My apprentice is invincible

Summary of Volume Two

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It's too early to finish writing the testimonials.

Then write a testimonial at the end of the volume to "supervise" yourself to continue working hard, and rationalize your thinking.

There is no charge anyway, feel free to take a look.

[1-This is a period of growth]

① The title is more concise and to the point of the chapter;

②Do not deliberately calculate the number of updates per day in the title, and make the writing as refreshing as possible;

③In the early stage, the post was stabilized at 0:00 and 17:00, and later due to work reasons, it was adjusted to 23:50 and 23:55 to give readers a stable reading experience and a controllable rhythm;

④The mood, writing status and life are not described too much at the end of the chapter;

⑤ From explanation to relief of the content of the first few chapters of the novel, if you can understand the reader, you will naturally understand;

⑥ Work, life, and writing novels have gradually found a fulcrum of balance. Although this fulcrum is very weak and I often work overtime, I am like a clown in life, trying to maintain balance.

There are many places to grow up. Looking back, I am relieved.

People always grow up gradually.

[2-Core points throughout this article]

I am the author, and my opinions are naturally supported by stories——

Probably twelve years ago, or earlier.

In winter, it was cold, but there was no snow.

in the afternoon.

In a rural haystack, there are two playful children.

They learned the plot of throwing grenades on TV, leaning on a haystack and setting off firecrackers.

The two of them lost together, and I don't know whose firecrackers caused fire.

Looking at the pinch of flames.

Both children panicked and froze in place.

One stepped forward, the other shook his head and ran to call the parents.

About two or three minutes, people are called.

However, the fire is booming.

No matter how you flutter, the tongue of fire is constantly pushing upwards.

Remember the fire, from the flame to the "volcano", the highest almost jumped to the wire on the pole.

Fortunately, there was not much hay, so it burned for a while, and then stopped, causing no economic loss.

Except when stepping on the fire, the soles get confused.

I am the child who ran to call the parent.

I follow the school’s teachings, the teacher’s teachings, and the parents’ education.

But at that time, when there was only a handful of flames.

Stepping on fire is the most correct choice.

Whenever I think about it, I will think about it, what to choose, and divide things, people, and scenes.

I was right to call someone.

But it might be better if you step on the fire with your partner.

Therefore, in this book, when each character makes a choice, I rarely use writing to evaluate and reflect the psychological activities of the person who made the choice.

Because I think every choice, as long as it is not illegal, in fact, there is really no right or wrong.

The key point [I think] only represents a personal point of view, so at present, this book is written in this way.


That partner, we only separated from the child when we mentioned that his parents took him out of the city.

Now, I can remember, where I lived, turn left when I go out and keep walking, then I can get to his house;

I can remember his TV, connected to the CD player, can play Ultraman CDs;

But I actually forgot his name, sad.

Growing up all the way, it really is accompanied by forgetting.Read the book

I really hope that I have Jiang Shouzheng's ability and never forget it.

Remember all people, all things, all good and bad moments.

Can be remembered, can be memorialized.

Whether happy or sad.

[3-I always want to express something, but the pen power is very limited]

I like to read Shuangwen and I have tried to write, but I feel a little awkward how to write.

Maybe when you are old, you will blush when you say those words that make you a little shameful.

Therefore, in order to feel comfortable, I would like to write a story that is worthy of two or three.

This book is a try.

About marriage.

Two "contradictions" are consciously written in this book.

One is the gentleman and noble, the other is Lin Ru's parents.

I did not focus on describing their living conditions, but focused on their dialogue and behavior.

Try to be concise.

If you write too much, it becomes emotional.

About "gambling".

One is Wang Miaoke's parents, a pure gamble.

One is that the Feng family is popular. At the last moment, they abandoned the family's foundation and took a gamble.

I personally think that there is no right or wrong to take a big big by small, but the person who places a bet often only sees the benefits and ignores the capital——

They have forgotten whether they can bear it if they lose.

About education.

There are old masters, Wang Qiang, Fei Chuan, Xue Dazhi,...

Attitudes about inheritance.

There is Jiang Shouzheng, there is Fengxingsong, there is Wang Fei,...

about love.

Some students' immature confession after graduation, Kong Li's "willfulness" kept Wang Qiang from going out to find a job,...

About responsibility, about sadness, about ideals...

I want to write a lot.

But because of pen power, and from the perspective of the reader (I count as an old reader).

I try to cover it with a layer of cloth.

Readers, don't like preaching, neither do I.

So in my article, I wrote one story after another to make readers as coherent as possible.

But if a reader can untie that layer of cloth and taste something in the laughter, it will probably make me happier.

4-About the data

The grade of this book, the first order did not exceed 100, maybe 80, maybe 90.

Anyway, I didn't remember it at that time.

In terms of data, this is a typical book that needs to be cut.

Without official recommendation, no book list, no py, no publicity, crawling and simmering, to the current 300 jun, really lucky.

It’s really good to have comments, subscription support, and rewards.

Dear readers who support the original version, we may not pass by in this life, but your subscription has made my life a little materially improved.

Thank you.

[5-Keynote of this article]

The tone of this article is still daily-oriented, seeing more people, encountering more things, and understanding life. Perhaps it is not attractive enough in online articles, but I like it.

How many things can a person do that he really purely likes in his life?

I'm very lucky.

See you next volume.

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