My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 244 Don't ah ah ah ah...

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Really?!" Hu Congcong's question sounded a little urgent.

"Of course, how could people lie to you?"

"Okay! Go to remarry now! No! Remarry! My money will go to you in the future, I only need to eat!"

Hu Congcong immediately put his hand on the floor, took his wife and walked into the room.

The hukou is in the second drawer from the top of the bedside table on the left side of the master bedroom, and there are spare photos in it...

Daylight saving time, now drive to get married, too late!

Since his wife divorced Hu Congcong on the grounds of buying a house based on policy, Hu Congcong has suffered insomnia all night long!

In the gossip, how many people are "true divorces" because of "false divorces"!

He used to think, isn’t the marriage certificate just that piece of paper?

But now it's different, he knew it was called a contract.

"found it!"

Hu Congcong found the household registration book in the cabinet-

Hold your hand and drag the child away.

Hu Min, who watched his parents go violently and still at the door of the house, was a little at a loss. He looked around and lowered and asked:

"Ben Xian and Pen Xian, are you still there?"

"Sister Bixian, where are you?"

This time, after waiting for a long time, Hu Min didn't get a response.

She thought about it, and took out a pen from her pocket. Before she could make any movement, the pen seemed to be alive. It broke free from her hand and fell to the ground. The tip of the pen touched the ground quickly. When I wrote it, it made a sour sound:

"Congratulations, your wish has come true, and your parents are now on their way to get married."

"I hope you will continue to work hard, study hard, make progress every day, and be a good baby for mom and dad."

"Burn after reading."

The words on the ground also burned after Hu Min read it, leaving a gray spot on the ground.

"Is it like this? That's great!" Hu Min jumped up with a surprised look and looked at the pen still standing in place. She remembered the game rules written by sister Bixian when she summoned the pen fairy. Reluctantly said, "Thank you Bi Xian sister! Goodbye Bi Xian sister~"

As soon as Hu Min's words fell, the pen lost its "vitality" and fell to the ground.

Hu Min knelt down, picked up the pen, carefully wiped the dust on it, and put it back in his pocket.

This pen, she wants to commemorate a lifetime!

However, the most urgent task now is to move back home the things I bought at the vegetable market with my father just now.

"Really, adults one by one won't make people worry!"

"I have to move!"

Hu Min's tone was complaining, but there was a smile from the heart on her face...

However, this smile disappeared completely after the bag of rice was scattered all over the ground.

"It's over! It's going to be beaten!"

"Can you ask Bi Xian for help with this kind of thing?"


"Little ghost Zhuang Keke, I have seen Master Jiang Shouji!"

Seeing the ghost in front of him and wanting to shake hands with herself, Jiang Shouji politely stretched out her hand and shook it.

Jiang Shouji swings upwards, Zhuang Keke swings downwards...

This is a formal greeting without texture.

Jiang Shouji retracted her hand in embarrassment, scratched her cheek, and quickly changed the subject:

"What were you doing just now?"

"I'm looking for something to do for my ghost student to see if he can have a chance to become a god. I am practicing according to the requirements of the god of skewers!"

Being a god...does it have anything to do with pretending to be a god?

Jiang Shouji felt that a big question mark had grown on her head, but she couldn't ask.

He was also called "adult" anyway, Jiang Shouji nodded calmly, expressing that he understood, and said calmly by the way:

"Do you think you have a chance to become a god now?"

Zhuang Keke looked at his transparent body and shook his head regretfully:

"It seems that there is not much improvement for the time being. After all, the number of people I serve is not large enough, and it is not possible to conclude how to let people provide the power of faith."

"I believe that with my unremitting efforts and the selfless teaching of the god of skewers, I will definitely be able to sum up my path to becoming a god!"

"Being a pen fairy is not enough, a dish fairy, a dish fairy is not enough, a chopstick fairy, a bowl fairy, a book fairy, a mirror fairy, a table fairy, a pot fairy..."

This is taught by Ye Cuilian, the god of skewers, to Zhuang Keke. Zhuang Keke refined it according to his own understanding, and Zhuang Keke called it "the development strategy outline for ten years into a god"——

First, keep human emotions; LeTV Novel

Second, keep interacting with people;

Third, find what you like and continue to do it, such as eating skewers...

Jiang Shouji nodded intently, but thought in her heart: "My brother taught me to use questions to elicit the answer from the other person. Why do I think this method is not very good?"

