My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 242 Listen to me.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Coach, I'm sorry, I learned to drive a little later today."

"I see, is it all right?"

"never mind."

"I'll hang up if it's okay. You don't need to check what time, just call me at this point."

On the other end of the phone, after Hu Congcong murmured a few words, Jiang Shouzheng's phone was hung up.

Jiang Shouzheng checked the time. It is 6:47 in the morning...

Jiang Shouzheng has been awake for more than two hours. He has finished incense, punching, cooking, eating, cleaning...

The speaker just turned on, Jiang Shouji, who turned into a body, jumped from Jiang Shouzheng's arms to the ground, filled with indignation:

"Brother, this person is too rude to speak."

"and then?"

"Then, then I should teach him a lesson." Jiang Shouji clenched her fists and waved to the air.

"and then?"

"Then, then, then..."

Jiang Shouji whispered, while pacing around the square——

"It is impossible to fight. The other party is a mortal. As a lady, he must lie in the hospital's ICU with a serious punch. Since it is a lesson, then he must start from where the other party is most concerned. , The most important thing for adults is money. Should I find a way to make his money less? But what should I do? I have nothing to do with him. I have to find someone to take all his money.. .... Who? Who can?"

Jiang Shouji had a flash of light in her mind and palmed with a boxing: "Yes!"

She wanted to share with her senior brother the method she had figured out to punish people safely, but Jiang Shouzheng dialed another number, and she had to shut up temporarily.

This time, Jiang Shouzheng was not hands-free.

"Hello, is that Master Gu?"

"Yes, yes, I'm Jiang Shouzheng, uh... you are right to be the number one in the college entrance examination this year."

"Yes, yes, that's the address you mentioned. You got up at five o'clock to get the goods? You are already at the intersection now? It's really troublesome for you!...No problem, I have no problem, you are now Just drive in, see you later!

Jiang Shouzheng hung up the phone, glanced at Jiang Shouji, and asked:

"Why did you look at me like this just now? Have you figured out a way to teach others?"

"Yeah." Jiang Shouji nodded, with a smug look on her face, "Brother, you certainly can't think of my method, it's definitely not illegal, nor will it violate the moral conscience of the human world, but I am 100%, No, ten thousand! I'm ten thousand percent sure that my method can achieve the purpose of teaching people, do you want to hear it?"

"I have something to do now, please tell me later."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng walked towards the door of the Taoist temple.


Jiang Shouji opened her mouth, and finally took a deep breath, walked down to the quiet room, and squatted beside the urn of Soul Eating Lotus.

"Sister Xiaobai, what's the matter with you?" Soul Devouring Jinglian pulled herself out of the urn and transformed herself into Jiang Shouqin's appearance, sitting cross-legged in front of Jiang Shouji, asking with concern.

"Little soul! I have a very good idea, do you want to hear it?" Jiang Shouji raised his head, looking at Jiang Shouqin with piercing eyes.

"Can you make money?"

Jiang Shouqin hasn't slept well since he "promised" to lend the money to his brother last night!

According to the smart bracelet he bought by himself, for the same length of sleep, last night's deep sleep was lost by ten minutes!

He even had a dream, dreaming that his only one thousand yuan left was gone.

Therefore, in addition to the daily partnership with Luo Shi and Lin Ru, he "urgently" needs a way to make money besides providing Qingfeng Shui!

Then all the money earned is deposited in the bank on a regular basis, so that the brothers can't borrow it!The sixth book

Seeing that Jiang Shouji did not respond, Jiang Shouqin asked repeatedly:

"Sister Xiaobai, can you make money?"

"No." Jiang Shouji told the truth.

"Then I am not interested."

The eagerness on Jiang Shouqin's face disappeared and he was about to get up.

However, his right shoulder was held by Jiang Shouji's left hand, and then he saw Jiang Shouji's small fist waving and gestures on his forehead, as if he was thinking about where to knock.

"Sister Xiaobai, I was suddenly very interested in the method you just said!" Jiang Shouqin said with a serious face, "I want to hear it now, I shouldn't be called by anyone!"

"That's right!" Jiang Shouji patted softly and opened her mouth, "I tell you, my method is about..."

At this point, Jiang Shouzheng's voice came from outside: "Shouqin, come out and help!"

"Hey! Brother, I'm right now!" Jiang Shouqin's expression suddenly became energetic, and he poked in the direction of the door, making it difficult to say, "Sister Xiaobai, look..."

"go Go!"

Jiang Shouqin left the quiet room in a trot like a pardon.

"Huh! One by one, without listening to me, they are angry!"

"I'll go by myself. My method has been realized. Then, brother, you will definitely take a look at me and praise me for being smart."

Jiang Shouji stood up, akimbo, pointed at the door of the quiet room that had just been closed, and wrinkled her nose slightly:

"You all show me, you will definitely cheer for my attention!"

Quiet outside, in a small square.

"Shouqin, this is Master Gu, the builder who entrusted Yao Genmin and Yao Uncle to help us find Qingfeng."

"Master Gu, this is my junior brother. I have to go to the mountain to learn how to drive today. He is the supervisor!"

According to the etiquette taught by Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouqin stretched out his right hand and grasped it with Master Gu's rough hand.

Master Gu’s expression was a little surprised. He glanced back and forth on Jiang Shouzheng and Jiang Shouqin, and exclaimed: "If you don't say this is your junior, I would think this is your younger brother."

"Ah." Jiang Shouzheng pursed his mouth and smiled, "This may be fate."

Taking advantage of this emptiness, Jiang Shouqin interjected: "Brother, what is supervision?"

"It's the supervisor, watching Master Gu and the others strengthening the fence of our Taoist temple."

"Oh!" Jiang Shouqin nodded suddenly, patted his chest and said, "Senior brother, don't worry, it is my money, I will definitely not let them cut corners!"

Upon hearing this, Master Gu’s face was a little angry, but it was more embarrassing, and waved his hands again and again: "We have a reputation, otherwise President Yao would not recommend us to you? Some guys live by cutting corners, we It’s not the same. We used to grow crops. Even if we were workers, we would do our duty and be down-to-earth."

"Yeah." Jiang Shouqin nodded, somewhat old-fashioned, "If you really behave well, I will give you clear feng shui, that is a secret drink I developed! Normal people can't drink it."

With that said, Jiang Shouqin rushed into the hall, ran to the kitchen, took a glass of clear feng shui, and handed it to Master Gu: "Come on, taste it!"

"Delicious!" Master Gu took a sip, then drank it all.

"Yeah! It's delicious! Does it taste great!"

"The taste is this!"

Master Gu said, giving a thumbs up.

Seeing that Jiang Shouqin and Master Gu had already known each other initially, Jiang Shouzheng did not plan to delay the time to learn to drive.

"I knew that Master Gu and their construction team were already waiting outside at the intersection, so they didn't ask the coach for leave. By the way, it just happens to be free now to hear Xiaobai's ideas."

Jiang Shouzheng thought about it this way, and pushed open the quiet room door. The inside was empty, only the window near the wall was opened...

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