My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 193: What Do You Want?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!It's noon, so hungry, I can't even enter the book.

Chen Yuan closed the book and put it back in place.

To prevent Jiang Shouzheng from running away...


"Hey, do you want to eat?" Chen Yuan asked in a low voice, rubbing his stomach.

"I'm not hungry." Jiang Shouzheng responded. He can fasten anyway, and the plot is in good condition.


"But I'm hungry." Chen Yuan nodded Jiang Shouzheng's arm again.

"Then you go eat it yourself." Jiang Shouzheng frowned slightly.


This time, before Chen Yuan spoke, Jiang Shouzheng got up and looked at Chen Yuan helplessly:

"you win."

Thinking of Chen Yuan's persistence in the morning, Jiang Shouzheng gave up his plan to "tug-fight" him.

Walking out of the library, Chen Yuan stretched his waist greatly and asked, "Student Jiang Shouzheng, do you have any recommendations?"

"There is a beef restaurant next to it." Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, and walked in one direction.

Jiang Shouzheng walked by himself, and Chen Yuan quickly followed.

"Hey! Wait for me!"


Under the library, there is a refined beef noodle restaurant.

There is a blackboard hanging outside the door, which says "①This shop can only be made of AA; ②The boss is thin, 50% off".

'Am I the kind of person who will let you treat and take advantage of you?'

Chen Yuan glanced at Jiang Shouzheng and curled his lips.

"You can get 50% off for exaggerating thinness. Then I'm satisfied with him. Why don't you give me free?" This is Chen Yuan's first visit to this store. He muttered to Jiang Shouzheng, "Why do you use this Look at me?"

Jiang Shouzheng twitched the corner of his mouth and walked in by himself.

Chen Yuan followed and saw the lump of "Roshan" behind the cash register, and muttered to himself after a long pause:

"I'll buy it at the original price."

When the boss saw Jiang Shouzheng, he raised his head and asked in a naive way, "The third child?"

"Yeah." Jiang Shouzheng pointed at himself and Chen Yuan, "One serving per person is the third one."


The boss got up, Chen Yuan felt that the flesh on his body seemed to be shaken, and the tiger with the tiger head vest seemed to have come alive.

After a while, two bowls of noodles were served, with a clear soup and little water.

"It's ready, take it slow."

Chen Yuan fished the noodles again, glanced at the boss, stepped forward and asked in a low voice to Jiang Shouzheng:

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, I'm afraid this is not a black shop? There is no beef in it?!"

"Isn't it the fat boss who ate it! Wasn't it the third child you just ordered? Why is it just a bowl of noodles?"

"Yes, this is beef noodles without beef." Jiang Shouzheng raised his eyelids and pointed to the noodle soup in front of him. "Soup, noodles, vegetables, three things, I eat like this, the boss remembered. I am the third child."

"You save too much." Chen Yuan smashed his mouth and greeted: "Boss, give me a plate of beef."

"it is good."

After a while, a plate full of Dangdang...Bai Zhan Ji?

And the chicken is still whole?!

I go!

To play?

What I want is beef!

As soon as Chen Yuan thought of getting up to ask a question, he felt heavier and sat down in the chair again.

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head vaguely at Chen Yuan, and smiled at the boss:

"Thank you for the beef."

"You're welcome." The boss waved his hand and returned to his original position.

Sitting as before, fixedly looking out the door.

The noodles were a bit raw, there was no salt in the soup, and the white chicken was not smashed well. They were skewered together...

The only commendable place is the green vegetables...They are fresh.678 reading novel

The chicken tastes good and it will be finished soon.

What about noodles...Chen Yuan couldn't eat after a few mouthfuls, but watching Jiang Shouzheng's point of "Don't waste", he gritted his teeth and continued.

Seeing Chen Yuan whose cheeks were bulging and chewing and swallowing hard, Jiang Shouzheng put down his chopsticks and asked, "Who told you that I was in the library."

"Yao..." Chen Yuan responded subconsciously, but hurriedly covered his mouth and swallowed his face, "No one told me that I just came to the library to study and I ran into you."


Jiang Shouzheng nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Turned on the phone and sent a text message to Jiang Shouqin: "I didn't say anything in the future, so don't reveal my whereabouts to others. Ps. I hope that when I go back, you have leaped a thousand times (remember to make Jiang Shouji video Testify)."

After a while, Jiang Shouqin replied: "Alright brother, I will supervise~"

This meal made Chen Yuan very uncomfortable. He thought that the food at school was already unpalatable enough, but he didn't expect there to be even worse.

"I'll see how I pay later." Jiang Shouzheng greeted after eating.

When he arrived at the cash register, Jiang Shou was looking at the boss and asked, "How much?"

The boss lowered his head, counted his fingers for a while, stretched out his hands, opened his palms, and said to Jiang Shouzheng:


"You are very skinny." Jiang Shouzheng said, with a sincere appearance.

"That, five."

Jiang Shouzheng scanned the QR code to pay and showed it to his boss.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Chen Yuan also noticed the boss’s "weirdness". Following the appearance of Jiang Shouzheng, he stepped forward and asked, "How much is it?"

The boss still counted his fingers, opened his hands, and pushed ten times:

"One hundred, one hundred."

Chen Yuan flashed a hint of sympathy right now, and wanted to pay directly.

But the boss's face changed and he was a little anxious. He turned around a few times and waved his hand nonstop: "I, am I not thin! Are you not thin!"


Although Chen Yuan knew that the other party was not malicious, but the figure was there, it still scared him back tactically...


Hit several chairs behind him.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, help me, my waist flashed." Chen Yuan's expression was a bit painful.

"No problem, it's just a little scratched, no flashes." Jiang Shouzheng opened his heavenly eyes, reached a conclusion, and helped Chen Yuan up.

"Hurry up and tell the boss he is so thin." Jiang Shouzheng whispered in Chen Yuan's ear.

"You... are so thin." Chen Yuan felt the position of his conscience for the first time when he said this.


Chen Yuan paid the money and left with Jiang Shouzheng.

After walking for a while, Chen Yuan asked, "What's wrong with that boss?"

"Cerebral palsy, he will double every time he settles his account. He knows he is wrong, but someone has to say that he is thin before the account is corrected." Jiang Shouzheng stepped onto the library steps and responded flatly, "If you don't tell me he is thin He knew that he was wrong, but he couldn't express it, he would be very anxious and anxious."

Chen Yuan looked at Jiang Shouzheng's back--

Jiang Shouzheng probably told me in this way, don't treat him differently?

Isn't he not social, but doesn't want to socialize?

Is this implicitly suggesting to me?

"Why did you take me to that store?" Chen Yuan asked before Jiang Shouzheng entered the door.

"Because it's cheap, isn't it obvious?" Jiang Shouzheng stubbornly said, "Besides the library, all but the store are expensive, and one person can't come for less than 50 meals."

Chen Yuan: "Nothing else?"

Jiang Shouzheng: "How many do you mean?"


"Senior Sister, you shameless!"

"I will only tell you the reason, but there is no guarantee that you will not be punished. Jump on you!"


"Senior Sister, is it a thousand?"

"Almost, only nine hundred and seven."

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