My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 255 Divine Envoy, It's You! (Seven thousand a day, please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The road uphill does not mean that all roads are uphill.

Jiang Shouzheng held the handlebars of the car, the potential energy was transformed into kinetic energy, and the wind around his ears grew louder...

He feels that he is about to fly. If he releases the driving handle and spreads his hands at this time, it probably feels like flying.

But the front of the car is unstable...

Jiang Shouzheng thought about it like this, and by the way, he read the gecko he had just seen back to the tree.

After cleaning up the hill just now, he can already "operate" more and more skillfully——

Regardless of whether there is a person or a car, consider from the most secure and safest point of view, first "shoot" an invisible enchantment;

Then look at whether there are surveillance cameras nearby. Jiang Shouzheng has his own spiritual sense to perceive surveillance;

If not, then you can rest assured to "sweep" and arrange things that he thinks shouldn't exist in that place.

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the frightened gecko crawling up the tree trunk and smiled:

"If you continue to climb like this on the road, you risk being crushed by the car."

"Of course, if this road always exists, this risk will always exist. It will save you once, right?"

At this moment, the sound of an ambulance whistling came from afar, and soon the sound went from far to near.

The ambulance drove past Jiang Shouzheng in a hurry, like a race.

"Did something happen up front?"

Jiang Shouzheng was a little curious, and subconsciously kicked up the bicycle to speed up the car.

There was a sharp turn ahead, and Jiang Shouzheng squeezed the handlebars tightly.


"Still angry!"

"Hurry back to the hospital!"

"Which one of you will come with us?"

This downhill was in an S shape. Jiang Shouzheng rode down and saw a man with his left hand and right leg broken. The bones were pierced out of the flesh, and blood gurgled out.

Jiang Shouzheng pressed the handbrake, pulled over and stopped.

He had just met this person, one of them riding to death.

Beside the crowd, there was a dead fly that fell to the ground, and it seemed to have fallen very badly.

But this time, no one cares about the car.

Jiang Shou was listening to the crowd outside for a while, and then he knew--

This person released his hand on the downhill Jiang Shouzheng had just rode, and let Shifei "go" by himself.

I stepped on the foot brake when it was about to make a sharp turn, and because the car was too fast, the hand didn’t come and remembered to grab the handle of the car and turn around. The car hit the railing by inertia... the car suddenly turned over. Down.

Fortunately, there are slopes between the "S"-shaped downward slopes. People are turning and rolling down. If they fall straight down, they are almost out of breath.

"But now I don't have much anger."

Jiang Shouzheng can clearly feel that a new soul is about to be born here.

"Hmm... I don't have to go to school to give a speech in order to celebrate, I don't want to see bad luck, go!"

Jiang Shouzheng extracted a small part of the mana from his body and turned it into a net, wrapping the person's body.

The silk thread of mana wrapped that person tightly, and absolutely prevented the soul from showing through.

Of course, this also has a time limit, probably more than ten hours.

Ten hours later, if the doctors did not save his body, then Jiang Shouzheng would have no way...

Jiang Shouzheng is just a person, and the bridges such as changing his fate against the sky are only in ancient books and novels. Where does it come from in reality?

At most, we should contact familiar gods again to see if we can bring down some miracles or something, so that the chances of the body being rescued are greater...

Jiang Shouzheng muttered in a low voice, "Gu Yu has a man here. See if you want to try to rescue it."

What can be done, what can be said.

Jiang Shouzheng left the crowd of onlookers, he continued on his bicycle and left...

Jiang Shouzheng was not interested in taking pictures and posting to Moments.

These things take up memory.

There were no major accidents along the way. It was still picking up trash and sweeping small animals crawling around on the road...

After waiting for the corner in front, Jiang Shouzheng arrived at the training track.

Now that there are not too many people on the training ground, Jiang Shouzheng also found a place to stay.

When it comes time to train, the person arranged by Coach Hu Congcong should contact him.

Turn on the phone and see if there is any news today, Linjiang's top search list——

# Linjiang Kaoshen used things#

What is this?

