabbage..."

Soon, a plate of skewers was wiped out by him. He took a piece of paper and wiped the grease on his mouth.

"Buddha, I didn't eat this deliberately! What a sin!"

"Really... enjoyable!"

Patting his bulging belly, the customer continued to order.

It was hard to be released by those old guys. One more bite is one bite. Besides, he is still doing business.

At twelve o'clock, there is a ghost with a ghost eating and drinking. Seeing that the power of faith in the diners belongs to him, it should be the god of skewers;

The helper of this Yang Ji grilled skewers, that is, the woman who just handed him something, has the power of ghosts and gods, as well as the breath of soul-eaters;

It's strange that the spirit plant that grows only by instinct, like Soul Eater Jinglian, didn't eat the ghosts?

Moreover, in Linjiang, a remote rural area, there is actually a god who is superior in profound knowledge, huh...

There is also a pseudo-tongxuan, which seems to be advanced.

It's no wonder that the heavenly court will come home.

These are not important. I just came to the poor monk to find the soul-devouring lotus. The failure of the heavenly court or the demise of the gods has nothing to do with the poor monk.

Now it seems that some wonderful changes must have taken place in Soul Devouring Purifying Lotus.

Otherwise, these gods should not be so peaceful.

When does the lotus flower of Soul Eater bloom, doesn't it cause one area to have no spirits?

Namo Amitabha.

Get rid of unnecessary thoughts...

Put your hands together, and start again at the skewers that you just brought up.

"This is chicken-flavored leeks, but it's useless for the poor monk to eat it."


"You can only raise it tonight and throw it away for me tomorrow." Chen Mudan frowned, and said to Fei Xiaochuan, "We don't have much money in our own house, and we also raise dogs. You treat it as the wind blows down from the sky. What?"

"Uh... alright." Fei Xiaochuan lowered his head and replied helplessly.

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The door to the room closed.

Fei Chuan lay on the bed and smiled to his wife: "Dogs come to prosper, dogs come to prosper, it is also a good thing."

"Huh! What a good thing, I was staying in the hospital some time ago, and you taught the children to stray." Chen Mudan took off his coat and hung it on the hanger.

"But, thanks to my indoctrination, Ogawa's grades have come up. I told you, we raise children, we can't talk about it, we must listen to the children's opinions fully. I listened to the education channel of the car radio during this time. , I have a lot of experience in cultivating children, I will tell you..."

At the end of the day, although Fei Chuan was very tired, he became excited when he talked about this topic.

Unfortunately, it didn't take him long before Chen Mudan's ears were caught.

"Eh eh eh! It hurts!"

"I don't care anyway, I will throw it away tomorrow."

Chen Mudan let go of Fei Chuan's ears, changed his pajamas, and went to bed with the lights off.

After a while, there was a rhythmic snoring beside her.


Sometimes high, sometimes low.

With this "movement of life", Chen Mudan was half asleep and half awake when he heard a low hum.

She woke up, got out of bed quietly, opened the bathroom door and turned on the light.

The puppy was lying on the old pillow, looking very worried.

Seeing the door opened, he jumped out, slipped into the living room, rubbed the legs of the table, raised his legs, and rushed...

Then, sat aside contentedly, looked up at Chen Mudan, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail.

A large pool of yellow urine stains, unscrupulously exuding a pungent smell.


Chen Mudan raised his hand, and the puppy slammed back and shrank under the chair.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"


Where can a person be angry with a dog, he does not understand, and has not been taught.

After wiping it with a paper towel and spraying it with disinfectant, Chen Mudan carefully found a yellowed dog leash on the bottom of the storage cabinet.

"It turns out, it's still there."

Chen Mudan knelt down, his eyes soft, and waved at the puppy:

"Come, come over, go out and pee."

"Our family, we don't have money, we really can't afford you."


The next day, Jiang Shou arrived just as scheduled, just in time for the Fei Chuan family's family debate and was invited to be a formal judge.

[Topic] Can dogs be kept at home?

[Zhengfang] Fei Chuan and Fei Xiaochuan support dog keeping;

[Counter side] Chen Mudan and Fei Zhixi do not support raising dogs.

The key points were fierce rebuttals around hygiene, cost, venue, and time.

Bang bang bang.

Jiang Shouzheng clapped his hands and reminded Fei Zhixi:

"Zhixi, you don't support raising dogs, but what you just said is supportive. Why, do you want to join the square?"

Fei Zhixi glanced at her blushing mother and waved her hands again and again:

"Uncle, it's not. I don't support raising dogs. I, when I see furry dogs, I'm really scared."

"But the little girl is more afraid of meeting bad people. If the dog grows up to protect me, I will reluctantly agree to it staying in our house."

Upon hearing this, Chen Mudan seemed to have thought of something, sighed in a low voice, and said to Fei Xiaochuan:

"Xiaochuan, if we can pass the high school entrance examination, we can raise this dog."

Fei Chuan patted Fei Xiaochuan on the shoulder;

Fei Zhixi gave her brother a vicious look;

Fei Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Shouzheng with helplessness and request in his eyes...

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the little yellow dog who was turning his belly on the ground and digging into the air. Jiang Shouzheng seemed to see the appearance of rhubarb.

He pursed his mouth and whispered, "I will try my best."

After finishing speaking, my heart added:

"It really doesn't work, give you a fish oil capsule."

"I really can't pass the test, just take this dog to the Taoist temple. It just happens that the rhubarb kennel is still empty."

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