My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 273 Welcome to Shangougou Civil and Martial Arts College!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng has a "comrade" brother.

Even the admissions office teachers at the entrance did not think that things would turn around like this. After all, no one had ever told them that Jiang Shouzheng had a brother.

These two people really look alike!

Jiang Shouzheng finished asking the question, but no one responded after waiting for a few seconds, so he took a step back:

"Since no one has lost twins, please come back. Qingfeng Temple is a clean place and I don't plan to receive you."

After saying this, Jiang Shouzheng closed the door.

The whole process did not exceed one minute.

"Brother, will there really be your parents outside?"

"No, if there are blood relatives, I think I should feel it. If there is no feeling, then it is not."

Seeing that Jiang Shouzheng started to pack up the things for learning to drive, he overturned the wall and left.

Jiang Shouqin wondered: "How do you know that you will feel when you meet your blood relatives?"

"Bang bang bang."

"Jiang Shouzheng, open the door. I am the teacher of the admissions office of the Shengougou College of Civil and Martial Arts. I think you have a unique bone, a unique talent, and a natural appearance. If you don't want to be tired by the college entrance examination results, come to us. College! Our college’s enrollment standard is somersaults. The admission requirement is to turn two hundred somersaults in one go. We can let you go. As long as you can turn ten in one go, we will accept..."

The person outside the door seemed to have his mouth covered before he finished speaking, and only a loud "huh" sounded.

"What kind of person! What kind of school! Is this a brother who looks down on me?"

Jiang Shouqin rolled his eyes, and was quite disdainful of those who had just enrolled. "Ten somersaults, I can also do it."

Jiang Shouqin backflips ten somersaults. As soon as he stands still, he feels something is wrong, but...but there seems to be nothing wrong.

After walking a few steps, a piece-"Notice of Proposed Admission" fell out of his pocket.

"Dear Jiang Shouzheng:

Congratulations on completing the admission criteria of our Shangougou College of Civil and Martial Arts. Our college is committed to cultivating students with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, and beautiful. It aims to let students experience the mysteries of nature and themselves in their study and life, so that students can see a difference. The same wonderful world.

Only students with fate can enroll, you are very fate!

I look forward to your report to our school with this "Notice of Admission". Please open the GPS map to find the specific address of our school. Thank you.

——Shangougou College of Civil and Martial Arts."

Just after Jiang Shouqin finished reading, this "Notice of Proposed Admission" was turned into a flying back in Jiang Shouqin's hands, and it was combined into a few big characters in the air——

Come on if it feels magical!

Jiang Shouqin fiddled with it at random, and the word disappeared.

"Fantastic fart, isn't it just a blindfold?! Want to fool my brother but fooled me on my head? No level at all!"


The matter exceeded Fang Bin's expectations, and no one thought that Jiang Shouzheng would have a brother of a compatriot.

That person looks a little immature, so he should be regarded the time being, it's just a brother...Huaxia Chinese

The scenes of acknowledging relatives that he thought would appear were not staged. The travel expenses, accommodation expenses, and catering expenses that he personally paid out of his own pockets seemed to be just a waste.

"Leader, this baby is not my family's child, my family can't give birth to such a handsome baby." A rough-looking man, blushing and rubbing his hands, "I want to go home, can I pay the fare for the home? Reimburse it?"

Seeing that a group of acquaintances were about to come up, Fang Bin waved his hand quickly and motioned his deputy to deal with these trivial matters, while he himself hid in a clean place...

"Orphans, orphans, they should have been thrown away at the same time. Since Jiang Shouzheng has finished the college entrance examination, so should his younger brother. Why is this younger brother not mentioned in all media interviews?"

"Perhaps, his younger brother didn't take the college entrance examination at all! Why did he not take the college entrance examination? Maybe it was because of insufficient money and only enough for one person to study. The elder brother studies and the younger brother works?"

"This kind of news is not unheard of. The warmth is a little more tender, but not deep enough and conflicted...Because of the money, the elder brother robbed the younger brother of the opportunity to study? Such contradictions and conflicts have also emerged. ....."

Fang Bin was thinking wildly, and after reporting the lack of funds in front of his deputy, he sighed deeply:

"If you don't have any money, you can stop everything. Did you just take a frontal photo of Jiang Shouzheng?"


Fang Bin was not surprised by this answer. After all, the unprovoked thunder caused everyone to lose their minds. He did not hear the shutter sound of the camera...

He didn't even count on whether someone was recording.

After all, the cameras were down, and the people just now were scared.

He is no exception, otherwise, how could he be asked casually by a young man and then honestly said the answer?

It stands to reason, only he can ask questions.

"In this case, let's take a picture of the surrounding environment, mark a vague address, and use an unofficial account to post Jiang Shouzheng's life status. Incidentally, let's mention that Jiang Shouzheng has a younger brother. Then use Our story number, write some contradictory and conflicting articles."

The deputy blinked his eyes and understood the meaning. When there was no way, he squeezed out all the valuable things...

The story is more important than the truth.

At this time, Fang Bin's cell phone rang again, and the leader called again.

This time, he answered the phone openly:

"...I have no money, I am going to go back, so don't worry about it..."


A person was dragged past Fang Bin with his mouth covered, and Fang Bin subconsciously avoided a little while watching his sloppy cloth-like clothes.

He was relieved when he was dragged farther.

Too dirty!

How can it be so dirty?So careless about your image and hygiene?

I just heard him knock on the door, it seemed to be "Shangougou Civil and Martial Academy", and I don't know what Pheasant University it is!Actually ran to the entrance of the national college entrance examination champion to recruit students...

"However, since the teachers of this kind of university admissions office can find Jiang Shouzheng's residence, it means that the place where he lives has begun to leak. Then when we wait for the news, the location here may be more clear... .... Jiang Shouzheng also seems to be a Taoist temple. For those parents who want to seek blessing, it is always okay to come here to serve Zhuxiang, right?..."

My thoughts became more and more jumping out, and I was only separated from myself when I saw the hot news, and my heart became more depressed!

"I must have been frightened by the thunder just now, otherwise it is definitely not what I should have done!"

"It's also possible that I'm too tired these few days. Last night... I danced like that during sleepwalking..."

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