It seemed that it was about himself. Jiang Shouzheng clicked in and took a look. This is a topic of discussion. The nickname of the hottest account is "Dong Er Ting Lu Yuan". This nickname is very familiar to Jiang Shouzheng. This is Chen Yuan for himself. Taken...


"Brother, are your statistics tables ready?"

"Don't urge, don't urge, I will have to post meridian stickers any more. Didn't you see that my fingers are about to take off!!!"

"Cut, if I can type blindly, I will definitely be faster and more accurate than you. When you type and delete words, the error rate is too high!"


Chen Yuan urged Chen Guang while playing with the water pump.

Chen Guang rolled his eyes at Chen Yuan, his hands still tapping quickly on the keyboard...

If it's someone else, just let him knock it himself!

Who made Chen Yuan his younger brother!

And what Chen Guang entered on the computer at this moment is Chen Yuan's usual "account book" for doing business!

This recorded Chen Yuan's every business dealings, and it recorded the names of all the people who had business dealings with him.

If this "ledger" falls into the hands of the dean of education before graduation, it can definitely make the teachers of the school's discipline office busy to death!Love 999 novel

But how can Chen Yuan, who thinks that he is morally, intellectual, physical, and well-developed in a prudent and comprehensive way, trouble the teacher?

He is a good student!

A good student who ranks in the forefront of every exam score!

But occasionally bring some comics, novels, snacks, etc. to school to give classmates a point. The school is relatively tolerant to students with good grades...

Chen Yuan also studied hard based on this, doing business outside, but not earning money in school.

In the school, the only competitor for Chen Yuan is the owner of the commissary...

During his studies in the first middle school, Chen Yuan did all kinds of business, renting comics, renting novels, reselling snacks, entrusting sports students to go out of school to buy delicious purchases and then resell them...

These are monopolies!

And he took the risk!

"If you are caught by the teacher, you say that I did it!"

"You are not buying this product, but spending this money to avoid risks!"


The above businesses are monopolized, but they all involve risks, costs, and losses.

But selling things that Jiang Shouzheng has used is a zero-risk, no-cost, and no-loss business!

"Selling the first thing you have used in the school, would you dare to sell it at such a high price?" Chen Guang was speechless as he entered the information on the bill.

"What do you know! Do you know how much effort I spent to sell these things!"

Finally all the loops of the water dispenser were fastened, and Chen Yuan carefully put the water dispenser on the table, fearing that the action was too fast, and let the ring float out again!

"Tell me, what effort did you spend?" Chen Guang rolled his eyes at Chen Yuan, "Isn't it just to resell the calendar that Jiang Shouzheng tore, the one-page draft paper that he wrote?"

"Cut, there is a lot of knowledge in this! Why can only I sell in our class? Why can I eat this "business", I will come and talk to you, anyway, I have graduated, this secret is hidden in my heart It’s been a long time, and I need to share it with others, otherwise it can suffocate me."

"Say it, I'll listen."

Chen Guang squeezed his fists, knuckles made a crackling sound.

"First of all, I have to attach a value to the'product' that Jiang Shouzheng has used! As you see from my account book, you should also know that when transactions between me and Jiang Shouzheng are basically free, why?" Chen He rubbed his chin from a distance and assumed a wise man's posture.

"Yeah, why?" Chen Guang also felt strange. "When you have a deal with others, you can bid as high as you can!"

"I can't see this? Of course it was for Jiang Shouzheng to lend me his notebook for copying!" Chen Yuan palmed his hand with a boxing hand. "For those who bought Jiang Shouzheng and used the'product', I would attach Jiang Shouzheng. I want to copy my notebook, one price, and I want to ask for a copy directly, but another price. You don’t know, every time I make copies, I’m afraid that the owner of the copy shop at the school’s entrance will steal my business, that fat guy Savvy is dead! Want to scan, hey, no way!"

"I'm going?! Can this happen?" Chen Guang looked at his brother with a dazed expression.

"Don't stop, continue fighting!" Chen Yuan urged Chen Guang, like a black-hearted boss, "I have a second point!"

"That's not enough?!"

