You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!For Wang Fei and Xu Liang's official visit this time, apart from inviting Jiang Shouzheng to study in Kyoto, nothing seemed to happen.

However, it is rare to meet people who have seen the world in Kyoto, Jiang Shouzheng naturally has many questions to ask.

"The epiphany, will it affect the foundation?"

"will not."

"On the basis of the same aptitude, the same understanding of the cultivation technique, and the same location, etc., how can the speed of cultivation be increased?"

"According to the rumors, it is okay to transform into three cleansers in one gas."

"Who is in charge of Heavenly Court?"

"do not know."


One question and one answer, maybe Jiang Shouzheng asked too many questions, so Xu Liang and Wang Fei who were rushing to answer were dry and had to take advantage of Jiang Shouzheng's time to ask questions...

Gulu Gulu Gulu~

The water in the big pot boiled, and Jiang Shouzheng got up to cook some noodles...

"Sit down first, I'll cook the noodles."

When Jiang Shouzheng was farther away, Xu Liang and Wang Fei hurriedly sat cross-legged and began to practice. Unfortunately, the bladder protested shortly after they practiced.

"Let me relax and relax!"

The two got up, walked two steps, their stomachs smashed~

"That, Jiang Shouqin boss..." Wang Fei asked after learning Luo Shi's name, "Where can I explain it?"

Jiang Shouqin pointed to the outside: "There are so many trees outside, just find one."

After speaking, he whistled leisurely—


Standing on the side, Xu Liang was clever and left with a trot.

Wang Fei, who had a car crash on the road just now, limped to keep up.



When the two were watering the same tree, Luo Shi, who just happened to be sweating, passed by.



Adhering to the "common sense", Luo Shi stopped, all fat trembling, standing behind them, gasping and greeted them politely.

Xu Liang: "......"

Wang Fei: "..."

Jiang Shouji, who was sitting at the door of the Taoist Temple eating chicken and covering his eyes, laughed "hehe".

Jiang Shouqin leaned against the door, facing the sky, staring down...

Jiang Shouzheng came behind them without knowing when he said solemnly:

"You are already human. You have to abide by the rules. Don't look around. You will have needles."

This is the truth given to Jiang Shouzheng by the old Guanzhu.


Because of the chicken in her mouth, Jiang Shouji responded very vaguely.

He raised his head and glanced at Jiang Shouzheng, smiled and turned into his body.

Jiang Shouqin also learned something, turned into a soul-eater and lotus...

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the kitchen knife that he had not put down, and couldn't help thinking about a question——

If the raw materials are fox meat and lotus, how to make the dishes delicious?

Oh, don’t think so, sin, sin...




Wang Dazhuang slumped his eyes, leaned against the wall, looked up at the hanging bottle indifferently, drop by drop...

These "medicine" will eventually flow into their veins and then restore their physical strength.

"Sir, you can choose to sit down." The nurse looked at Wang Dazhuang's profile, blushing, and couldn't help saying.

"No, it hurts to sit down..."

Wang Dazhuang sighed heavily and curled his lips helplessly.

When speaking, the whole person is lazy, looking like he is unlovable.Feiku Novel Network

Suddenly, a strange "wind" blew by and took away Wang Dazhuang's wig...

A faint bass sounded in the nurse's ears:

"Don't like people you shouldn't like."

"Don't thank me, this is what Xu should do."

Looking at the wig on the ground, Wang Dazhuang let out a light "~La~", and the drips stopped...

Bend down, picked up the wig, and put it right.

Wang Dazhuang's clear eyes became muddy, and his mouth was also the sound of vicissitudes of life, and the surrounding breath was like the old man in Shen Mu:

"Donor Xu, you are too much."

The voice floated, but no one responded.

Wang Dazhuang seemed bored and leaned against the wall again.

The temperament of the whole body is restored as before.

Drop by, continue to fall.

The nurse opened her mouth, said "Ah-", and then shut her mouth.

Wang Dazhuang "strangely" said: "Sister Nurse, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing?"

The nurse left, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes...I was wrong just now?Is my current taste like bald head?...Because I like it, so I have an illusion?But having said that, Mr. Wang's bald appearance in my imagination is also very handsome!


Although there have been many laymen in Guanzhong, they left after they "achieved" their goals.

Jiang Shouzheng could still go to the library to study as usual. Before leaving, he gave the Guanmen Yumen Shuaiwai to lock the Guanmen.

Jiang Shouqin, who doesn't have a mobile phone to play, and Jiang Shouji, who doesn't have a computer to touch, took a ride when Luo Ya left on a tricycle.

There is no one in the view now.

There is no business in the noodle restaurants in the early morning.

Holding a bench and sitting outside the noodle restaurant, Jiang Shouqin "rubbed" the braised duck legs, and Jiang Shouji "rubbed" the braised chicken legs, not to cause trouble for Luo Ya who was mopping the floor in the store.

Jiang Shouqin ate the duck leg meat clean, chewed the bones finely and spit it out, shook his hand on the ground, and the oil stains fell off.

"Lotus, out of silt but not stained."

Then he walked into the noodle restaurant and said to Luo Shi, "Is there anything I can do?"

If you eat someone else's, you have to do something.

Regarding cleaning, Jiang Shouqin considers himself an expert!

Although I and my senior sister take turns on duty, he cleans them all...

Practice makes perfect!

"Boss Jiang Shouqin, I can do it alone." Luo Ya wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead with the towel on his neck, and hurriedly refused.

"If you don't arrange something for me, Qingfeng Shui, I won't provide it."

You give me duck legs, I will do my best.

Want me to owe you?No doors!

Seeing Jiang Shouqin so persistent, Luo Shi felt it was time to suggest that bold idea in his heart...

After listening to Luo Shi's introduction, Jiang Shouqin shook his head and said:

"I have thought about your suggestions about functional drinks. At that time, I wanted to be the younger brother of drinks....As I matured, I have given up this idea!"

"However, you let me be an'ambassador', to attract popularity and solicit business, but there is no problem."

Luo Shi took the liberty of asking if Jiang Shouji wanted to participate together?

"No, my younger brother can just replace me!"

"Yes, just have me!"

Jiang Shouqin is eager to fight.

When Lin Ru came, I asked her usual slogans and said silently several times in my heart, simple!

The sun is rising, and when it comes to lunch, the flow of people gradually increases.

Jiang Shouqin took the megaphone and blew it. After he was sure it was useful, he shouted:

"Friends, take a walk and take a look..."

People passing by turned their eyes to Jiang Shouqin.

A feeling of being hung on a tree suddenly rose.

"Uh... the special herbal tea here, no... don't drink without money!"

Lin Ru blinked, not—

Is it not good to drink without money?

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