You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Tonight, there is no starry sky.

Jiang Shouzheng stretched out his hand and "looked" at all the magic power that was winding, intertwined, converging, and scattered at his fingertips, and waved his hand to the sky...

"At night, there should be stars and moons."

His face turned pale, he climbed down the hall, and returned to sit in the quiet room.

"It doesn't matter whether it is causal or bearing, as long as you can practice."

"As long as you can catch a mouse, whatever cat it is."

After removing the delusion, the mana quickly recovered, and grew slowly and slowly at the original speed.

Jiang Shouji watched the senior man fully settled, got up from the bed, and pulled out the soul-devouring lotus planted in the urn.

Quietly went out, and shook it hard on the ground a few times. Seeing that the ground was almost dried, wipe it with a dry rag.

Back to the quiet room, he put the Soul Eater Jinglian on Jiang Shouzheng's bed.

It was the soul-eaten lotus that seemed to be "decayed", and it was rejuvenated.

"It's cheaper for you, it was originally my seat."

Jiang Shouji crawled back to the bed with her feet on her feet, stuffing herself in the bed.

This way, it is serious to play on the phone when you fall asleep.

#'Huh, do you want to watch it too?Together!'Excuse me, the big guys, which drama line is this? I only remember this line, but I don't remember the others.#

After posting a post with Jiang Shouqin's account, Jiang Shouji found another drama that ranked eighth in the rankings and chased it up.


This is a wasteland, and there are occasional graves.

Xu Nianban squatted down, squeezed the dirt on the ground and licked it.

"The taste is wrong."

"I don't know if there is any deviation."

He found a grave with tributes and bowed.

"Excuse me tonight."

Sit down, picked up an apple, rubbed his clothes and wiped it.


Xu Nian chewed a few mouthfuls, vomited in his mouth, and put the hand in the tray.

"It tastes wrong."

Moving the tray to another tomb, he moved his body a bit, grabbed the tombstone, and the veins violent.

"Get up!"

The yellow mud splashed, the tombstone was torn out in one piece, and the original place became a pit, exposing a corner of the coffin under it.

Jumping into it, bursts of stench began to drift.

Xu Nian pinched his nose with his left hand, hooked a corner with his index finger, and lifted it upward.

The intact body is like an old man who has fallen asleep.

"Interesting, I thought it was wild, but I didn't expect it to be raised."

"The technique is a bit ruthless~"

He flicked the old man's Adam's apple in the coffin like asleep, and he was relieved.

Corruption and festering.

"Keep some souvenirs so that you can feel the masculinity when you open the coffin!"

Xu Nian took out the knife he "captured", poked it at his fingertips, and squeezed a drop of blood into the coffin.

Busy for a while, resume the scene.

After hammering his own midfielder, Xu Nian stomped on the ground again and said to himself:

"If I didn't focus on fists and kung fu back then, maybe I could restore this place with a wave of my hand?"

"There is only a little fist, but there are indeed many shortcomings, not comprehensive enough."

"The gatekeeper mistaken me!"

Xu Nian wanted to reminisce with emotion, his face changed, and he raised his head and looked to the southeast.

After a long time, he sighed, moved the tray back to its original position, picked up the apple, and tried to take a bite.

"Well, this time it tastes right."

"The direction is not wrong."

Pick up the bag and continue to set off.

"Southeast, Southeast..."

Dressed in starlight, he continued to walk in the direction of Shangqingmen.


"It's really endless!" 110 Literature

The guard disciple put the door up again, scratching his head in distress.

"Would you like to find some wood and remake the door?"

As soon as he had this idea, he rejected it.

In this place, every grass and every tree is immutable.

If it changes, it will definitely be discovered.

It means trouble.

Anyway, you can make a living now, so make a living, maybe after a long time, this door will shut itself to death.

The janitor clapped his hands and left.

Soon after, the dust on the ground condensed into the image of the senior brother. He frowned and looked in the direction where the disciple was leaving.

I tried to push the door without force, but the door still had that crack.

"What's up?"

"Is it impossible to give birth to a child outside? I can't stop it?"

"Well... it's also possible that this door has fallen into disrepair for a long time, so let's check it later."

The senior brother patted his chest, and the dust rose again.


A little boring.

Jiang Shouji closed the phone screen, opened the bed, took a few breaths of fresh air, and went back again.

Turn on the screen again, and a window message pops up——

[Your post is suspected of violation and has been deleted]

'Jiang Shouqin, did you post anything?'

Jiang Shouji curled her lips, ignored it, and continued to chase the drama happily.

When it was 3:50, she got out of bed and got out of bed.

First, I ordered some walnut dew into my dry eyes, and then grabbed the Soul Eater Jinglian and wanted to put it back in the urn.

There was resistance.


Jiang Shouji leaned down and looked at the roots of Soul Eater Jinglian like barbs, partly hooked on the bed, and partly hooked on the senior's pants.

She patted Soul Eater Jinglian and whispered: "Hey! Little Soul, let go!"

Tugging again, there is still resistance.

Jiang Shouji got up, went out quietly, and took the big scissors back to the kitchen.

It was the Soul Devouring Jinglian who was lying flat on the bed. He "stands" on his own, jumped out of the bed silently, and ran back into the urn.

Jiang Shouji patted the lotus of Soul Devouring Lotus, put the scissors in place, turned it back into the body, and fell asleep on the bed.


"get up!"


Jiang Shouji felt like she was being lifted up, and she kept being shaken.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Shouqin's mouth curled up triumphantly.


With a flick of his tail, Jiang Shouqin's hand was opened. Jiang Shouji fell into a human form and rushed forward, hitting Jiang Shouqin's abdomen.


Jiang Shouqin's face was blue and purple, and he squatted on the ground holding his stomach.

"'s not fair, you obviously dumped me too!!!"

Jiang Shouzheng held a toothbrush in one hand and a water cup in the other. He came to the door and asked vaguely:

"what happened?"

"It's okay." Jiang Shouqin stood up immediately, shaking slightly, but still smiled, "Brother, when should we start practicing?"

"Immediately, get ready." Jiang Shouzheng's eyes looked back and forth between Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin, and said.

When Jiang Shouzheng's figure was no longer in front of the door, Jiang Shouqin squatted on the ground again, and said tremblingly:

"Hurry up, give me the walnuts."

"I just didn't work hard, you are such a weak chicken!" Jiang Shouji quickly picked up the walnut dew and handed it to Jiang Shouqin.

Jiang Shouqin raised his head unceremoniously, tons tons tons tons tons tons...

After drinking clean, his complexion changed, and he laughed:

"Sister, the fish oil belongs to you today~"

"Jiang! Shou! Diligent!" Jiang Shouji pinched her knuckles and gritted her teeth.

This time, Jiang Shouqin did not give her a chance and ran away.

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