You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The university registration is over and the admission letter will arrive soon.

Jiang Shouzheng had already decided. As soon as the admission notice arrived and the driver's license was obtained, he immediately took Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin to Kyoto.

Now the periphery of Qingfeng Temple has become a holy place for Internet celebrities to check in.

Jiang Shouzheng is now very difficult to get over the wall and go out.

In the morning, there were people kicking the door. Fortunately, it was strong at the door. Fortunately, a few blessed rural villagers who did "explanations" to earn some extra money stopped them. Fortunately, they went out of the police station faster...

"Sister Xiaobai, I think I should teach them a lesson." Jiang Shouqin squeezed his fist and shook it forward.

"Please forgive others and forgive others. Our Qingfeng Temple is also a Taoist temple at any rate. Although the useful business license has just been issued, we are registered by Qingfeng Temple and paid social insurance...Employees, we have a responsibility We are obliged to maintain the external image and public opinion orientation of Qingfeng View. We must not let the outside world belittle us a little bit..."

Jiang Shouji was wiping the old gentleman's portrait while teaching Jiang Shouqin. She has always been relatively satisfied with her status as a senior sister, especially this opportunity to look at Jiang Shouqin "condescendingly", she will definitely not let it go.

"Then we don't do anything, just let the people outside make trouble like this?"

"Of course not."

Jiang Shouji smiled slightly, all the men outside Qingfeng's view bent down subconsciously, women...

The crowd soon dispersed.



Entering the ETC channel, Jiang Shouzheng started to step on the accelerator according to the coach's instructions.

On the highway in the morning, there are not many cars, nor is it as "lively" as outside his Qingfeng View, the speed can directly soar to 120.

"The speed can be faster. It doesn't matter if it is over 130."

"Jiang Shouzheng, believe me, there is no monitoring and speed limit photos in front, the speed is directly up to 130."


Jiang Shouzheng held the steering wheel, leaned against the back of the car seat, and continued to inject mana into the body.

Now Jiang Shouzheng has fully understood the use of mana to control the speed of the car. He can already achieve the effect of a sudden deceleration of the car body by containing mana (provided that the tires are not worn).

Jiang Shouzheng has been optimistic about two second-hand cars during this period. As long as he has his driver's license, he can place an order!

The money will be paid as soon as you step on the accelerator.

This kind of life is beautiful when you think about it. As long as you work hard, you will have the equivalent money in your pocket.

I don't want to work hard, so I don't blame myself for having no money.

"130 feels pretty good, right? Adjust the speed to 140!"

"At 140, you need to hold the steering wheel a little bit steady. At this time, the body will shake a little. After all, our one is a coach car."

"Ahead, overtaking!"

Under the command of the coach, Jiang Shouzheng's speed began to stabilize at 150.

"The steering wheel hits the right...I rely on!"


The red coach car slammed into the ass of the eight-wheeled truck.

#Two cars collided, and there was no damage to the body!#


Life is made up of irreversible choices over and over again.

Maybe at a certain point in your life, you will want to return to a certain stage, but there is no feasibility.

The torrent of time has been surging forward.

Your choice, your current behavior, determine where you are ultimately...taken ashore.Literature on the 19th floor

As soon as Fang Bin returned to his unit, he chose to quit his job and devote himself to teaching support in remote mountainous areas.

He believes that there are no things for no reason.

Maybe it is because I have done too many questions that are not in line with morals in order to achieve my own goals.

The problem of not conforming to morals is not necessarily illegal, but he can vaguely feel the boundary between the two.

He wants to atone for his sins.

"Really going? Your future has just started. With your current work resume, you can have better development and greater progress, and you will jump to a better stage..."

The leader at this moment is constantly talking about dreams with Fang Bin, but Fang Bin's mind is full of the appearance of the woman.

The appearance is not very clear now, but the weird inverted scene makes him stand up when he thinks of it.

"Uh...Fang Bin, is the air conditioner in my office too cold?"

"No, no, I was thinking about something."

Fang Bin pushed forward his resignation report: "I have already contacted the teaching team and will leave in the afternoon. This choice is the same as playing chess, without any regrets. Don't persuade you anymore. Thank you for taking care of you for so long, thank you!"

Fang Bin bowed deeply, turned and left the office.

Back to his deck, the surrounding colleagues showed concern.

Fang Bin could feel it, several of them showed joy in their eyes, and even one of them couldn't hold back, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother Fang, do you recommend anyone to be your successor?"

Fang Bin was prepared for such blatant words. After all, nowadays, especially in the workplace, flattering is a euphemism, and striving for profit is straightforward.

"If you have a recommendation, that's you!"

This sentence made most people get the answer, and it spread out all at once.

The few people who really care about have to leave after tapping their shoulders because of the heavy workload.

If it weren't for Fang Bin's departure in a hurry, they would definitely ask if he wanted to have a meal.

But now, there is no time.

Fang Bin’s usual documents are stored in the computer distributed by the unit. Even if he uses the computer he bought to store information, it is directly backed up in the unit’s cloud storage space. The handover is very fast. After he cleans the desktop, the only thing he needs to do The problem is to change the computer password issued to him by the unit back to 123456.

Turn on the power, enter the password, and quickly enter the desktop.

Fang Bin’s desktop wallpaper is dynamic. This time, the desktop that is turned on is a female, and looks familiar.

"Which star is it?"

Fang Bin blinked his eyes, without thinking, clicked to start, to select "Control Panel".

But because of his hand sliding, he accidentally clicked the document, he clicked the close button, but the document did not close——

"I support your choice, and I will continue to follow you."

This sudden appearance of the word seemed to be to take care of Fang Bin's myopia. It was selected all at once, and then adjusted to the "one size" font.


Fang Bin swallowed, and the document automatically shrank.

On the desktop is still the woman just now, Fang Bin finally knows where the familiarity comes from.


The sound from the loudspeaker attracted the attention of office workers.

"Brother Fang, can your computer sound be lower?"

"Brother Fang? You say something back."

"Brother Fang? Brother Fang!!!..."

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