My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 185 Surprise at night.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Ambitious during the day, a slacker at night.

The senior brother had not returned from homeschooling. Jiang Shouqin sat on the bed, looking at his ID card.

It's been a few days since I got it, Jiang Shouqin hasn't taken the first step of the drink.

Look at the market, look at the location, set up business, set up shop, build a team, get a brand, register a trademark, engage in chain, engage in sales promotion...

After finishing the last episode of "The Entrepreneur", Jiang Shouqin sighed lowly and called Lin Ru:

"Lin Ru, how about we make a trolley or sew a garment with many bottles and cans inside..."

If you run a small business, you will be paralyzed when you earn enough. Why do you want to be bigger and stronger?

Is the animation not good-looking, the movie not deep, the game not fun, or is it uncomfortable lying in bed?

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Shouqin felt the pain of "giving up" his dream, and put on his helmet.


Xiaobai glanced at Jiang Shouqin and jumped out of the quiet room.

'Go, take part.'

But as he walked, Xiaobai felt that something was wrong...

My perspective seems to have changed, walking on all fours seems a bit uncomfortable...

It stood upright, passing by a pond, and looked at it.

Who is this person...?

'No way?'

Stretching out "claws" are a pair of plump palms.

'Am I human?'

'Could it be that what that person said was really a mouthful?'

'Why didn't I want to eat him?'

It, oh, should be called her now.

Feeling a mess in her mind, she turned and ran back towards the Taoist temple.


Jiang Shouqin, who was asleep while watching the movie, was awakened, his body convulsed, and he saw a little girl in a daze...

"You are crazy!" Jiang Shouqin got up angrily and got up all at once.

"You're just crazy!" The little girl pinched Jiang Shouqin's ear with one hand and akimbo. "You dare to talk to me like this?!"

A tingling pain caused Jiang Shouqin to wake up a bit. He looked at the little girl in front of him in a daze, and asked weakly:

"Are you...Sister Xiaobai?"


Jiang Shouzheng pulled down the car window and waved at Yao Qian.

After the tutoring is over, first call a car to take Yao Qian home, and then return to Taoist temple.

In the big evening, girls have to go home early.

Yao Qian watched the car carrying Jiang Shouzheng disappear around the corner before going upstairs.

He took off his shoes at the hallway and shouted, "Dad?"

"Your dad didn't come back."

As soon as Mother Yao, who was doing the bird-like gesture, responded, the center of gravity of the whole person became unstable and shook, after all, he couldn't hold his posture.

"Mom, I said you'd better find a yoga instructor. It will do more with less." Yao Qian took off her coat, hung it on the shelf, lay on the ground and did 20 push-ups in one breath, and got up without blushing or breathing. "Look, mom, I found Jiang Shouzheng for a day of special training, and the effect is so obvious."

"Nonsense, you're good at first, and wherever you can practice for a day, you will make progress." Mother Yao got up and stretched her body. "I have old arms and legs, but I can't compare to your little girl's house."

Yao Qian stepped forward, gave Mother Yao a big hug, and took a bite on her cheek:

"My mother is always young and beautiful, and she is in great health. There is no problem in giving me a sister."

"Jing nonsense." Mother Yao tapped Yao Qian's forehead, and said with a smile, "Why don't you say you have a brother?"

"My brother, I won't be able to fight in a few years."


Pay and get off.

Jiang Shouzheng returned to the Taoist temple, but saw Jiang Shouqin being chased in the square by a little girl dressed in white, who was holding a big broom high...

'Xiaobai's breath.'


'Doesn't this make another ID card?Oh, it looks too small now, don't worry about it, but the identity certificate is still needed.'

Jiang Shouzheng was a little surprised, but not surprised.Variety Literature

After all, isn't it a normal operation to transform into a fox?Its mother can also be transformed.

Calling to stop both, Jiang Shouzheng squatted down and looked at the girl with a blushing smile: "Xiao Bai?"

"Yes, it's me." Xiaobai learned the opening scene in the martial arts drama, holding his fist and saying, "Brother!"

"Hey~ Junior Sister." Jiang Shouzheng gave a fist in return, and then smoothed her somewhat messy hair, untied the rope that tied her long hair, and helped Xiaobai tie her hair up, "From today, you can call it Jiang Shouji is here."

Jiang Shouqin leaned forward, pointed to the tree next to the quiet room, and asked, "Brother, shall we also give this tree a name?"

"If you don't take it, you will have feelings if you take it." Jiang Shouzheng got up and shook his head, "Moreover, this tree is a...different species. Now it is only more spiritually active, not thinking."

"By the way, speaking of names, Xiaobai, you are now transformed, so you also have to have human identity information. But you still look young now, and you don't need an ID card for the time being."

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng sent a text message to Wang Fei: "My junior sister has also been transformed, can I trouble the Chief Wang to help with the identification information? She looks like she is eleven or twelve years old now, so she doesn't need to do it for now. ID card. If it is convenient, let me know what materials I need."

Click to send, a bit awkward.

Last time, people rushed to order a helicopter for delivery, but they didn't invite them in for a sip of hot tea. Before long, they had to trouble others, even though Wang Fei said it was his "own job."

I have to give gifts, but what can I give?

Sending money is too vulgar.

The other party can afford to sit in a helicopter, and he does not lack his money.

However, there is nothing good in Taoist temples.

How about... make some handmade products?

Li is light and affection is heavy.

Just do it when he thinks of it, bring in scissors, attach mana, and "cut" a branch of that tree.

When I started, I turned it upside down and sensed the texture.

"Do you carve a Haechi or a unicorn?"

"Pixiu has only the meaning of fortune, but it is better for a unicorn. Fortune and giving off have two meanings."


At night, the library is brightly lit.

Girls who like to learn are all here, and boys who like to learn from girls are also here.

Wang Fei was sitting on the chair in the corner. Today, he is not here to exercise his aesthetics and improve clothes, but the final exam is coming.

I borrowed the notes of the same sleeping school tyrant, circled the final exam.

He studies at desk, swims in the ocean of knowledge, and thinks little by little. He seems to approve of the truth.


The phone in my pocket vibrated.


The sound of the chair rubbing against the tiles was very harsh, but apart from a few students looking up and looking blankly, most of the students were still studying hard.


Don't hug the Buddha's feet temporarily, just wait for the test!

Wang Fei wiped the corners of his mouth and rubbed his face.

Sure enough, since the college entrance examination, knowledge that he is not interested in has no other effect on him except to help sleep and pass the exam.

He picked up the water glass, took a sip, and held it in his mouth.

The cold water made him sober gradually, took out his phone, and clicked on the message.


Xu Liang, who was sitting across from him, wiped his face and whispered viciously:

"If you still eat instant noodles today, this will never end!"

Wang Fei ignored Xu Liang's threats, and did not even wipe the water stains on the corners of his mouth. Instead, he read the messages Jiang Shouzheng had sent him word by word.

[My junior sister has also been transformed, can you please trouble the Chief Wang to help with the identity information?

Two...The transformation boss is the younger brother and younger sister?

Am I dreaming?

"Hey!" Xu Liang shook his hand in front of Wang Fei, "Is Zhu Gemeng's sister married or you inherited your uncle's company? This look?"

"You slap me?"

Wang Fei felt that he might still be dreaming now.



Everyone raised their heads when they heard the noise...

Starting tonight, there is a legend on campus.

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