However, before Jiang Shouji planned to Zhuang Keke, Zhuang Keke's expression changed slightly, and he owed Jiang Shouji and said hurriedly:

"Master Jiang Shouji, God Gu Deng has spoken on all channels, I have to hurry back! There is no way to continue chatting with you."

"Go go." Jiang Shouji waved her hand, looking like she didn't mind.

When Zhuang Keke floated away before her eyes, Jiang Shouji couldn't help but vomit:

"Let you continue, maybe there will be any toilet fairy or toilet brush fairy..."

"But why does Gu Yu have meetings again? Didn't he know that meetings are boring? Like our Qingfengguan, they never have meetings."

Talking about it, Jiang Shouji resounded Hu Congcong's "exceeding common sense" answer...

"Human beings are really too complicated. It clearly deprived him of control over his property. Why is he so happy?"

"Fortunately, I didn't share my method with the seniors and seniors. Otherwise, it would be a shame!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouji stretched out her hands and pouted:

"If I have an even number of fingers, then I will forgive brothers and brothers for not listening to me for being impolite~"

"Yeah~ It's really an even number. I went back. I have to go back to have dinner."

Jiang Shouji jumped up and turned into a white fox on the ground...


The college entrance examination is now a national examination.

In view of the complexity of the data, the province ranking first, and then the national ranking, after the national ranking is determined, each school can draw its own score line, waiting for the college entrance examination candidates to come to the bowl, oh, no, it should be said to fill in volunteer!

Of course, due to the need to keep personal information confidential, individuals will only see personal information when the national ranking is announced...

Now, it is 3 minutes before the national ranking is announced...

The principal of Linjiang No.1 Middle School, the dean of academic affairs, the teachers of each class, etc., all sit in the same office.

The principal sitting at the front kept refreshing the interface for querying the results of the college entrance examination. He looked forward to it, and he looked forward to it!

This is the query interface for logging in with Jiang Shouzheng's account and password...

"If, if Jiang Shouzheng really gets the first place in the country! Then no matter how Jiang Shouzheng shirks, even if I personally come to the door, I have to let him show me the first platform! However, Jiang Shouzheng's nature should not be given I save face, or, I try to deduct his scholarship? This might have some effect."

Now, it is 2 minutes before the national ranking is announced...

"I have accepted your business card... You don't need to repeat it. I know that the basic salary is 20,000 yuan, and I can talk about it if it is not enough... Rest assured, no matter what my choice is, I will definitely Send you a message."


After closing the door heavily, Wang Qiang took a rough breath.

"Hahahaha, Teacher Wang, is it exciting?" Kong Li leaned against the head of the bed and said amusedly.

"Eh, you give me a right word, I choose a training institution or a school." Wang Qiang pulled the collar, "The HR of these training institutions is now squatting on me endlessly, and I am about to be They were crazy. They just held it in the toilet, the big one, when they looked up, there was a man's head "hanging" above the door and directed at me-hey...I was going crazy... .."

Kong Li imagined the scene for a moment, clutching his stomach, a little bit of air:

"Stop it! Say it again, I have to laugh and faint!"

"By the way, the national ranking of the college entrance examination is coming out. Let's wait for the news together."

"I heard that Jiang Shouzheng's account and password for checking grades was obtained by the principal with a 1,000 yuan scholarship?"

Wang Qiang sat next to Kong Li and complained: "Your husband is valuable now. Don't change the subject for me. After Jiang Shouzheng's results come out, you must give me an answer. Otherwise, my heart, The last one, nothing happened!"

"Know it!"

Kong Li "pecks" Wang Qiang's cheek.

Now, it is 1 minute away from the announcement of the national ranking...

"Master Gu, trouble you!"

Jiang Shouzheng waved goodbye to Master Gu's motorcade. He just said that he was full and he had to leave.

Closing the door of Taoist Temple, Jiang Shouzheng asked Jiang Shouqin who was sitting on the steps and playing with his mobile phone:

"Didn't we have no food in Taoist temple? What did Master Gu eat?"

"They didn't eat anything, they just drank a lot of water, and they were full." Jiang Shouqin raised his head, a little speechless, "They are just a few people, and they drank all the water in a jar. They are really buffalo!"

After speaking, Jiang Shouqin got up and asked, "Brother, do you want to eat?"

"Wait a second to see if Jiang Shouji will come back."

Now, the national ranking has been announced...

The white light suddenly shines in Gudeng God's domain!


"do not come!!!!!!"

"Don't ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

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