My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 270 Unprovoked Dance!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Kong Li's health is still not good, even if she speaks firmly, it is impossible to eat Buddha jumping over the wall, nor to drink soup.

But let her watch Wang Qiang eat alone, that...impossible!

Therefore, Wang Qiang's heart was dripping blood when the attending doctor held up the jar and drank the last drop without any image.

After being locked at the door, Wang Qiang heard the doctor's instruction to the intern:

"Look, this is the respect that patients have for us. As long as we maintain the benevolence of doctors, they will respect our profession and reward us and make money. It is not our purpose of being a doctor, our purpose... ."

Wang Qiang was shaking his hands, holding his chest, and roaring in his heart:

"I would rather give a red envelope!!!"

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Kong Li's smile, but he changed to rubbing, frowning:

"It's weird, I've been doing push-ups seriously during this period of time. Why didn't these chest muscles grow?"


When the sun is sinking, there will occasionally be a wonderful view, that is, it will "jump" from the horizon again, as if it is unwilling to say goodbye to the people in this world.

"What? Have you met a ghost? You don't want to patrol, but you should respect my IQ and pick the time, okay?" Fang Bin put down the camera in his hand and pointed at the sun that just jumped out of the horizon, and said helplessly, "Sun I haven't gotten down the mountain! When the sun goes down, you say such things under the red lantern in front of Qingfengguan Gate, and I might get a little hairy."

"I did not lie!"

"We are not lying!"

Seeing that they still wanted to take them to see, Fang Bin immediately stepped back and avoided: "Yeah, you just assume that you are not lying."

Such an attitude makes it clear that he doesn't believe in himself, so he must let him see with his own eyes.

However, Fang Bin's following sentence made them look at each other:

"You don't still want me to take a look at the scene? If it's true, do you want to experience it again? If it's not true, your taking me over is just to make me more convinced that what you said is false. So, shouldn’t the conclusion be that I don’t have to go there?"

In the team, they say that Fang Bin is very good at persuading people. This time, they have gained insight.


"We are going to take a leave."

Fang Bin waved his hand and approved.

Seeing the other party packing his backpack and leaving, Fang Bin curled his lips:

"I don't know how many bird droppings are buried in this place. For someone like me, it's terrible!"

"If you go with you and step on it again, isn't that terrible?"

Thinking of what happened to him just now, Fang Bin shuddered!

... the stench of fermentation!!!

Back with his hands on his back, Fang Bin took out his mobile phone and started playing a puzzle game installed in the mobile phone...

In order to avoid accidental factors interfering with the progress of his interview, he has turned on his mobile phone in airplane mode and cannot connect to the Internet.

With his elbows propped on his thighs, Fang Bin started to clear the level step by step.

The obstacles encountered in the interview process are like the deliberate levels in this game, which can always be overcome.

However, based on the current basically zero progress, Fang Bin felt that besides blocking the door, he might have to change his mind.

He will not do things like interviewing school teachers and classmates that are "bad streets" and "nothing new"!118 novel

If you want to do it, you have to do a hit.

How can we achieve amazing results?How can it be interesting?How can I give my interview depth?...

I keep filtering the highlights of the news in my mind-reunion, birth without raising, and join the fun if it is good...

Join in the fun... fun... fun...

Thinking of the people who didn’t see Jiang Shouzheng’s front face but spoke with certainty, Fang Bin straightened up. If they were allowed to come here and cry so loudly, it might have a certain effect, regardless of the facts. He only needs to record this scene...The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks it is feasible.

Live?Or recording...

Fang Bin is constantly working on perfecting the ideas that have just come up in his mind, considering the conflicts and contradictions that may arise, especially the adverse effects on his career.

He is a bold person, and he is also cautious. Only when he considers risks carefully can he face "controllable risks" without going forward without considering the consequences.

After all, it has been considered, and there is no need to flinch.

While he was immersed in planning in his mind and fiddled with the game interface from time to time, he asked about a slightly weird fragrance, which seemed to be a perfume, but not any one he had asked...

Is someone coming?

Fang Bin raised his head, but found that he didn't know when, the surrounding environment had all changed its appearance——

A red candle was lit on the square wooden table in front of you, with nuts such as peanuts and melon seeds on it. The square wooden table seems to have been around for some years, with cracks on it...

"I'm going! What the hell?!"

Fang Bin looked around. It was a place like an ancient wedding room. Next to him, sat a gorgeous-looking woman. These features, this figure...this is not his ideal type. !

"Oh, no, no, no! Now is not the time to think about this! Now you have to figure out where you are!"

Before Fang Bin's thoughts were firm for a second, he looked at the red lips of the gorgeous woman next to him, as if angrily:

"Msang-gong, don't stare at people like this, you haven't drunk you after you hand in a glass of wine!"

"Hand over wine?"

Fang Bin lowered his head, he was no longer holding a mobile phone, but a glass of wine...

"Sang Gong, let's drink a cup of coffee."

The woman's words were not finished yet, the surrounding environment shook, his body shook, and after he stood firm, he found himself standing on a lotus plant. The woman in front of him disappeared, but a beautiful-looking person appeared. youth.

Before Fang Bin could ask what happened, the young man punched him in the face and knocked him into the air.

"Senior sister, what are you going to do with this person!"

Fang Bin hit the lotus and slid down the petals.

The young man stepped forward slowly, muttering "Also, the routine is too old" and so on, and kicked Fang Bin's abdomen hard.

Fang Bin groaned lowly, his body bowed into a shrimp shape...

"What is your head doing?"

"I don't know. Who knows what he is doing, seems to be... imitating?"

"As the person who climbs the fastest on our platform and can catch the news spot most, this may be a genius. A genius is always different from us."

"Perhaps, the head is dancing..."

Under everyone’s puzzled eyes, Fang Bin flicked his phone fiercely, stood up with a pensive expression, but his actions were to cover his face for a while, his stomach for a while, and a squat to hug him. Hold your head and cover your crotch for a while...

When doing these actions, his expression was still serious, as if thinking about something.

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