My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 182 The salted fish god who doesn't care.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Yao Genmin, who had just come out of the police station and sent the accountant in, threw the phone back to Li Bo.

"I found the account book, lost the photo?!"

Yao Genmin is familiar with the photos on the Internet.

After all, they were all stored in Yao Genmin's computer before being posted online.

Because this is a photo taken by a diving camera, the only original in Yao Genmin's computer.

Now it has been announced, and there is only one conclusion, someone hacked his computer.

Without knowing the purpose, these groups of photos were posted online.

It is foreseeable that this kind of chasing video is most in line with the spread of the Internet and has its own topic.

"Have you found the starting place?"

On the Internet, everything must leave a trace.

"A server outside the country."

The expression of this statement represents the difficulty of retrieving relevant information of the people behind. In most cases, there is no possibility of recourse.

But looking at Li Bo's expression a bit strange, Yao Genmin motioned to the other party to continue talking, there is no special information.

"But this server has a piece of information that has been dug up. You may be interested."

"Jiang Shouzheng, S. There is no father and no mother. He lives by the villagers near the Taoist temple."

How can an overseas server have Jiang Shouzheng's information?

Also, what does S mean?

"Is it... the same name?" Yao Genmin asked cautiously.

"No, the photo is of Jiang Shouzheng himself." After Li Bo responded to this sentence, he paused and asked, "Do we need to tell Jiang Shouzheng about this in advance?"

"Well, you can."

Yao Genmin took Li Bo's cell phone, and after reading it carefully, the message was forwarded twice and it was still sent to Jiang Shouzheng.

"What is the purpose of the other party stealing photos? Is it really out of good intentions?"

"Perhaps, there are deeper things that need to be understood and applied."

"Do you need to call Mr. Gu? Forget it, don't bother his old man."


"sorry to bother you."

The efficiency of trust institutions is very fast, especially when Xu Nian's large contract has not been taken away.

In order to ensure that the variables are a foregone conclusion, of course we must hurry!

Xunian looked at the administrative procedures that were similar to the place, and handed back a copy of the agreement to the salesman.

This is the end of the story. As long as the final business record is completed, whether it is based on legal logic or in accordance with good faith, a closed loop can be formed.

"you deserve this."

The salesman breathed a sigh of relief. If the contract is not taken over again, he can leave the job and go after the performance is calculated after this month.

At the beginning, I was stunned and didn't take the contract away.

Fortunately, it's not too late to make up for it.

"Well, please go to the meeting room next door to take a break."

The salesman stuffed things back into his backpack, nodded at Xu Nian, stepped back, followed Huang Xiaozhong and left.

When Huang Xiaozhong returned to Xu Nian's office, he was sitting in Xu Nian's seat, and there was no one left.

The wind outside the window moved the curtains, and the shadows undulated in the office like waves.

'Is it finally this point?'

Huang Xiaozhong subconsciously dialed Xu Nian's number——

[The phone you dialed is turned off.

After a long silence, Huang Xiaozhong sighed and walked around the office.

On the desk, he found a note.

"After I find a place, I won't come back, you will forget me sooner or later."

"If you can't find a place, then I will naturally have to come back, I believe you will welcome me then. Then we will go crazy and grab the contract back!"


"Can't grab it, it's sold out!"

"Buy tickets! Buy tickets!"

"The high speed is blocked!"

"This news is really false!"

"It's better to trust it, than to trust it to nothing."

After wiping his saliva, God Gu Deng woke up, with various overlapping and intertwined illusory sounds in his ears.

'It's so noisy.'

'All day long, there is no end?!'

The thoughts of everyone in Linjiang, if they have the nature of prayer but have no specific object, will be unified to God Gu Deng according to the "rules."

If Gu Deng is willing, after finishing the sorting work, he can make a secondary distribution.

However, He is not willing.

'Is there something that can't be handled by yourself?'

'If you intervene, you will be told, and if you don't, you will also be said. I won't be thankful!'

There was too much information, so it turned into a pair of earplugs with the help of God's Domain to block the sound.

It’s pretty good that He can stabilize the dam and prevent it from accidents. There is no time to toss other things.

Randomly dragged the incense that belongs to the gods, this ball was kneaded into fried dough sticks, that ball was kneaded into buns...

They are all in vain and tasteless.

After eating a few bites of the tribute fruit, I didn't feel much taste.

'Can't you give tribute to something delicious?Apples, bananas, pears... when I am a monkey?'

Secretly, he thought of the food Jiang Shouqin had given him.

Going out of God's Domain, opened the bag, took the package of cucumber-flavored potato chips, and ate it tastefully.

Kaka Kaka, He happily sucked his fingers and shook his calf.

"It's going to die, God, save us."

"I can't stay in this place, run quickly."

God Gu Deng shook his head and strengthened the earplugs.


According to today's plan-

First, go to the main body for a stroll.

God Guden's figure disappeared, and the bag of potato chips he was holding began to fall.

Soon his figure returned to its original place, and the bag of potato chips just fell on his lap.

After shopping, everything is as usual.

Secondly, go to Qingfeng to watch the test of God, and then visit each other daily.

The point is to drop by.

In order to have a common language with Xiaobai and Jiang Shouqin, I had to give them the chase during this time.

In the past, God Gu Deng had no conditions to chase Fan, but since the ghost god Ye Cuilian, everything is easier.

The ghosts under Ye Cuilian's command were more or less worshipped, and mobile phones, computers, and the like were all received in piles.

Give him even one, no problem at all.

When the phone was connected to WiFi, Gu Dengshen first found Xiao Bai's favorite during this time-"This God Can't Be So Indifferent".

I went through the plot quickly at three times the speed, and then searched the Internet to find a one-to-one correspondence with the plot, such as the afterthought, and the analysis posts and comment posts did not forget to visit.

Xiaobai is still very delicate in seeing things, especially when he sees it with a bullet screen.

As for the "Entrepreneur" Jiang Shouqin was chasing, he didn't even read it. He just found the name of the entrepreneur who appeared on the Internet and remembered the golden sentence that belonged to them.

After all, the routines are the same-ordinary life experience, after a lot of hard work, to achieve one's own career and return to society.

After feeling that he was fully prepared, Gu Dengshen appeared in front of Qingfeng Temple, and when he wanted to knock on the door, he found a group of extremely strong "resentment" gathered behind Taoist Temple.

Struggling, swallowing, coming back to life.

What the hell?

God Gu Deng raised his head with a dazed look——

Where are these negative emotions?

Didn’t He just sleep?

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