My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 240: I've Slid.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Three belts and one."



In Ge Zhu's house, a small square table, Ge Daying, Ge Zhu, and Jiang Shouji all looked directly at Jiang Shouqin.

"Don't look at me. I'm just four threes. Do you want me to play the cards!" Jiang Shouqin fiddled with a four in his hand. He decided. If no one plays a card later, he will play first. A four, let's talk about the scattered cards...

"Do you still want to play cards?" Jiang Shouji put one hand on the table, and when he tried hard, the whole person leaped into the air and pounced on Jiang Shouqin, "Blow me? We are in a group!"

However, before Jiang Shouji pounced on Jiang Shouqin, her body hovered in the air.


At this time, Jiang Shouqin said "I forgot" as if waking up from a dream, then stared at Jiang Shouji, and said strangely: "Sister, you can fly?"

"Fly! Brother is here."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shouqin subconsciously wanted to lift the table and escape, but his body was also "set" in place...

"Boom boom boom."

Outside the house, there was a knock on the door, and Jiang Shouzheng's voice came faintly: "Excuse me, is anyone home?"

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji struggled more and more intensely. Of course, their struggle can only be shown in their facial expressions...

"Say no one."

Jiang Shouji gave Ge Zhu a command. Although he knew it was futile, he still wanted to struggle.

"No one!" Ge Zhu yelled obediently, and said freely, "Really no one! Don't knock on the door!"

Although Ge Zhu is not very clever in cultivating Taoism, and he is not as talented as his grandfather in learning Eagle Language, but the minds of the people in the market are thorough——

Jiang Shouzheng will not toss him, Jiang Shouji will.


Outside the house, it was quiet for a while, clicked, the door latch automatically unlocked, and Jiang Shouzheng pushed in.

"Wow! Brother, you have become amazing again!" Jiang Shouji caught a glimpse of Jiang Shouzheng, and the corners of her mouth twitched. By the way, she gestured to the cards on the table. "Brother, we were playing kitten fishing. Do you remember that you handed it in? For me and my younger brother, but they taught us new ways to play."

They specifically refer to Ge Zhu and Ge Daying, who are sitting facing each other.

"Don't rely on others." Jiang Shouzheng watched Ge Daying's feathers explode, but he didn't dare to resist, and said amusedly, "Don't worry, I won't blame you for the stubbornness of my younger brother and younger sister. "

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand, causing Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji to float by his side, lifted their shackles, and led them away from Ge Zhu's house.

Ge Daying jumped off the bench and knelt down on the ground: "Thank you for your forgiveness."

Ge Zhu walked to the door, leaned, and waved at Jiang Shouzheng's back.

When Jiang Shouzheng walked a little farther, Ge Zhu's mind relaxed a little. After taking a few heavy breaths, he realized that his back was completely wet. He walked to the table step by step, but he hadn't waited for him to put his cards. After putting it away, a gust of wind blew all the cards into the cauldron burning stove. The dark red charcoal inside ignited the cards all at once, and the room became hot again.

After a while, the playing cards burned clean, and their remaining ashes floated out and fell on the table——

I hope you don’t take my younger brother and younger sister out of harm, otherwise...

I haven't finished writing these words, I don't know if there is not enough ashes or I haven't thought about how to punish...

But anyway, this is a warning, and Ge Zhu still understands it.

And Ge Daying, he is illiterate and doesn't know him at all, even if his words are big...

"Quickly tell me, what did the adult write? Is it the practice experience that the adult used to pay for the money after Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji lost money?"

Ge Zhu wiped the sweat on his forehead and didn't know when, looking at the anxious look of the great eagle, he pointed to the words on the table and said:

"Eat less snacks and sleep more. Practice and practice moderately. Come on..."

After saying this, Ge Zhu spread his hands:

"Lord Daying, look, this is the cultivation experience of the adult Qingfengguan!"

"According to the advice given by this practice experience, can I go to rest?"

These days, letting the chickens go, but Ge Zhu has been so busy, especially when a cock wants to be the boss, he will be singled out...

He, of course, can win easily, but he can only win with a little advantage, and he can't break that chicken...

That chicken, or even the entire chicken flock, had to be kept by Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin. He didn't dare to deal with it.

This also led to the chicken with no brains, one who can win by himself, harassing Ge Zhu every day, challenging the authority, and making the other young cocks in the flock eager to try and look like they are going to rebel.12 Novel Network

In order to solve these problems, whenever night falls, Ge Zhu will smear into the chicken coop and grab the cocks one by one. No matter how hard they struggle, they just break their mouths and use them to hold oil. Resist the funnel and pour rice into it.

This lasted for a few days, and the effect was gratifying——

Those little roosters were fed fat and flopped twice, they lost their strength, their combat effectiveness plummeted, and they lost their aggressiveness.

Ge Zhu temporarily kept his dominant position.

"How do I feel that you are lying to me?" Ge Daying's eagle face made a skeptical look as far as possible.

"How can I, Great Eagle, you are my Great Eagle, how could I lie to you." Ge Zhumian said without changing his expression.

"Explanation is to cover up, and to cover up is the fact."

Ge Daying just doesn't know how to read words, and it's not that he doesn't know what to say.

Seeing Ge Zhu's panic just now, this sentence is definitely not what he just said.

In order to get the correct answer, it flapped its wings and flew, grabbed Ge Zhu by the shoulder, and lifted him up, in order to prevent him from destroying the scene.

Ge Daying is not very sensitive to the shape of the font. If the ashes are scattered by Ge Zhu, it cannot be restored.

"Pull out your phone, take a photo, convert it into text, and let the system that comes with the phone read it by itself..."

"Master Great Eagle... how did you do this?"

"Hey, this is what I learned from Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji. They came across words that they didn't understand. That's how they did it, Sun Thief, are you dumbfounded?!"


"Play less cards in the future."

"Yeah." Jiang Shouqin + Jiang Shouji.

"Read more books."

"Yeah." Jiang Shouqin + Jiang Shouji.

"I didn't blame you."

"Yeah." Jiang Shouqin + Jiang Shouji.

Jiang Shouzheng, who was walking in the front, paused, turned around and looked at his feet 120 degrees apart, his legs straight, his five fingers pressed together, his hands stretched straight, his abdomen, chest up, head up, and eyes. Jiang Shouzheng stretched his shoulders back.

"Are you...studying penguins?"

"Walk well."

"Yeah." Jiang Shouqin + Jiang Shouji.

Jiang Shouzheng sighed slightly. With such a reaction, I really don't know what to do with them?

Jiang Shouzheng didn’t want to talk anymore during the next journey.

The essence of human beings is a repeater?


The nature of non-human beings too?


When he reached the door of Qingfengguan, Jiang Shouzheng paused, frowned, opened his heavenly eyes, and looked into Qingfengguan...

One minute......

Two minutes...

The senior sisters and younger brothers standing behind Jiang Shouzheng squeezed their eyebrows at each other. Finally, because Jiang Shouqin's strength was not strong enough, Jiang Shouji pushed him forward and hit Jiang Shouzheng's back.


Jiang Shouqin fluttered into the sky faster than he had come, fainted in the air, and turned into his body.

Jiang Shouzheng felt relieved and had to "catch" Soul Devouring Lotus, fearing it might break.

"It scared me to death, but fortunately I didn't go."

Jiang Shouji looked at the wilted and deflated Soul Eater Jinglian, and patted her chest in fear.


"Hey, it's interesting, slipped away!"

ps. Change first and then change.

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