My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 278: On the Road.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Ye Cuilian was just spitting out when she was sputtered by a group of mock attacks like "Single Dogs".

Could he do anything to Wang Qiang? This time the power of faith in him is basically equal to him, but Wang Qiang is an individual and cannot be used, but the simple ability to avoid disasters can still be done if he Learn to manage the source of this power of faith, maintain stability, and when he dies, he can completely transform into a ghost.

Maybe, you can directly belong to the second Linjiang God Test God, the kind that does not require interviews and running-in.

"Old Tie, do you want to die?"

Of course, this kind of question cannot be asked, nor dare to ask...

I observed Kong Li again and saw that there was no bloody disaster on her body recently. To be on the safe side, she threw a few blessings on her-"Walk not to fall", "No one takes the elevator", "Food to eat" All are safe and nutritious", "You can maintain a good figure while sitting", "Enough breast milk",...

I gave everything I could think of, and Ye Cuilian's divine power at his disposal was almost exhausted, and he had to go to Jiang Shouzheng for charging.

Before leaving, Ye Cuilian split herself into another group and threw herself in Kong Li's earrings, keeping in touch with Kong Li. If there was a problem, he could feel it in time.

This is the person whom Jiang Shouzheng called the teacher's wife, flattering, you have to shoot the whole set, especially when the person is away.

This is the experience he has gained from gathering ghosts during this time...

Pray to God Gu Deng, and after receiving feedback from Jiang Shouzheng's current position, Ye Cuilian floated away.

When wandering in the hospital, He still tried to be careful and cautious.

Those who stay here are either sick themselves, their family members are sick, or they can be cured.

They are all classified as "ill", so they are not allowed to go to the doctor in an emergency, begging for something, and begging for something useful.

For example, Lin Ru, the girl who was helped by herself, has always had good luck after her eyes were cured by herself. She begged for three amulets written by the boss Jiang Shouqin. In case any spirit body that is not sure good or bad is marked by the amulet, That was basically a sacrifice to the boss Jiang Shouqin, regardless of whether it was a ghost or a god or something else.

Don't be sure that others will have this kind of luck. He now stands at a higher angle, he has a wider knowledge, and he is more careful. He was so stupid and bold before.

On the other hand, those who can cure diseases are more or less protected by the power of faith. Those are from the people they have helped. They provide the power of faith steadily and continuously. Ghosts and gods are difficult to approach. , Really, my fate is my fate.

It's like he now has to pay a high price for Wang Qiang to be able to exert influence.

Going around in the hospital, Ye Cuilian finally floated out of the hospital, floated her body high, stabilized on the channel of the lower god of Linjiang, and floated seriously in the direction of Jiang Shouzheng.

The power of idle faith is born most during the time when you wake up in the morning and when you are off work. There are also many gods who are looking for food outside. Occasionally, when I see seniors, I take the initiative to say hello.

"Why is this bald head still in Linjiang?" Girls' novel

Looking down at Wang Dazhuang who was selling laxatives in a wig, Ye Cuilian vomited. When Wang Dazhuang raised his head, he immediately glanced away.

This bald head, but the mother god has paid special attention to it, can never be offended; if it is offended, the mother god bluntly said that there is nothing he can do, and the only way to try is to ask Jiang Shouzheng for help.

Continue to follow his own "route trajectory" towards Jiang Shouzheng. During this time, Jiang Shouzheng was driving Ye Cuilian very clearly.

Anyway, he also cleaned up all the dead souls who had been in car accidents on those roads, can they make them sick to Master Jiang Shouzheng.

This kind of clean-up is mainly done by talking and supplemented by deterrence. If someone has been bloody or has been bloody in a car accident, then there is no need to talk about it, just "pack" it and send it to the boss of Jiang Shouqin urgently. Out processing.

Now, Ye Cuilian can pat her chest to ensure that Linjiang is the "cleanest" and that the treatment should be handled. As for the new "comrades", the mother goddess has spent a lot of money to design the "soul gathering array", the core formation is Jiang Jiang Shouzheng gave him a mana ball that seemed to be the smallest so far.

The mana ball is too big, it is not attractive, but terrifying.

The qualitative change caused by the quantitative change is terrible!

"I don't know how many mana balls Jiang Shouzheng will give me. I have to hide these mana balls. In case my body burps, the rest of the souls can swallow the mana balls directly to complete the resurrection... ...."

Thinking about it, Ye Cuilian came to the supermarket and looked at the dazzling array of goods. He swallowed, but he wouldn't eat this kind of plastic-packaged food. After she ate it, there would be no firewood and no taste. The chain reaction is too big, and one or two things are easy to deal with, but if the matter becomes serious, then it is dead...

After all there is a problem, not all people deal with it as a kind of fun like a street on skewers, and then everyone creates the god of skewers in a playful manner, as long as someone raises the question of bad Feng Shui or " "Evil", ghosts and gods, are gods, but they can’t run away from ghosts. When he just passed by Wang Dazhuang’s "pavement", he had seen that in addition to selling laxatives, there were catching ghosts, exorcism, and shaved heads. Look His enthusiasm when selling things, he is not allowed to take the initiative to seek business expansion opportunities when he finds "problems", and then find a way to kill himself!

This kind of expert, like Master Jiang Shouzheng, should find someone to start from the beginning...


"Old man, are we being targeted by the spirits of Linjiang?"

Seeing that the clothes of the urban management and law enforcement brigade began to appear around, Wang Dazhuang directly packed his things into his schoolbag and turned to the small alley to escape.

"Not being targeted? So why do these city managers always show up where I do business?" Wang Dazhuang asked as he ran, "You know, I have already inquired about it, and the city managers in this area rarely come to investigate. Urban management just appeared when I came, don’t you think it’s weird?..."

In front of him was a wall made of bricks and cement with a height of at least four meters. Wang Dazhuang smiled disdainfully. There was a mere wall, wanting to stop him?

Wang Dazhuang took off his backpack and threw it away. The next second, he let out a "puff"...


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