"Of course not enough! I have also read marketing books specifically to sell things! I not only want to add practical value to Jiang Shouzheng's'products' used, but also to add'spiritual' value to him!" Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows, as if you came to ask me.

"What do you mean?" Chen Guang did not understand the truth, as Chen Yuan asked.

Of course, you have to type the keyboard well when asking questions.

"You think, at the beginning, Jiang Shouzheng's notebook was definitely scarce. Although I only gave Jiang Shouzheng a part of his notebook every time, as long as the notebook is available on the market, you can borrow my notebook. Let me take a look at you. Everyone exchanged ideas, got together, and they all lived together. The only troublesome thing was wasting time. So I used Jiang Shouzheng’s notebook as an excuse, just to open the market, and I didn’t think about it. Really relying on this to make money, I definitely can't let Jiang Shouzheng's used'things' and the value of his notebook be equated, but to make his things worth so much!"

"So, you haven't told me what'spiritual' value is..."

"This... this spiritual value is that I have combined some online meditation, prayer and other methods... so that everyone can selectively relax their brains in their spare time. ..... For example, we have a unified slogan, Ah Zheng~"

Chen Yuan spoke very tactfully, and Chen Guang thought for a long time before he understood.

"I go?!"

"Understood?" Chen Yuan twitched his lips and smiled: "It took me nearly three years to get the value of Jiang Shouzheng's things to reach these values... According to my return visit, buy People who have learned Jiang Shouzheng’s things have performed at a super level during the college entrance examination! I have already listed the data on the account book. You will enter it for me and make a table. When the time comes, the real name will be hidden and the improvement will be improved. For scores and the like, use ranges such as 10-20 points, 20-30 points, and 30-50 points to segment, and express them in the form of graphs...After Jiang Shouzheng ranked in the national college entrance examination... ...I opened this market. I naturally have to pick the last fruit. I still have a lot of Jiang Shouzheng's goods that I haven't sold yet!"

Seeing Chen Yuan's smile like a little fox, Chen Guang put his hand on the keyboard and said seriously at Chen Yuan:

"Brother, are you sure you want to report to psychology? Don't think about marketing, I think you are very talented in selling things."

Hearing Chen Guang's words, the rustling on Chen Yuan's face disappeared:

"Brother, I think what is more important than making money is that I want to find answers to the puzzled questions in my mind."

"What is the problem, maybe I can give the answer, you don't need to find it. If I don't know, I can still ask my roommate, my classmate, my senior sister, my teacher... .." Chen Guang said seriously, "I don't think there is any problem worthy of not choosing a major that suits you. I think you don't particularly like psychology."

Chen Yuan did not respond, stood up and stretched, walked to the window, and drew the curtain to the maximum.

The sunlight leaned down wantonly from the outside and hit his face.

"Brother, the question I want to know more is-why do our parents divorce? This question, others...cannot give an answer."


There was silence in the room, followed by crackling typing.

After a while, Chen Guang asked weakly: "If you sell this batch of goods, can you give me back the money I gave you? You are almost richer than me!"

"No! There is no reason to go back after giving the money! And I forgot to tell you that if Jiang Shouzheng hadn't specially "warned" that he could not help others to put love letters in his drawer, I made money It should be more."

Chen Yuan turned his head and gave Chen Guang a blank look.

After the statistics were completed, Chen Yuan logged in to his account, posted the information compiled by Chen Guang, and made notes——

# Linjiang Kaoshen used things#

After sending it out for a while, the heat immediately exploded.

Chen Yuan and Chen Guang were called by grandma to eat. After breakfast was finished, Chen Yuan went to wash the dishes, washing and washing the whole body, and when the light was restored again, he found sitting in a classroom, standing on the podium, There is a young man who looks similar to Jiang Shouzheng...

"Boy, I think your brain circuit is peculiar, how about being my ambassador?"


"Our slogan is, there are no fat women!"


Jiang Shouzheng's cell phone rang, he should be a colleague of Coach Hu Congcong.

He connected to the phone--

"Is it Jiang Shouzheng?"

"it's me."

"I'm helping Coach Hu Congcong on the shift. Today I am in charge of teaching you how to drive. Well...can you give me your signature?"


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