My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 262 It's Night.

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"Red envelopes!"

"Fight the local tyrant!"

"I beg the boss for a red envelope!"

In the class group, everyone will @chenyuan when they say this.

Even if he was @ at least 99+, Chen Yuan did not make a bubble in the group.

Kong Li clicked to start a group chat, climbed the stairs to the top, and after seeing the whole story clearly, he sighed at Wang Qiang who was preparing for the lesson:

"The richest student in your class must be Chen Yuan. I saw that, except for Jiang Shouzheng who was not playing the rhythm, almost everyone @ him again, but he didn't even say a word. This kind of dough, tusk tusk...The bottom of the circle of friends is also full of comments, and he can actually be patient without replying a word."

While speaking, Kong Li said with emotion: "Brother Qiang, if you have such a face, then our life is definitely not worrying."

Wang Qiang put down the pen, put the cap on the pen, closed the book and said, "If I have the face like Chen Yuan, then my wife is probably not you?"

Kong Li wanted to argue, but found that what Wang Qiang had said was the standard correct answer, so she had no choice but to say:

"That's true. I like your current temperament. If you change into something else, I might not like it."

"There are two peaces in the world?"

Wang Qiang got up and began to wipe Kong Li's body routinely.

The conversation between the couple is full of warmth, but on the other side Chen Yuan is wandering in the night market non-stop.

In the bustling crowd, there are always some unique scenery——

A person holding his hair and holding his head as a lantern; using index and middle fingers as hands walking in the air, with a red eyeball on the back of his hand; a frog bathing in a pan, sometimes breaststroke, sometimes backstroke, The white belly looks very delicious; look, under the light of neon lights, there is a book struggling to fan the title page in the air; and, on the trash can, there is a side panting like a puppy. Green-faced fangs mask...

"Is this the world in Jiang Shouzheng's eyes?"

These weird guys, when they first saw it, Chen Yuan's hands, arms, and body were trembling slightly, even if there was no wind blowing, his body was full of lumps.

Too oozing!

But after looking at it a few more times, I felt it was okay. Of course, the premise of all this was that Kao Shen had told him that these belonged to the gods just like him, but the appearance was somewhat unsatisfactory.

After a few more glances, I discovered that there was a lot of fun in it.

People who are accustomed to seeing the scenery of people and seeing the gods also have a different taste. Of course, the premise is that the chain does not follow behind him like a maggot.

"What the hell is this kid doing? Why doesn't he make a move?"

"I don’t see it. This kind of thief is the leader in the thief world. I can guarantee that this guy will definitely not steal too much. He will definitely only make one shot. Whether he succeeds or fails, he will leave our night market. So, he I will definitely pick the fat sheep who thinks they can protect today's business."


As time progressed, the plainclothes security personnel hanging behind Chen Yuan went from one to five now.

They are all waiting for the kid in front to make a mistake, as long as he makes a mistake, then they will never escape their pursuit!

The habitual offenders in the night market have basically been turned away by them, and now this guy, it seems that he can be regarded as a dragon.

Looking eastward and westward, it is definitely the kind of master who is not only looking for a target, but also thinking about how to escape!

Not only has the ability, but also seems to have the brain.

As a result, the number of security personnel increased to six.

"Boy, the people behind have already regarded you as a thief, are you still going?"

"I don't plan to do anything, so I just walk around and see if I still don't believe what they can do to me, I am not afraid of the shadow crooked!"

"You are wrong, even if you are upright, but if the light is oblique, then the shadow is oblique." Leshuba

Chen Yuan and Kaoshen were talking, and they were not worried at all.

God test:'Anyway, I am a god, and those people can't catch me. Before Chen Yuan steals, no one can take him.'

Chen Yuan:'Anyway, I'm a divine envoy, and I will not let me leave it alone.'

"Stop discussing the question of slanting, I just want to ask the last question, why do your gods wander around the night market in groups?"

"Of course it is to better absorb the power of faith. The more people there are, the more power of faith will spill out."

Kao Shen replied naturally, thinking that he was also the god of the night market!

"Then there are all gods here, where are the ghosts? I grew up so old and haven't seen ghosts in front of me. Take me to take a look!"

Under Chen Yuan's various "beggings", one person and one god left the night market, leaving Chen Yuan alone to leave and blending into the night.

"Head, this guy doesn't seem to steal anything, are you guessing wrong?"

"Uh... we can't patronize our eyes, and we have to think about it! At present, it seems that this guy has not stole anything, but it is not ruled out that this is a capable thief stepping on the spot, making it clear that our night market The distribution structure of the company, and then when we actually do it, even if we discover it, we can still retreat."


"Are all the clothes packed?"

"Packed up."

"Have you taken all the books?"

"Take them all."


One is asking and the other is fulfilling.

Ke Zhenyuan kept answering his father's questions. If it were normal, he would definitely be very angry.

After all, most of the questions raised by his father have already been checked with him when sorting them out. They shouldn't be asked repeatedly. This is very bad, it sounds too much, annoying!

But now it's about to leave.

"Boom boom boom."

"Ke Zhenyuan!"


Ke Zhenyuan yelled loudly, and after giving his father a hug, he picked up his old suitcase that his father had distributed to the army and walked outside.

Standing outside the door was the middle-aged uncle with a square face in the Chinese character. When he stared at Ke Zhenyuan, there was no expression at all, but when he saw Ke Zhenyuan’s father, he smiled:

"Old squad leader"

Ke Zhenyuan's father waved his hand: "Where am I still an old monitor!"

"As long as you are the squad leader one day, you will be my squad leader for the rest of my life!"

After a little greeting, Uncle Guozilian patted Ke Zhenyuan's left shoulder heavily, making him groan uncontrollably.

"It's not bad, the bones are quite strong, so the physique will not be eliminated in the first round of the body side!"

This is probably a kind of praise, Ke Zhenyuan grinned.

"Ke Zhenyuan, is there anything else you want to tell your father?"

I have said everything that needs to be said, and I have explained all that should be explained, but now is the last chance to communicate with my father, and I always have to say something.

Ke Zhenyuan thought for a while and said to his father:

"Apologize for me and my classmates, I can't go to the party anymore."

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